
楼主 |
发表于 2009-10-2 22:47:47
1 Introduction and Overview 1
I. Revolution and Evolution 1
II. A Systematic Exposition 2
III. The Ideal Software Radio 2
IV. The Software Radio Functional Architecture 5
A. The Software Radio Functional Model 5
B. Functional Interfaces 8
C. Architecture 9
D. Levels of Abstraction 11
V. Basic Signal Processing Streams 13
A. The Real-Time Channel Processing Stream 13
B. The Environment Management Stream 14
C. On-line Adaptation 15
D. Off-Line Software Tools 15
VI. Implementation Alternatives 17
A. Defining the Radio Platform 19
B. Evolving the Radio Platform 23
VII. The Acquisition of Software Radios 24
A. Critical Acquisition Parameters 24
B. Channelization 25
C. Programmable Digital Access 26
D. Hardware Modularity 27
E. Software Flexibility and Affordability 27
F. Architecture Openness 28
VIII. Broader Implications of the Software Radio 29
A. Type Certification 29
B. Incremental Download Stability and Type
Certification 30
C. Spectrum Management Implications 31
IX. Exercises 33
2 Architecture Evolution 35
I. Technology-Demographics 35
A. Functions, Components, and Design Rules 36
B. Global Restructuring Through 2G and 3G Mobile
Cellular Radio 38
C. Complexity Equals Software 40
II. Commercial Architecture Needs 45
A. The BellSouth Software-Defined Radio (SDR) 46
B. European Perspectives 47
C. Asian Perspectives 51
D. Regional Differences 52
E. Differentiating Market Segments 54
III. Military Architecture Needs 56
A. Defense Information Infrastructures 57
B. Tactical Military Needs 58
IV. Open Architecture and Standards Evolution 62
A. The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Forum 62
B. Product Standards Organizations 63
C. Air Interface Standards 64
D. The Global Deliberative Process 64
V. Architecture Evolution Roadmap 69
VI. Exercises 71
3 The Radio Spectrum and RF Environment 73
I. RF Signal Space 73
A. Overview of Radio Bands and Modes 74
B. Dynamic Range-Bandwidth Product 76
II. HF Band Communications Modes 77
A. HF Propagation 78
B. HF Air Interface Modes 79
C. HF Services and Products 80
III. Low-Band Noise and Interference 81
IV. Low VHF (LVHF) Band Communications Modes 82
A. LVHF Propagation 83
B. Single-Channel-per-Carrier LVHF Air Interface
Modes 84
C. LVHF Spread-Spectrum Air Interfaces 84
D. LVHF Multichannel Air Interfaces 85
E. LVHF Services and Products 85
F. LVHF Software Radio 86
V. Multipath Propagation 86
VI. VHF Band Communications Modes 89
A. VHF Propagation 89
B. VHF Air Interface Modes 90
C. VHF Services and Products 91
VII. UHF Band Communications Modes 92
A. UHF Propagation 92
B. UHF Air Interface Modes 93
C. UHF Services and Products 94
VIII. SHF Band Communications Modes 95
A. SHF Propagation 96
B. Doppler Shift 96
C. SHF Air Interface Modes 97
D. SHF Services and Products 99
IX. Atmospheric Effects 101
X. EHF Band Communications Modes 102
A. EHF Propagation 102
B. EHF Air Interface Modes 103
C. EHF Services and Products 104
D. EHF SDR 104
XI. Satellite Communications Modes 104
A. Satellite Propagation 105
B. Satellite Air Interface Modes 107
C. Satellite Services and Products 109
D. Satcom SDR 109
XII. Multiband Multimode Summary 109
XIII. Exercises 110
4 Systems-Level Architecture Analysis 112
I. Disaster-Relief Case Study 112
A. Scenario 112
B. Needs Analysis 114
C. Exercises 116
II. Radio Resource Analysis 117
A. Radio Resource Management 117
B. Modeling Spectrum Use 120
C. Modeling Spatial Access 128
D. Grade of Service (GoS) 132
E. Quality of Service (QoS) 137
F. Review 139
G. Exercises 140
III. Network Architecture Analysis 140
A. Network Hierarchies 141
B. Commercial Networks 144
C. Military Networks 151
