发表于 2010-7-7 15:06:10
[原创] Calibre 2009 & 2010 License Generation Guide
本帖最后由 qin_hawk 于 2010-6-28 09:13 编辑
// Writen by Kein H. Woo
// 11:10 AM 6/27/2010
// This license genarator is for the products of MentorGraphics,
// including Questa 6.4d, Modelsim 6.*, Calibre 2009*, Calibre 2010*, etc.
////////////////////////// USAGE /////////////////////////
STEP1. Modify the MakeLic.bat file before gen a license.dat file
STEP2. Click the Makelic.bat file to gen a license.dat file for your MentorG products.
For more information, read the Howto.txt in the zip file.
Note that, the patchier is exactly the same to that of calibre 2009 used, so if you have downloaded one, you don't bother to download again from here!
please pay attention to this title.
Discussions about any crackers are welcome!
PS. the method for calibre license generation sounds rediculous, you have to install a windows version of MentorG products, better the latest one. see the howto.txt file.
cal_patch2010.zip (364.53 KB)
EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (462.92 KB)
A better way of gen a correct license for linux version products is in the file named NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip. by this way, you don't wanna install a windows version of MentorG software.
NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (3.32 MB)
Thank eyeloveu, this guy has made me think out this better method.
[原创] Calibre 2009 & 2010 License Generation Guide
本帖最后由 qin_hawk 于 2010-6-28 09:13 编辑
// Writen by Kein H. Woo
// 11:10 AM 6/27/2010
// This license genarator is for the products of MentorGraphics,
// including Questa 6.4d, Modelsim 6.*, Calibre 2009*, Calibre 2010*, etc.
////////////////////////// USAGE /////////////////////////
STEP1. Modify the MakeLic.bat file before gen a license.dat file
STEP2. Click the Makelic.bat file to gen a license.dat file for your MentorG products.
For more information, read the Howto.txt in the zip file.
Note that, the patchier is exactly the same to that of calibre 2009 used, so if you have downloaded one, you don't bother to download again from here!
please pay attention to this title.
Discussions about any crackers are welcome!
PS. the method for calibre license generation sounds rediculous, you have to install a windows version of MentorG products, better the latest one. see the howto.txt file.
cal_patch2010.zip (364.53 KB)
EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (462.92 KB)
A better way of gen a correct license for linux version products is in the file named NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip. by this way, you don't wanna install a windows version of MentorG software.
NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (3.32 MB)
Thank eyeloveu, this guy has made me think out this better method.
[原创] Calibre 2009 & 2010 License Generation Guide
本帖最后由 qin_hawk 于 2010-6-28 09:13 编辑
// Writen by Kein H. Woo
// 11:10 AM 6/27/2010
// This license genarator is for the products of MentorGraphics,
// including Questa 6.4d, Modelsim 6.*, Calibre 2009*, Calibre 2010*, etc.
////////////////////////// USAGE /////////////////////////
STEP1. Modify the MakeLic.bat file before gen a license.dat file
STEP2. Click the Makelic.bat file to gen a license.dat file for your MentorG products.
For more information, read the Howto.txt in the zip file.
Note that, the patchier is exactly the same to that of calibre 2009 used, so if you have downloaded one, you don't bother to download again from here!
please pay attention to this title.
Discussions about any crackers are welcome!
PS. the method for calibre license generation sounds rediculous, you have to install a windows version of MentorG products, better the latest one. see the howto.txt file.
cal_patch2010.zip (364.53 KB)
EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (462.92 KB)
A better way of gen a correct license for linux version products is in the file named NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip. by this way, you don't wanna install a windows version of MentorG software.
NEW_EFA_mentor_keygen_2010.zip (3.32 MB)
Thank eyeloveu, this guy has made me think out this better method.