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共享电子书Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All)

发表于 2010-6-27 11:53:28 | 显示全部楼层
和Embedded Hardware 是同一套书籍
发表于 2010-6-27 11:54:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-27 11:56:30 | 显示全部楼层
Hardware (Design and Reference) Books
Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All)
Jack Ganssle, Tammy Noergaard, Fred Eady, Lewin Edwards, David J. Katz, Rick Gentile, Ken Arnold, Kamal Hyder, Bob Perrin
September 2007
The publisher says: "Circuit design using microcontrollers is both a science and an art. This book covers it all. It details all of the essential theory and facts to help an engineer design a robust embedded system. Processors, memory, and the hot topic of interconnects (I/O) are completely covered. Our authors bring a wealth of experience and ideas; this is a must-own book for any embedded designer."

Embedded Systems: World Class Designs
Jack Ganssle (editor)
The publisher says: "Jack Ganssle has selected the very best embedded systems design material from the Newnes portfolio and compiled into this volume. The result is a book covering the gamut of embedded design--from hardware to software to integrated embedded systems--with a strong pragmatic emphasis. In addition to specific design techniques and practices, this book also discusses various approaches to solving embedded design problems and how to successfully apply theory to actual design tasks. The material has been selected for its timelessness as well as for its relevance to contemporary embedded design issues. This book will be an essential working reference for anyone involved in embedded system design!"

Intuitive Analog Circuit Design
Marc Thompson
May 2006
The publisher says: "This outstanding book reflects Marc Thompson's twenty years of experience designing and teaching analog circuit design. He describes intuitive and "back of the envelope" techniques for designing and analyzing analog circuits, including transistor amplifiers (CMOS and bipolar), transistor switching, thermal circuit design, magnetic circuit design, control systems, and the like. The application of some simple rules-of-thumb and design techniques is the first step in developing an intuitive understanding of the behavior of complex electrical systems. This book outlines some ways of thinking about analog circuits and systems that hopefully develops such "circuit intuition" and a 'feel' for what a good, working analog circuit design should be."

Practical FPGA Programming in C
David Pellerin, Scott Thibault
No doubt, FPGAs are becoming increasingly popular as they become increasingly powerful. Authors David Pellerin and Scott Thibault describe the history of the FPGA and how to program the FPGA at a higher level of abstraction--in other words, standard ANSI C. ". . . [T]he book also discusses the tools used to automatically convert the untimed C description into its sythesizable HDL equivalent," says Clive Maxfield in the foreword. Described in depth is Impulse C, a tool from Impulse Accelerated Technologies that derives from Streams-C. The authors offer information for both software and hardware engineers. David Pellerin is president and founder of Impulse Accelerated Technologies. Scott Thibault is president and founder of Green Mountain Computing Systems.

Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis and Modelling: From DC to RF
Luis Moura, Izzat Darwazeh
The mathematical representation and analysis of circuits, signals and noise are key tools for electrical and electronic engineers and nowadays, the most complicated circuits can be analysed quickly using computer-based simulation. A good appreciation of principles and concepts behind these simulation tools is essential to make the best use of them and Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis and Modelling addresses the theoretical basis of circuit analysis across a broad spectrum of applications. The authors combine basic electrical circuit analysis theory, RF circuit analysis theory and noise analysis into one volume, to cover the main techniques for analysis of electric circuits. Luis Moura is lecturer in electronics at University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal and Izzat Darwazeh is reader in telecommunications at University College London, UK.

Embedded Robotics: Mobile Robot Design and Applications With Embedded Systems
Thomas Braunl
Here is a book that combines mobile robots and embedded systems, from introductory to intermediate level. It is structured in three parts, dealing with embedded systems (hardware and software design, actuators, sensors, PID control, multitasking), mobile robot design (driving, balancing, walking, and flying robots), and mobile robot applications (mapping, robot soccer, genetic algorithms, neural networks, behavior-based systems, and simulation). The book is written as a text for courses in computer science, computer engineering, IT, electronic engineering, and mechatronics, as well as a guide for robot hobbyists and researchers.

Embedded Computing : A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools
Joseph A. Fisher, Paolo Faraboschi, Cliff Young
Fisher, Faraboschi, and Young describe a new age of embedded computing design, in which the processor is central, making the approach radically distinct from contemporary practices of embedded systems design. They demonstrate why it is essential to take a computing-centric and system-design approach to the traditional elements of nonprogrammable components, peripherals, interconnects and buses. These elements must be unified in a system design with high-performance processor architectures, microarchitectures and compilers, and with the compilation tools, debuggers and simulators needed for application development.

