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寻书::Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook: Circuits, Signals, And Systems

发表于 2008-11-20 16:55:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook: Circuits, Signals, And Systems

Editor: Kaiser Kenneth L.
publish:   Crc Press
Data Pubblication: 2004
Pages: 2568
ISBN 13: 9780849320873
ISBN 10: 0849320879  

Chapter 1: EMI Sources
Chapter 2: Decibel and Approximations
Chapter 3: Electrical Length
Chapter 4: Fast Bode Magnitude Plotting
Chapter 5: Skin Depth, Wire Impedance, and Nonideal Resistors
Chapter 6: Nonideal Capacitors and Inductors
Chapter 7: Passive Filters
Chapter 8: Cable Modeling
Chapter 9: Transient Behavior in the Time Domain
Chapter 10: Air Breakdown
Chapter 11: Transient Behavior in the Frequency Domain
Chapter 12: Spectra of Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
Chapter 13: Transmission Lines and Matching
Chapter 14: Passive Contact Probes
Chapter 15: Inductance, Magnetic Coupling, and Transformers
Chapter 16: Magnetic Materials and a Few Devices
Chapter 17: Baluns and Balanced Devices
Chapter 18: Cable Shielding and Crosstalk
Chapter 19: Radiated Emissions and Susceptibility
Chapter 20: Conducted Emissions and Susceptibility
Chapter 21: Plane Wave Shielding
Chapter 22: Electric Field Shielding
Chapter 23: Magnetic Field Shielding
Chapter 24: Additional Shielding Concepts
Chapter 25: Test Chambers
Chapter 26: Floating Metal and Guard Electrodes
Chapter 27: Electrostatic Discharge
Chapter 28: Grounding
Chapter 29: Circuit Board Layout for EMC
Chapter 30: Antennas

Appendix A-Summary of the Three Major Coordinate Systems
Appendix B-Definitions for Common and Uncommon Functions
Appendix C-Conversion, Unit and Notation Tables
Appendix D-Helpful Mathematical Relationships
发表于 2008-12-8 11:05:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-11 00:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook: Circuits, Signals, And Systems Editor: Kaiser Kenneth L. publish: Crc Press Data Pubblication: 2004 Pages: 2568 ISBN 13: 9780849320873 ISBN 10: 0849320879 Chapter 1: EMI Sources Chapter 2: Decibel and Approximations Chapter 3: Electrical Length Chapter 4: Fast Bode Magnitude Plotting Chapter 5: Skin Depth, Wire Impedance, and Nonideal Resistors Chapter 6: Nonideal Capacitors and Inductors Chapter 7: Passive Filters Chapter 8: Cable Modeling Chapter 9: Transient Behavior in the Time Domain Chapter 10: Air Breakdown Chapter 11: Transient Behavior in the Frequency Domain Chapter 12: Spectra of Periodic and Aperiodic Signals Chapter 13: Transmission Lines and Matching Chapter 14: Passive Contact Probes Chapter 15: Inductance, Magnetic Coupling, and Transformers Chapter 16: Magnetic Materials and a Few Devices Chapter 17: Baluns and Balanced Devices Chapter 18: Cable Shielding and Crosstalk Chapter 19: Radiated Emissions and Susceptibility Chapter 20: Conducted Emissions and Susceptibility Chapter 21: Plane Wave Shielding Chapter 22: Electric Field Shielding Chapter 23: Magnetic Field Shielding Chapter 24: Additional Shielding Concepts Chapter 25: Test Chambers Chapter 26: Floating Metal and Guard Electrodes Chapter 27: Electrostatic Discharge Chapter 28: Grounding Chapter 29: Circuit Board Layout for EMC Chapter 30: Antennas Appendix A-Summary of the Three Major Coordinate Systems Appendix B-Definitions for Common and Uncommon Functions Appendix C-Conversion, Unit and Notation Tables Appendix D-Helpful Mathematical Relationships References

