1 | Introduction | 1 |
2 | The wireless channel | 10 |
3 | Point-to-point communication : detection, diversity and channel uncertainity | 49 |
4 | Cellular systems : multiple access and interference management | 120 |
5 | Capacity of wireless channels | 166 |
6 | Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication | 228 |
7 | MIMO I : spatial multiplexing and channel modeling | 290 |
8 | MIMO II : capacity and multiplexing architectures | 332 |
9 | MIMO III : diversity-multiplexing tradeoff and universal space-time codes | 383 |
10 | MIMO IV : multiuser communication | 425 |
App. A | Detection and estimation in additive Gaussian noise | 496 |
App. B | Information theory from first principles | 516 |