While there is a very large glitch and switching noise noise at the output (~Co/Ci) we consider relatively small thermal noise ? Charge pumps are very noisy by design and thermal noise should not be a concern. Any practical reason?
@keken Very keen eye to details but we are not there yet
Vripple正比Iout/(N*Fclk*Cout) good detail if we were into design of the circuit We are at fundamentals Thanks for pointing out anyways.
In general Cin to Cout ratio with R plays the peak ripple for charge pumps. If you calculate particularly for Dickson you can get your result (Iout than a function of Cin and Cout). But this is irrelevant detail here. Our discussion is whether relatively very small thermal noise matters at all while there is an inevitably large Vripple. Or as I asked is there any application requires somehow consideration of thermal noise. I am missing here to imagine a practical application with a such thermal noise requirement, therefore design is not important, so I overlook almost everything. Please someone let us know if any application exists :) Thanks in advance.
Thanks letting me the application, Apprerciated. Natural frequency is low so filtering occurs for glitches. But thermal noise floor is then concern Is it possible to cruse by switching of output and riding on Cout reserve if power not needed continuously and voltage fluctuation is OK. I am not expert on MEMS so ignore this comment if it does not make sense
回复#1 purple_windbell