Foreword ix
About the authors x
Acknowledgements xi
Preface xii
Chapter 1. Overview of Front-End Tools
Circuit Design Can Be A Risky Business 1
The Front to Back Design Route 2
Handling Design Changes 5
Summary 6
Chapter 2. Code and Rule Checking in the
Design Flow
HDL Capture Tools 7
Text Editors 8
Linters 8
Graphical Editors 9
Rule-based Checkers 10
Rule Checking and the Design Hierarchy 13
Chapter 3. Introduction to Coverage
The Origins of Coverage Analysis 17
Applying Coverage Analysis Techniques to HDL 18
Modern Hardware Design Tools 19
Typical Capabilities of Coverage Analysis Tools 20
How Coverage Analysis Tools Operate 20
Analyzing the HDL source code 21
Collecting coverage data from the simulation 21
Presenting the results to the user 22
Command Line and Batch Mode 22
Chapter 4. Coverage Analysis in the
Design Flow
Current ASIC Design flow 23
Coverage Analysis in the Design Flow 26
IP in the Design Flow 29
Chapter 5. Practical Value of Coverage
HDL Verification Problem 33
Coverage Analysis and HDL Verification 34
Project Management With Coverage Analysis 35
Functional Coverage 36
Regression Testing 36
Gate Level Testing 37
Chapter 6. Coverage Analysis
Structural and Functional Testing 40
Statement Coverage 40
Branch Coverage 43
How Branch Coverage is Calculated 43
Condition and Expression Coverage 44
Multiple Sub-Condition Coverage 45
Basic Sub-Condition Coverage 46
Directed or Focused Expression Coverage (FEC)
Path Coverage 49
Toggle Coverage 52
Triggering Coverage 53
Signal Tracing Coverage 54
Dealing with Information Overload 56
Excluding Code 59
Post-Simulation Results Filtering 60
Summary 64
Chapter 7. Coverage Directed Verification
Coverage Analysis in the Design Flow 65
Coverage Analysis at Behavioral Level 65
Coverage Analysis at RTL 66。。。。。。