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当沟道长度减小、电压Vds增加、使得漏结与源结的耗尽层靠近时,沟道中的电力线可以从漏区穿越到源区,并导致源极端势垒高度降低,从而源区注入到沟道的电子数量增加,结果漏极电流增加。沟道长度越短,DIBL效应就越严重。DIBL效应往往与沟道长度调制效应同时发生,因为这些效应都是小尺寸场效应晶体管中容易出现的问题。 Drain inducedbarrier lower, or DIBL is where the depletion from the source and drain Ohmiccontact doping in the channel results in the barrier between source and drainbeing reduced in short gate-length MOSFETs. To reduce DIBL in short channeldevices, the amount of p-type doping in the channel must be increased toincrease the barrier height between source and drain. This prevents electronsquantum mechanically tunnelling from the source to the drain thereby increasingIoff.