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A Frequency Synthesizer With Optimally Coupled
QVCO and Harmonic-Rejection SSBmixer for
Multi-Standard Wireless Receiver
Deping Huang, Student Member, IEEE,WeiLi, Member, IEEE, Jin Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Ning Li, and
Jinghong Chen, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper presents a wide-band fractional-N fre-
quency synthesizer for multi-standard cellular and short-range
wireless communication receivers. The synthesizer covers the
frequency band from 1.8 to 6 GHz and supports the standards
of DCS1800, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, WLAN802.11 a/b/g and
Bluetooth. Architecture design and frequency planning are care-
fully performed to tradeoff wide frequency rangeandpower
efficiency. A quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO)
with a new phase shifter scheme is developed which shows better
phase noise performance and more stable oscillation. Combining
harmonic rejection and single sideband mixing, a harmonic-rejec-
tion SSBmixer (HR-SSBmixer) is developed to suppress unwanted
sidebands and spurious signals. It serves as a power-saving solu-
tion to generate the LO signal for the 802.11a mode by avoiding
power-hungry poly-phase filters or high-frequency LO buffers
and dividers. The synthesizer is designed in a 0.13- mCMOS
technology. It occupies an active area of 1.86 mm and consumes
35.6 to 52.62 mW of power. Measurement results show that the
synthesizer is able to provide in-phase and quadrature-phase (I/Q)
signals supporting the standards mentioned above.
Index Terms—Automatic frequency control, frequency synthe-
sizer, harmonic rejection, multi-standard wireless communication,
phase noise, QVCO, single sideband mixer. |