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This describes how you can read and write files in a Verilog model using a set of user functions, based on the C stdio package. With these functions you can perform file input and output directly in Verilog models without having to learn C or the PLI. This code works with VCS, MTI, Verilog-XL, and NC-Verilog (see $fread for one restriction). Note that Synopsys' VCS 6.1, NC-Verilog 3.3, and MTI's ModelSim 5.5 offer native support for the IEEE-1364 2001 standard. Verilog-XL does not support these tasks except through this PLI application. - Copyright
- Overview
- Differences between fileio and IEEE-1364 Verilog-2001 standard
- File Input Functions
- Restrictions and Caveats
- Reading pattern files
- Comparing outputs with expected results
- Reading script files
- Reading data files into memories
- Linking with VCS
- Linking with Verilog-XL
- Linking with MTI
Linking with NC-Verilog |