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本帖最后由 ranber 于 2010-6-17 15:06 编辑
calibre_2009.1_35.24 安装流程
1. 将ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24_mib.exe copy至linux
2. 在linux执行
- chmod 755 ixl_cal_2004.4_8.14.exe
复制代码 3. 在linux执行
- ./ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24_mib.exe
复制代码 Note: If 'uudecode' is missing, install 'sharutils-4.6.1-2.i386.rpm'
- rpm -i sharutils-4.6.1-2.i386.rpm
复制代码 4. D - for dump license agreement, and answer "yes".
5. 将calibre_2009.1_35.24 安装到'/menter'下面(你也可以改用其他目录)
2. 在linux执行 'lmhostid' 或者 'ifconfig -a' (eth0中之HWaddr 00:0C:6E:85:73:83, Hostid为000c6E8573832)
如果 lmhostid = 000c6E8573832(example only)
在Windows PC中执行:
- MentorKG -i calibre.txt -h 000c6E8573832 -o license.dat
复制代码 [ if you want more features, you need to edit 'calibre.txt' and add more features ]
另外,也可以将hostid复制到licgen.bat 里面,然后run licgen.bat即可
3. 在生成license.dat前两行加入下面两行:
- SERVER hostname 000c6E8573832 1717
- DAEMON mgcld /mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/lib/mgcld
复制代码 注意:hostname 是你的主机名称,可以通过执行 'hostname' 取得
000c6E8573832 是hostid, 1717 是端口号,可以自已设定
4. 将license.dat copy至'/mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24'
5. 在'/root/.bashrc'中加入:
- # Mentor env:
- export MGC_HOME=/mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24
- export PATH=$MGC_HOME/binPATH
- export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=$MGC_HOME/license.dat
复制代码 6. 在'/etc/rc.local'中加入
- /mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/bin/lmgrd -c /mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/license.dat -l /mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/mg.log &
复制代码 7. 解压dft & calibre 2009 patch.rar, 将'patched.tgz' 解压缩到
- /menter/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/pkgs/mgls.ixe/lib
复制代码 [ replace mgcld & mgls_asynch with their patched versions ]
8. Install (most probably required for CentOS ...)
- rpm -i compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.i386.rpm
复制代码 ]
9. 重启linux, 执行 'lmstat' 查看license是否启用,如果显示下面相同,表示license正确了
- lmstat - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- Flexible License Manager status on Wed 6/2/2010 19:54
- License server status: 1717@localhost.localdomain
- License file(s) on localhost.localdomain: /mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/license.dat:
- localhost.localdomain: license server UP (MASTER) v10.8
- Vendor daemon status (on localhost.localdomain):
- mgcld: UP v10.8
- You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
复制代码 10. Invoke: 'calibre -gui'.
Ignore Calibre WARNING about CentOS incompatibility ...
三、集成到cadence 5.141
1. 编辑'/root/.cdsinit'文件,如果没有,新建一个空文件,增加下面两条
- setSkillPath( "/mentor/ixl_cal_2009.1_35.24/shared/pkgs/icv.ixl/tools/queryskl")
- load( "calibre.skl")
复制代码 Note: 如果用其它用户,copy '/root/.bashrc' & '/root/.cdsinit' into 'home/your name'
2. Invoke: 'icfb&'
you can find 'calibre' on your Virtuoso menu.
非常感谢meged ,http://www.eetop.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=198444&highlight=calibre
(1.02 KB, 下载次数: 332 )
dft&calibre 2009 licgen.rar
(820.38 KB, 下载次数: 808 )
dft & calibre 2009 patch.rar
(1.02 MB, 下载次数: 814 )