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发表于 2008-12-5 10:19:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2008-12-5 22:33:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-5 22:44:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-6 18:51:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-6 20:20:15 | 显示全部楼层
1. 拉扎维的《模拟CMOS集成电路设计》,我们研二模电课的教材,汪宁老师把这门课讲得可圈可点。当时没意识到有其他书,于是我就把此书读了好几遍。此书内容多摘自较新的论文,还未得到工业界的实践论证,所以一大特点就是pitfalls较多。但不失为为大家提供很多深入研究主题的sourcing。
2. Phillip E. Allen的《CMOS模拟集成电路设计
3. 强力推荐的是Paul R.
Gray 的《模拟集成电路的分析与设计》,堪称模电之Bible,鄙人最近正钻研此书,惜得宝书有种相见恨晚的感觉,很是上瘾甚至有点欲罢不能。此书是 UC Berkeley的EECS系为EE140和EE240专门指定的教材,可以说是汇聚了berkeley的精华,berkeley之精华乃silicon valley之精华,siliconvalley之精华乃IC之精华。阅读此书(英文版),你一定能体会到Paul这位Godfather思维之严谨、论证之严密,条理之清晰,该书的一大亮点就是把bipolar和CMOS作为counterpart很好地结合在了一起讲,能带给读者一完整的 transistor级IC的概念。推荐必读。EE140在Berkeley是由大牛Rorber R.Broderson(全哥以前的boss)在教,comic上有他的视频,我坚持上完了他整个一学期的课,感觉收获相当大,似乎感觉自己身体里的血液都是Analog做的,你不可能不喜欢上他。
4. Alan Hastings的《模拟电路版图的艺术》,该书连同Paul那本一起作为在Berkeley的
EE240的教材,它帮助你从一个电路 designer的角度来看工艺,又能从工艺的角度来反哺你设计的circuit,
5. Robert F. Pierret的《半导体器件基础》相比于施敏的那本上手来得更容易,相信研一的诸位大多读过此书。Berkeley
的 EE130是由Prof. King(Tsu Jae)来教,有志投身analog或者device的同学最好把energy band,pn junction, BJT和 MOS的基础打牢。顺便提一句,有关"信号与系统"和"控制"方面的知识也是必须的,特别当涉及到高频和稳定性设计时就显得格外必要。
6. 可能有部分同学打算投身RF,那么推荐Thomas H. Lee的《The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits    Second Edition》,绝对权威。此书我还没研究过,就暂且不发表评论了。
个人觉得,能够有机会多从不同角度观察不同学者对某一subject的讨论是一件很幸运的事,拜读这些大师们(Paul Gray, R.G.
Meyer, S.H. Lewis, Paul J. Hurst, Thomas H. Lee, Alan Hastings, R.Broderson等等, 特别是Berkeley的五人组)的著作能帮助我迅速打开自己的思路,提升对这一学术领域的认识。此外,UCBerkeley作为美国公立大学的典范,代表了那种出身贫寒但却不畏权贵、勇于抗挣、挑战特权和精英(Harvard, Yale,Stanford)的精神,令人钦佩。朝去朝来,日月轮回,对于我们这里的每个人来说,也都不过只是这个学校的匆匆过客,带走的是我们的知识和理想,留下的是我们宝贵的"学脉"。
1.Principles of Data Conversion System Design
2.High Speed CMOS Circuits for Optical Receivers
3.RF Microelectronics
4.Monolithic Phase Locked Loops and Clock Recovery Circuits
5.Fundamentals of Microelectronics
6.Design of ICs for Optical Communications
7.Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
8.Phase-Locking in High Performance Systems,此书是论文集,Razavi主编

B.Thomas H.Lee
1.The Design of Low Noise Oscillators
2.Multi-GHz Frequency Synthesis and Division
3.Feedback Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers
4.Low Power CMOS Radio Receivers
5.The design of CMOS RFIC 2nd
6.Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurement, and Circuits(2004,Cambridge)
7.Physics and Engineering of High Power Switching Devices (1975,Cambridge)
1.The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators
2.Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communications by Asad A. Abidi, Paul R. Gray, and Robert G. Meyer(1998,Wiley)
3. Effects of random & periodic excitations on relaxation oscillators(Abidi的PHD Dissertation)(1981)
4. On the dynamics of Josephson junction circuits(1978)

