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Understanding GPS Principles and Applications(Second Edition)

发表于 2009-5-21 10:51:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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This thoroughly updated second edition of an Artech House bestseller brings together a team of leading experts who provide a current and comprehensive treatment of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The book covers all the latest advances in technology, applications, and systems. The second edition includes new chapters that explore the integration of GPS with vehicles and cellular telephones, new classes of satellite broadcast signals, the emerging GALILEO system, and new developments in the GPS marketplace. This single-source reference provides a quick overview of GPS essentials, an in-depth examination of advanced technical topics, and a review of emerging trends in the GPS industry. Engineers can use this book to build GPS receivers and integrate them into navigational and communications equipment. Executives can turn to this book to determine how technology is affecting markets and how best to invest their companies? resources. The book also serves as a handy resource for electrical engineering students looking to advance their studies and careers in GPS.
About the Author
Elliott Kaplan is a principal engineer at the MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts. He is the New England Section Officer of the Institute of Navigation.. He earned his M.S. in electrical engineering from Northeastern University. Christopher Hegarty is a senior principal engineer at the MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA. He received a D.Sc. in electrical engineering from The George Washington University and currently serves as editor of the Institute of Navigation's quarterly journal, NAVIGATION, and as a member of RTCA, Inc.'s Program Management Committee.


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Condensed GPS Program History
1.3 GPS Overview
1.3.1 PPS
1.3.2 SPS
1.4 GPS Modernization Program
1.5 GALILEO Satellite System
1.6 Russian GLONASS System
1.7 Chinese BeiDou System
1.8 Augmentations
1.9 Markets and Applications
1.9.1 Land
1.9.2 Aviation
1.9.3 Space Guidance
1.9.4 Maritime
1.10 Organization of the Book
Fundamentals of Satellite Navigation
2.1 Concept of Ranging Using TOA Measurements
2.1.1 Two-Dimensional Position Determination
2.1.2 Principle of Position Determination Via
Satellite-Generated Ranging Signals
2.2 Reference Coordinate Systems
2.2.1 Earth-Centered Inertial Coordinate System
2.2.2 Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed Coordinate System
2.2.3 World Geodetic System
2.2.4 Height Coordinates and the Geoid
2.3 Fundamentals of Satellite Orbits
2.3.1 Orbital Mechanics
2.3.2 Constellation Design
2.4 Position Determination Using PRN Codes
2.4.1 Determining Satellite-to-User Range
2.4.2 Calculation of User Position
2.5 Obtaining User Velocity
2.6 Time and GPS
2.6.1 UTC Generation
2.6.2 GPS System Time
2.6.3 Receiver Computation of UTC (USNO)
GPS System Segments
3.1 Overview of the GPS System
3.1.1 Space Segment Overview
3.1.2 Control Segment (CS) Overview
3.1.3 User Segment Overview
3.2 Space Segment Description
3.2.1 GPS Satellite Constellation Description
3.2.2 Constellation Design Guidelines
3.2.3 Space Segment Phased Development
3.3 Control Segment
3.3.1 Current Configuration
3.3.2 CS Planned Upgrades
3.4 User Segment
3.4.1 GPS Set Characteristics
3.4.2 GPS Receiver Selection
GPS Satellite Signal Characteristics
4.1 Overview
4.2 Modulations for Satellite Navigation
4.2.1 Modulation Types
