[total hits/matching patterns/non-matching patterns]
[001/1/0] mgcld
[001/1/0] mgls_asynch
2 files checked, 2 changed.
重新啟動license .
執行calibre 會出現以下訊息
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "mentorall_s" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "mgc_s" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "calibrehlvs" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "daimler_s" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "calibrepvs_s" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
17:26:34 (mgcld) DENIED: "mentorall_s" (SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate. (-114,525))
不知道是哪邊出了問題 |