D. Mode Parameter Analysis 152
IV. Analyzing the Protocol Stacks 154
A. Mapping Applications to Protocol Stacks 156
B. The Network Layer 160
C. The Data Link Layer 162
D. The Physical Layer Analysis 165
E. Alternate Protocol Stacks: Wireless ATM 168
F. Exercises 169
V. Systems-Level Architecture Parameters 170
A. Exercises 170
5 Node-Level Architecture Analysis 171
I. Architecture Representation 172
A. Functional Design Hierarchies 174
B. Object-Oriented Approaches 178
C. Reference Platform Integration 180
D. Using UML to Analyze Node Architectures 182
E. A Topological Model of Architecture 185
F. The Canonical Software Radio Node
Architecture 191
G. Digital Signal Processing Flow Parameters 199
H. Node-Level Architecture Capability Profile 204
I. Exercises 206
II. Industry-Standard Node Architectures 207
A. SDR Forum Architecture Framework 207
B. ITU-R IMT-2000 Device Architecture 213
C. Exercises 213
III. Programmable Digital Radio (PDR) Case Studies 215
A. A Basic Commercial PDR 215
B. Multimode Conventional Radios 218
C. GEC’s Programmable Digital Radio 220
D. ITT Digital Radio 221
E. Commercial Progenitors: AirNet 223
IV. Technology Pathfinders 224
A. COTS Research Pathfinders 224
B. SPEAKeasy, the Military Technology
Pathfinder 225
C. Joint Communications Interoperability Terminal 232
V. Exercises 235
6 Segment Design Tradeoffs 236
I. Overview 236
II. Antenna Tradeoffs 237
III. RF and IF Processing Tradeoffs 238
IV. ADC Tradeoffs 238
V. Digital Architecture Tradeoffs 239
VI. Software Architecture Tradeoffs 240
VII. Performance Management Tradeoffs 241
VIII. End-to-End Tradeoffs 242
IX. Exercises 242
7 Antenna Segment Tradeoffs 244
I. RF Access 244
II. Parameter Control 246
A. Linearity and Phase Noise 246
B. Parameters for Emitter Locations 246
III. Packaging, Installation, and Operational
Challenges 247
A. Gain versus Packaging 247
B. Bandwidth versus Packaging 248
C. Antenna Calibration 248
D. Antenna Separation 251
E. Human Body Interactions 252
IV. Antenna Diversity 253
A. Spatial Coherence Analysis 254
B. Potential Benefits of Spatial Diversity 256
C. Spatial and Spectral Diversity 257
D. Diversity Architecture Tradeoffs 257
V. Programmable Antennas 260
VI. Cost Tradeoffs 261
VII. Summary and Conclusions 262
VIII. Exercises 263
8 RF/IF Conversion Segment Tradeoffs 265
I. RF Conversion Architectures 265
II. Receiver Architectures 267
A. The Superheterodyne Receiver 267
B. Direct Conversion Receiver 270
C. Digital-RF Receivers 271
D. Interference Suppression 272
III. RF Component Technology 277
A. RF MEMS 277
B. Superconducting Filters 280
C. Dual-Mode Amplifiers 281
D. Electronically Programmable Analog
Components 281
IV. RF Subsystem Performance 282
V. RF/IF Conversion Issues 285
VI. Exercises 286
9 ADC and DAC Tradeoffs 289
I. Review of ADC Fundamentals 289
A. Dynamic Range (DNR) Budget 290
B. Anti-aliasing Filters 290
C. Clipping Distortion 292
D. Aperture Jitter 292
E. Quantization and Dynamic Range 293
F. Technology Limits 294
II. ADC and DAC Tradeoffs 294
A. Sigma-Delta (Delta-Sigma) ADCs 295
B. Quadrature Techniques 297
C. Bandpass Sampling (Digital Down
Conversion) 298
D. DAC Tradeoffs 300
III. SDR Applications 301
A. Conversion Rate, Dynamic Range, and
Applications 301
B. ADC Product Evolution 302
C. Low-Power Wireless Applications 303
D. Digital RF 303
IV. ADC Design Rules 305
A. Linearity 305
B. Measuring SNR 306
C. Noise Floor Matching 307
D. Figure of Merit 308
E. Technology Insertion 308
F. Architecture Implications 310
V. Exercises 310
10 Digital Processing Tradeoffs 312
I. Metrics 312
II. Heterogeneous Multiprocessing Hardware 316
A. Hardware Classes 316
B. Digital Interconnect 317 |