icc_shell> write_stream -help
Usage: write_stream # Write an GDSII or OASIS file
[-lib_name lib_name] (Name of library which stalls the data)
[-format gds_or_oasis] (Output file format. gds(default) or oasis)
[-cells cell_name] (Name of the cells to output)
[-cell_file cell_name_file]
(Output cells specified in file)
stream_file_name (Name of stream file to write)
set_write_stream_options -child_depth 20
-child_depth child_cell_depth
Specifies the number of hierarchical levels below the top level
to write out. The write_stream command exports the CEL view of
each child cell to the specified level of hierarchy. To export
all child cells, specify a large number such as 20. The default
value is 0, meaning only the top-level cell is written.