Introduction to Microelectronic Systems : The PIC 16F84 Microcontroller
Martin Bates
This highly illustrated book uses the PIC 16F84 to introduce students to microelectronic systems. Introduction to Microelectronic Systems assumes no prior knowledge of microprocessors and only a little of electronics. The PIC itself is covered in Part B, step by step, leading to demonstration programs using labels, subroutines, timer and interrupts. Part C then shows how applications may be developed using Windows software and some hardware prototyping methods.

PCI Bus Demystified, Second Edition
Doug Abbott
This guide to the PCI Bus is aimed at hardware and software designers. It begins with an overview of PCI Bus concepts, including commands, read-and-write transfers, memory and I/O addressing, error handling, and interrupts. The book presents advanced topics, such as PCI-to-PCI bridge architecture and the PCI BIOS. Coverage of PCI-X 2.0 is incorporated into this second edition. The author is president of a hardware design firm and also lectures on embedded systems development.

Principles of Functional Verification
Andreas Meyer
As design complexity in chips and devices continues to rise, so, too, does the demand for functional verification. Principles of Functional Verification was written to help train professionals in the field of engineering on the methodology and approaches to verification. Part one of this three-part book addresses why functional verification is necessary, its definition and goals. In part two, the methodology and approaches to solving verification issues are examined. Part three looks at practical applications, discussing project planning, resource requirements, and costs.

Introduction to PCI Express
Adam Wilen, Justin P. Schade, Ron Thornburg
Need faster I/O? This introduction to PCI Express details how the technology allows designers to overcome the practical performance limits of existing multi-drop, parallel bus technology. It explains how to increase performance and add new capabilities for a broad range of computing and communications platforms. Relevant technical considerations are presented for both hardware and software developers. The authors are Intel engineers.

Designing Embedded Hardware
John Catsoulis
Designing Embedded Hardware provides software and hardware engineers with no prior experience in embedded systems with the necessary conceptual and design building blocks to understand the architectures of embedded systems. It helps you create your own devices as well as customize and extend off-the-shelf systems. Written to provide the depth of coverage and real-world examples developers need, The book also provides a road-map to the pitfalls and traps to avoid in designing embedded systems. Topics include hardware design, assembly language concepts, parallel I/O, A-to-D conversion, timers, UARTs, the serial peripheral interface, and low-power operation.

Designing with FPGAs and CPLDs
Bob Zeidman
This complete reference is intended for engineers who are planning a CPLD-based or FPGA-based design; managers who need to plan, schedule, and budget a CPLD-based or FPGA-based design; and board-level designers who need to design CPLDs or FPGAs into a product. Experienced designers will find well-structured guidelines for future projects. The author, an independent contract hardware and software developer, explains the entire procedure for designing these devices from specification through production.

The Essential Guide To Semiconductors
Jim Turley
The Essential Guide to Semiconductors is a complete guide to the business and technology of semiconductor design and manufacturing. It covers semiconductor applications, such as cell phones, cars, computers, and gaming systems. Using diagrams and flowcharts to promote understanding, Jim Turley explains exactly how silicon chips are designed and built, illuminates key markets and opportunities, and shows how the industry fits together.

Modern VLSI Design: System-on-Chip Design (3rd Edition)
Wayne Wolf
Modern VLSI Design, System-on-Chip Design, Third Edition is a comprehensive, "bottom-up" guide to the entire VLSI design process, focusing on the latest solutions for System-on-Chip (SoC) design. Wayne Wolf reviews every aspect of digital design, from planning and layout to fabrication and packaging, introducing today's most advanced techniques for maximizing performance, minimizing power utilization, and achieving rapid design turnarounds.

Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller
Dhananjay V. Gadre
This reader-friendly guide shows you how to take charge of the newest, most versatile microcontrollers around, Atmel's AVR RISC chip family. Inside, Electronics World writer and astronomy instrumentation developer Dhananjay V. Gadre walks you from first meeting these exciting new computers-on-a-chip all the way through design and ready-to-launch products.

Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems : The Polis Approach
Felice Balarin (Editor)
The POLIS system, which is a co-design environment for embedded systems, is based on a formal model of computation. POLIS was initiated in 1988 as a research project at the University of California at Berkeley and, over the years, grew into a full design methodology with a software system supporting it. Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems: The POLIS Approach is intended to give a complete overview of the POLIS system including its formal and algorithmic aspects. Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems: The POLIS Approach will be of interest to embedded system designers (automotive electronics, consumer electronics and telecommunications), micro-controller designers, CAD developers and students.
(Special Order)

Embedded Microprocessor Systems : Real World Design
Stuart R. Ball
An overview of embedded microprocessor systems covering the operation of and interfaces to several types of processors, with an emphasis on cost and design tradeoffs. The author provides numerous examples, tips, and pitfalls to help designers avoid mistakes.

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors : Real World Design
Stuart R. Ball
A companion volume to the author's Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, focusing on measurement and control of analog quantities in embedded systems that are required to interface in the real world. Provides coverage of system design, sensors, EMI, motors, and standard interfaces.

The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers
Richard H. Barnett
Aim of the text is to present sufficient information so that the reader will understand the 8051 family of microcontrollers and be able to develop a project using these devices.

Embedded Controllers : 80186, 80188, and 80386Ex
Barry B. Brey
This is the first book that deals with the programming and interfacing aspects of the embedded microprocessor family that has gained wide application in many areas of electronics, communications, and control systems. The book uses the Microsoft Macro assembler program (MASM) that develops many example programming applications using not only the 80186/80188 and 80386EX, but all the Intel family members from the 80486 through the Pentium Pro processor and contains hundreds of applications that can be executed on the personal computer.

The Mips Programmers Handbook
Erin Farquhar, Philip Bunce
This book gives a "hands-on" approach to programming the MIPS chip (which is the world's most popular chip). This will be of interest to the same audience as other important MK books on architecture and to the same audience as Kane's book on MIPS RISC Architecture.

Co-Synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Jonathan Allen (Editor)
The book presents techniques that are useful in building complex embedded systems. These techniques provide a competitive advantage over purely hardware or software implementations of time-constrained embedded systems. Recent advances in chip-level synthesis have made it possible to synthesize application-specific circuits under strict timing constraints. This work advances the state of the art by formulating the problem of system synthesis using both application-specific as well as reprogrammable components, such as off-the-shelf processors.
(Special Order)

Embedded Systems Design
Steve Heath
A series of tutorials on embedded systems design focusing on real- world design rather than theory. Topics include processor architectures, memory types, basic peripherals, analogue to digital conversion, power control, interrupts, real-time operating systems, software development, debugging and emulation techniques, and buffer and data structures. The author provides several software and design examples.

Microprocessor and Microcontroller Fundamentals : The 8085 and 8051 Hardware and Software
William Kleitz
This book uses the 8085A microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller to explain the fundamentals of microprocessor architecture, programming, and hardware. It features only practical, workable designs so that readers can develop a complete understanding of the application with no frustrating gaps in the explanations. An abundance of real-life hardware, software, and schematic interpretation problems prepare readers to troubleshoot and trace signals through situations they will likely encounter on the job.

The Codesign of Embedded Systems : A Unified Hardware Software Representation
Sanjaya Kumar (Editor)
The Codesign of Embedded Systems develops several fundamental hardware/software codesign concepts and a methodology that supports them. A unified representation, referred to as a decomposition graph, is presented which can be used to describe hardware or software using either functional abstractions or data abstractions. Using a unified representation based on functional abstractions, an abstract hardware/software model has been implemented in a common simulation environment called ADEPT (Advanced Design Environment Prototyping Tool). This model permits early hardware/software evaluation and tradeoff exploration.
(Special Order)

Embedded Systems : New Approaches to Their Formal Description and Design: An Advanced Course
A. Kundig, et al
Contains some lectures given in Spring 1986 at ETH Z*rich in the framework of an Advanced Course on New Approaches to the Architecture and the Design of Embedded Systems. The lectures concentrate on description and design methods based on formal models, as applied to the development of computer based systems. Both hardware and software are treated. Special emphasis in the presentation of the theoretical basis is given to functional formalisms and Petri Nets.
(Special Order)

Retargetable Compilers for Embedded Core Processors : Methods and Experience in Industrial Applications
Clifford Liem
Embedded core processors are becoming a vital part of today's system-on-a-chip in the growing areas of telecommunications, multimedia and consumer electronics. This is mainly in response to a need to track evolving standards with the flexibility of embedded software. Consequently, maintaining the high product performance and low product cost requires a careful design of the processor tuned to the application domain. With the increased presence of instruction-set processors, retargetable software compilation techniques are critical, not only for improving engineering productivity, but to allow designers to explore the architectural possibilities for the application domain. The book overviews the techniques of modern retargetable compilers and shows the application of practical techniques to embedded instruction-set processors.

