发表于 2011-10-25 12:31:16
您好!很高兴认识您,我最近在用XAPP870的时候综合可以通过,但是执行的时候映射不能通过,报错:ERROR hysDesignRules:2270 - Block GTP_DUAL_0 (GTP_DUAL_X0Y0) needs
GTP_DUAL_X0Y5 instantiated: When using a GTP/GTX with a REFCLK coming from
anIBUFDS element near another GTP/GTX, each GTP in between the source and
destination must be instantiated in the correct manner (See AR 33473). If you
don't instantiate these other GTP tiles the software tools will route the
REFCLK correctly, but the design may not work in hardware.
如果方便,麻烦加一下我的QQ:576934228,想请教您一些XAPP870的问题。非常感谢 |