4.2.2 Multiplexing Techniques
4.2.3 Signal Models and Characteristics
4.3 Legacy GPS Signals
4.3.1 Frequencies and Modulation Format
4.3.2 Power Levels
4.3.3 Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectral Densities
4.3.4 Cross-Correlation Functions and CDMA Performance
4.4 Navigation Message Format
4.5 Modernized GPS Signals
4.5.1 L2 Civil Signal
4.5.2 L5
4.5.3 M Code
4.5.4 L1 Civil Signal
4.6 Summary
Satellite Signal Acquisition, Tracking, and Data Demodulation
5.1 Overview
5.2 GPS Receiver Code and Carrier Tracking
5.2.1 Predetection Integration
5.2.2 Baseband Signal Processing
5.2.3 Digital Frequency Synthesis
5.2.4 Carrier Aiding of Code Loop
5.2.5 External Aiding
5.3 Carrier Tracking Loops
5.3.1 Phase Lock Loops
5.3.2 Costas Loops
5.3.3 Frequency Lock Loops
5.4 Code Tracking Loops
5.5 Loop Filters
5.6 Measurement Errors and Tracking Thresholds
5.6.1 PLL Tracking Loop Measurement Errors
5.6.2 FLL Tracking Loop Measurement Errors
5.6.3 C/A and P(Y) Code Tracking Loop Measurement Errors
5.6.4 Modernized GPS M Code Tracking Loop Measurement Errors
5.7 Formation of Pseudorange, Delta Pseudorange, and Integrated Doppler
5.7.1 Pseudorange
5.7.2 Delta Pseudorange
5.7.3 Integrated Doppler
5.8 Signal Acquisition
5.8.1 Tong Search Detector
5.8.2 M of N Search Detector
5.8.3 Direct Acquisition of GPS Military Signals
5.9 Sequence of Initial Receiver Operations
5.10 Data Demodulation
5.11 Special Baseband Functions
5.11.1 Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio Meter
5.11.2 Phase Lock Detector with Optimistic and Pessimistic Decisions
5.11.3 False Frequency Lock and False Phase Lock Detector
5.12 Use of Digital Processing
5.13 Considerations for Indoor Applications
5.14 Codeless and Semicodeless Processing
Interference, Multipath, and Scintillation
6.1 Overview
6.2 Radio Frequency Interference
6.2.1 Types and Sources of RF Interference
6.2.2 Effects of RF Interference on Receiver Performance
6.2.3 Interference Mitigation
6.3 Multipath 6.3.1 Multipath Characteristics and Models
6.3.2 Effects of Multipath on Receiver Performance
6.3.3 Multipath Mitigation
6.4 Ionospheric Scintillation
Performance of Stand-Alone GPS
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Measurement Errors
7.2.1 Satellite Clock Error
7.2.2 Ephemeris Error
7.2.3 Relativistic Effects
7.2.4 Atmospheric Effects
7.2.5 Receiver Noise and Resolution
7.2.6 Multipath and Shadowing Effects
7.2.7 Hardware Bias Errors
7.2.8 Pseudorange Error Budgets
7.3 PVT Estimation Concepts
7.3.1 Satellite Geometry and Dilution of Precision in GPS
7.3.2 Accuracy Metrics
7.3.3 Weighted Least Squares (WLS)
7.3.4 Additional State Variables
7.3.5 Kalman Filtering
7.4 GPS Availability
7.4.1 Predicted GPS Availability Using the Nominal 24-Satellite
GPS Constellation
7.4.2 Effects of Satellite Outages on GPS Availability
7.5 GPS Integrity
7.5.1 Discussion of Criticality
7.5.2 Sources of Integrity Anomalies
7.5.3 Integrity Enhancement Techniques
7.6 Continuity
7.7 Measured Performance
Differential GPS
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Spatial and Time Correlation Characteristics of GPS Errors
8.2.1 Satellite Clock Errors
8.2.2 Ephemeris Errors
8.2.3 Tropospheric Errors
8.2.4 Ionospheric Errors
8.2.5 Receiver Noise and Multipath
8.3 Code-Based Techniques
8.3.1 Local-Area DGPS
8.3.2 Regional-Area DGPS
8.3.3 Wide-Area DGPS
8.4 Carrier-Based Techniques
8.4.1 Precise Baseline Determination in Real Time
8.4.2 Static Application
8.4.3 Airborne Application
8.4.4 Attitude Determination
8.5 Message Formats
8.5.1 Version 2.3
8.5.2 Version 3.0
8.6 Examples
8.6.1 Code Based
8.6.2 Carrier Based
Integration of GPS with Other Sensors and Network Assistance