Code Generation for Embedded Processors
Peter Marwedel (Editor), Gert Goossens (Editor)
Modern electronics is driven by the explosive growth of digital communications and multi-media technology. A basic challenge is to design first-time-right complex digital systems, that meet stringent constraints on performance and power dissipation. In order to combine this growing system complexity with an increasingly short time-to-market, new system design technologies are emerging based on the paradigm of embedded programmable processors. This concept introduces modularity, flexibility and re-use in the electronic system design process. However, its success will critically depend on the availability of efficient and reliable CAD tools to design, programme and verify the functionality of embedded processors. Recently, new research efforts emerged on the edge between software compilation and hardware synthesis, to develop high-quality code generation tools for embedded processors. Code Generation for Embedded Systems provides a survey of these new developments. Although not limited to these targets, the main emphasis is on code generation for modern DSP processors. Important themes covered by the book include: the scope of general purpose versus application-specific processors, machine code quality for embedded applications, retargetability of the code generation process, machine description formalisms, and code generation methodologies. Code Generation for Embedded Systems is the essential introduction to this fast developing field of research for students, researchers, and practitioners alike.
(Special Order)

The Embedded PC'S Isa Bus : Firmware, Gadgets, and Practical Tricks
Edward Nisley, (Editor)
The Embedded PC's ISA Bus Real-world success with embedded ISA-bus systems requires mastery of both hardware and software techniques, comprehensive knowledge that can't be found in dry bus specs or simple hobby projects. Ed Nisley has spent 20 years in the trenches of embedded programming and hardware design; in his popular "Firmware Furnace" columns in Circuit Cellar INK, and now here in these pages, he maps the territory where code meets solder.
(Back Ordered)

Arithmetic Built-In Self-Test for Embedded Systems
Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer
The semiconductor industry, driven by ever-increasing demands for higher performance and reliability, as well as greater functionality and speeds, continuously introduces new higher density technologies and new integrated circuits. These circuits, like any other complex systems, not only have to meet the performance and functionality requirements, but they also have to be manufacturable. In particular, they have to be highly testable in order to meet extremely high and constantly growing quality requirements. The quality of testing is often defined as the number of faulty chips that pass the test for one million chipsdeclared as good. Many microelectronics companies have already set their testing quality goals to less than 100 dpm (defects per million), and there is intensive ongoing research to lower this number to less than 10 dpm as targeted in the six sigma project pioneered by Motorola.

Microcontroller Projects Using the Basic Stamp, Second Edition
Al Williams
Want to build an electronic game, a robot, or an automated manufacturing process? This guide is updated with a complete, task-oriented command reference for the BS2P Stamp and detailed instructions for new projects including Internet-to-Stamp gateways, test instruments, infrared remote controls, and robot motor controls. Includes practical advice for PC interfacing using serial EEPROMs and other devices and analog I/O capabilities. The CD-ROM contains a Basic Stamp emulator and a PIC programmer.

Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems
Ti-Yen Yen, Wayne Hendrix Wolf
Embedded computer systems use both off-the-shelf microprocessors and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to implement specialized system functions. Examples include the electronic systems inside laser printers, cellular phones, microwave ovens, and an automobile anti-lock brake controller. Embedded computing is unique because it is a co-design problem -- the hardware engine and application software architecture must be designed simultaneously. The book proposes new techniques such as fixed-point iterations, phase adjustment, and separation analysis to efficiently estimate tight bounds on the delay required for a set of multi-rate processes preemptively scheduled on a real-time reactive distributed system.

Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller/Book and Disk
Sencer Yeralan, Ashutosh Ahluwalia
Combining comprehensive introductory-level coverage of the entire 8051 microcontroller family with general information on Intel 8051 and the Siemens 80C515 microcontroller applications, architectures, and programming, this book/disk package includes software that can be used to build designs and experiments with the 8051 chip by using a chip simulator.
发表于 2010-8-11 16:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
: 共享电子书Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All) [修改]
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: 共享电子书Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All) [修改]
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共享电子书Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All) [修改]
发表于 2010-8-11 16:39:58 | 显示全部楼层
共享电子书Embedded Hardware (Newnes Know It All) [修改]
发表于 2010-8-12 15:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
Good for study!!!
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