1.Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,4th

1.Analog Design Essentials
2.Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems
3.Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits
4.Design of Wireless Autonomous Datalogger IC’s by Wim Claes, Robert Pures, and Willy M.C. Sansen
5.Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors by Jeroen A. Croon, Herman E. Maes, and Willy M.C. Sansen
6.Systematic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Frontends and Their Building Blocks by Piet Vanassche, Georges Gielen, and Willy M.C. Sansen
7.Analog Layout Generation Performance and Manufacturability by Koen Lampaert, Georges Gielen, and Willy M.C. Sansen (1999,Springer)
8.Symbolic Analysis for Automated Design of Analog Integrated Circuits by Georges Gielen and Willy M.C. Sansen (1991,Springer)
9.Low-Noise Wide-Band Amplifiers in Bipolar and CMOS Technologies by Zhong Yuan Chong and Willy M.C. Sansen (1990,Springer)
10.Analog Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Systems by Frank op 't Eynde and Willy M.C. Sansen (1993,Springer)
11.A Computer-Aided Design and Synthesis Environment for Analog Integrated Circuits by Van der Plas, Geert, Gielen, Georges, Sansen, Willy M.C. (2002,Springer)
1.Wireless CMOS Frequency Sythesizer Design(Craninckx&Steyaert,非常难找的经典).
2.Systematic Design of Analog IP Blocks
3.Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL
4.CMOS FRACTIONAL-N SYNTHESIZERS Design for High Spectral Purity and Monolithic Integration
5.CMOS Cellular Receiver Front Ends-From Specification to Realization
6.Integrated CMOS Circuits for Optical Communications
7.Broadband Opto-Electrical Receivers in Standard CMOS
8.Low-Power Low-Voltage Sigma-Delta Modulators in Nanometer CMOS
9.LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers
10.Design of multi-bit delta-sigma A/D converters
11.High Data Rate Transmitter Circuits: RF CMOS Design and Techniques for Design Automation
12.RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications
13.Design of High Voltage xDSL Line Drivers in Standard CMOS, by Bert Serneels and Michiel Steyaert(2008,Springer)
14.Analog VLSI Integration of Massive Parallel Processing Systems, by Peter Kinget and Michiel Steyaert(1997,Springer)
15.Static and Dynamic Performance Limitations for High Speed D/A Converters, by Anne van den Bosch, Michiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(2004,Springer)
16.Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS DeltaSigma A/D Converters, by Vincenzo Peluso, Michiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1999,Springer)
17.CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design, by Jan Crols and Michiel Steyaert(1997,Springer)
18.High-Performance CMOS Continuous-Time Filters ,by José Silva-Martínez, Michiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1993,Springer)

Analog Circuit Design(系列丛书有很多都是Sansen和Steyaert编辑,就全归入Styaert
1.Volt Electronics; Mixed-Mode Systems; Low-Noise and RF PA for Telecommunication
2.Fractional-N Synthesizers,Design for Robustness, Line and Bus Drivers
3.High-Speed A-D Converters, Automotive Electronics and Ultra-Low Power Wireless
4.MOST RF Circuits, Sigma-Delta Converters and Translinear Circuits
5.RF Circuits ~ Wide band, Front-Ends, DAC's, Design Methodology and Verification for RF and Mixed-Signal Systems, Low Power and Low Voltage
6.Structured Mixed-Mode Design, Multi-Bit Sigma Converters,Short Range RF Circuits
7.Operational Amplifiers, Analog to Digital Convertors, Analog Computer Aided Design by Johan H. Huijsing, Rudy J. van de Plassche, and Willy M.C. Sansen (1992,Springer)
8.RF Analog-to-Digital Converters; Sensor and Actuator Interfaces; Low-Noise Oscillators, PLLs and Synthesizers by Rudy J. van de Plassche, Johan H. Huijsing, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1997,Springer)
9.Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Voltage; Mixed-Mode Design with CAD Tools; Voltage, Current and Time References by Johan H. Huijsing, Rudy J. van de Plassche, and Willy M.C. Sansen (1995,Springer)
10.Mixed A/D Circuit Design, Sensor Interface Circuits and Communication Circuits by Willy M.C. Sansen, Johan H. Huijsing, and Rudy J. van de Plassche (1994,Springer)
11.Scalable Analog Circuit Design, High-Speed D/A Converters, RF Power Amplifiers by Johan H. Huijsing, Michiel Steyaert, and Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2002,Springer)
12. Sensor and actuator interface electronics, integrated high-voltage electronics and power management, low-power and high-resolution ADC's by Huijsing, J.H.; Steyaert, Michiel; van Roermund, Arthur H. M. (2004,Springer)
13. (X)DSL and other Communication Systems; RF MOST models; Integrated Filters and Oscillators by Sansen, W.M.C., Huijsing, J.H., van de Plassche, R.J. (1999,Springer)
14. Low-Power Low-Voltage, Integrated Filters and Smart Power by Plassche, R.J.v.d., Sansen, W.M.C., Huijsing, J.H. (1995,S[romger)
15. High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters, Mixed Signal Design; PLLs and Synthesizers by Plassche, R.J.v.d., Huijsing, J.H., Sansen, W.M.C.(2000,Springer)
发表于 2008-12-6 21:35:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-29 19:09:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-29 19:28:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-28 19:05:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-5 03:04:25 | 显示全部楼层
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