I want to
发表于 2008-12-15 21:04:22 | 显示全部楼层

Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook

Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook

发表于 2009-10-28 05:36:29 | 显示全部楼层
Anyone who is seriously working in the EMC and ESD fields will need to consider seeing this book. I expect it should become a standard reference book for electromagnetic compatibility design and testing, as well as covering electrostatic discharge issues. It is both complex and advanced, but with enough basic materials to be useful to a more novice engineer or technician. As for me, I have gladly cleared a space on my desk, front and center, where this book will now remain within arm's reach.
- IEEE EMC Society Newsletter, No. 2304, Winter 2004

Anyone who is seriously working in the EMC and ESD fields will need to consider seeing this book. I expect it should become a standard reference book for electromagnetic compatibility design and testing, as well as covering electrostatic discharge issues. It is both complex and advanced, but with enough basic materials to be useful to a more novice engineer or technician. As for me, I have gladly cleared a space on my desk, front and center, where this book will now remain within arms reach.
- IEEE EMC Society Newsletter, No. 2304, Winter 2004

The book is useful for all the designers of electronic equipments: electrical and electronics engineers, technicians, professors, teachers. The content covers much more than EMC. The title should be 'All you should know to really master EMC'. It is an Encyclopaedia of Radio Engineering. …The presentation is compact, useful in all applications, with many figures, tables and graphics.... Including basics but also discussions and derivations never published before in book form guarantees that the book will be useful for many years ahead, even for these fast-evolution domains, as electronics and aerospace technology.
-- Serban Birca-Galateanu,, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dep., Nantes, Franc, for IEEE Power Electronics Society Newsletter, Volume 18, Number 3

The book is useful for all the designers of electronic equipments: electrical and electronics engineers, technicians, professors, teachers. The content covers much more than EMC. The title should be All you should know to really master EMC. It is an Encyclopaedia of Radio Engineering. …The presentation is compact, useful in all applications, with many figures, tables and graphics.... Including basics but also discussions and derivations never published before in book form guarantees that the book will be useful for many years ahead, even for these fast-evolution domains, as electronics and aerospace technology.
-- Serban Birca-Galateanu,, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dep., Nantes, Franc, for IEEE Power Electronics Society Newsletter, Volume 18, Number 3

This book contains a vast range of material and is very thorough…well written and useful…One of the more striking aspects of the book is the large number of tables…I would like to emphasize that I find this book very useful. It is obvious that Prof. Kaiser has put a tremendous amount of effort, care, and consideration into this text. Also, given the amount of useful material in this book, it is definitely a bargain.
- IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2005

This book contains a vast range of material and is very thorough…well written and useful…One of the more striking aspects of the book is the large number of tables…I would like to emphasize that I find this book very useful. It is obvious that Prof. Kaiser has put a tremendous amount of effort, care, and consideration into this text. Also, given the amount of useful material in this book, it is definitely a bargain.
- IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2005

Upon first glance of this book, my jaw dropped open and I stood there flipping from page to page. I cannot overstate the vast amount of knowledge this book contains. Each subject is covered from a basic point to a most advanced look. Huge equations cover the pages, yet more elementary concepts are explained in the simplest ways. But if you are like me, be forewarned! Opening this book you may find yourself flipping from page to page, concept to concept, and the original issue you wanted to research is long forgotten. …

Upon first glance of this book, my jaw dropped open and I stood there flipping from page to page. I cannot overstate the vast amount of knowledge this book contains. Each subject is covered from a basic point to a most advanced look. Huge equations cover the pages, yet more elementary concepts are explained in the simplest ways. But if you are like me, be forewarned! Opening this book you may find yourself flipping from page to page, concept to concept, and the original issue you wanted to research is long forgotten. …

Product Description
This comprehensive book discusses the sources and limitations of many approximations, guidelines, models, and rules-of-thumb used in electromagnetic compatibility. In addition, it provides a large number of accurate and comprehensive sets of tabled results, as well as a plethora of Mathcad programs, figures, worked examples, complete numerical programs, and student problems. Classical topics in electromagnetics, advanced circuits, and signals and systems are interwoven into the discussions. Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook will be of long-lasting value to engineers, researchers, students, and consultants.

Product Details
Hardcover: 2568 pages
Publisher: CRC; 1 edition (September 29, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849320879
ISBN-13: 978-0849320873
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 7.6 x 2.9 inches
发表于 2009-10-28 09:54:03 | 显示全部楼层
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