发表于 2011-1-14 09:45:48
有些人叫這種 capacitor MOM
但是我認為 very confusing.
在不同的 paper 中
我也見過用 MOM 這個 terminology, 結果 device profile 是我們俗稱的 MIM.
Which has better matching property depends on foundry characterization report.
If you don't have this technical report, you can't determine the size of your unit capacitance.
In case you have 5 metal layers or more in advanced CMOS technology, you can implement area-efficient (I prefer calling it vertical parallel plate) capacitors on chip.
Using MiM capacitor will result in one extra mask layer, therefore more expensive than without.
But beware, the vertical walls are built high, and most likely from M2 to M_top.
So the signal cross-couple to the their neighbors are severe.
In order to minimize unwanted signal cross-couple, you want to keep these capacitors away from their neighbors.
From this point of view, MoM is not that area efficient.