《Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques》
Chapter 2 presents the background information on power and performance optimiza-
tions and gives a general overview of the related work in the domain covered by this
Chapter 3 describes the memory aware compilation and simulation framework used to
evaluate the proposed memory optimizations.
Chapter 4 presents a simple non-overlayed scratchpad allocation based memory opti-
mization for a memory hierarchy composed of an L1 scratchpad memory and a back-
ground main memory.
Chapter 5 presents a complex non-overlayed scratchpad allocation based memory
optimization for amemory hierarchy consisting of an L1 scratchpad and cachememories
and a background main memory.
Chapter 6 presents scratchpad overlay based memory optimization which allows the
contents of the scratchpad memory to be updated at runtime with the execution context
of the application. The optimization focuses on a memory hierarchy consisting of an L1
scratchpad memory and a background main memory.