RF has a higher speed than analog? No, that's not true. Analog design could be tens of GHz, and RF might be several MHz. The difference between analog and RF is getting smaller. Let me borrow the slides from UC Berkeley EE240 lecture notes:
“Analog” versus “RF”
• RF = “Analog with inductors”
• RF signal is usually narrowband (i.e., sinusoidal)
• Tuned circuit techniques used for signal
• RF impedance levels are relatively low
• Can’t make antenna impedance too high
• Analog impedances are high (low) for voltage
(current) gain.
• Voltage/current gain versus power gain.
• “Mixed-signal” analog is often discrete time
RF has a higher speed than analog? No, that's not true. Analog design could be tens of GHz, and RF might be several MHz. The difference between analog and RF is getting smaller. Let me borrow the slid ...
ulsi123 发表于 2009-10-8 23:28