9.1 Overview
9.2 GPS/Inertial Integration
9.2.1 GPS Receiver Performance Issues
9.2.2 Inertial Sensor Performance Issues
9.2.3 The Kalman Filter
9.2.4 GPSI Integration Methods
9.2.5 Reliability and Integrity
9.2.6 Integration with CRPA
9.3 Sensor Integration in Land Vehicle Systems
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Review of Available Sensor Technology
9.3.3 Sensor Integration Principles
9.4 Network Assistance
9.4.1 Historical Perspective of Assisted GPS
9.4.2 Requirements of the FCC Mandate
9.4.3 Total Uncertainty Search Space
9.4.4 GPS Receiver Integration in Cellular Phones—Assistance Data
from Handsets
9.4.5 Types of Network Assistance
10.1 GALILEO Program Objectives
10.2 GALILEO Services and Performance
10.2.1 Open Service (OS)
10.2.2 Commercial Service (CS)
10.2.3 Safety of Life (SOL) Service
10.2.4 Public Regulated Service (PRS)
10.2.5 Support to Search and Rescue (SAR) Service 10.3 GALILEO Frequency Plan and Signal Design
10.3.1 Frequencies and Signals
10.3.2 Modulation Schemes
10.3.3 SAR Signal Plan
10.4 Interoperability Between GPS and GALILEO
10.4.1 Signal in Space
10.4.2 Geodetic Coordinate Reference Frame
10.4.3 Time Reference Frame
10.5 System Architecture
10.5.1 Space Segment
10.5.2 Ground Segment
10.6 GALILEO SAR Architecture
10.7 GALILEO Development Plan
Other Satellite Navigation Systems
11.1 The Russian GLONASS System
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Program Overview
11.1.3 Organizational Structure
11.1.4 Constellation and Orbit
11.1.5 Spacecraft Description
11.1.6 Ground Support
11.1.7 User Equipment
11.1.8 Reference Systems
11.1.9 GLONASS Signal Characteristics
11.1.10 System Accuracy
11.1.11 Future GLONASS Development
11.1.12 Other GLONASS Information Sources
11.2 The Chinese BeiDou Satellite Navigation System
11.2.1 Introduction
11.2.3 Program History
11.2.4 Organization Structure
11.2.5 Constellation and Orbit
11.2.6 Spacecraft
11.2.7 RDSS Service Infrastructure
11.2.8 RDSS Navigation Services
11.2.9 RDSS Navigation Signals
11.2.10 System Coverage and Accuracy
11.2.11 Future Developments
11.3 The Japanese QZSS Program
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Program Overview
11.3.3 Organizational Structure
11.3.4 Constellation and Orbit
11.3.5 Spacecraft Development
11.3.6 Ground Support
11.3.7 User Equipment
11.3.8 Reference Systems
11.3.9 Navigation Services and Signals
11.3.10 System Coverage and Accuracy
11.3.11 Future Development
GNSS Markets and Applications
12.1 GNSS: A Complex Market Based on Enabling Technologies
12.1.1 Market Scope, Segmentation, and Value
12.1.2 Unique Aspects of GNSS Market
12.1.3 Market Limitations, Competitive Systems, and Policy
12.2 Civil Navigation Applications of GNSS
12.2.1 Marine Navigation
12.2.2 Air Navigation
12.2.3 Land Navigation
12.3 GNSS in Surveying, Mapping, and Geographical Information Systems
12.3.1 Surveying
12.3.2 Mapping
12.3.3 GIS
12.4 Recreational Markets for GNSS-Based Products
12.5 GNSS Time Transfer
12.6 Differential Applications and Services
12.6.1 Precision Approach Aircraft Landing Systems
12.6.2 Other Differential Systems
12.6.3 Attitude Determination Systems
12.7 GNSS and Telematics and LBS
12.8 Creative Uses for GNSS
12.9 Government and Military Applications
12.9.1 Military User Equipment—Aviation, Shipboard, and Land
12.9.2 Autonomous Receivers—Smart Weapons
12.9.3 Space Applications
12.9.4 Other Government Applications
12.10 User Equipment Needs for Specific Markets
12.11 Financial Projections for the GNSS Industry

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part three

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