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本帖最后由 eecsseudl 于 2013-4-29 09:58 编辑
altera CIC IP自带的补偿用的matlab程序,怎么不能正确编译;高手指点一二 谢谢!
%% ================================================================================
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%% Generated by: CIC 7.2 Build 151 October, 2007
%% Generated on: 2008-4-15 17:59:26
% ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff genearats CIC compensation filter coefficients
% using frequency sampling method.
% ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff(L, Fs, Fc, plot, is_fxp, B) calculates compensation
% filter coefficients and saves the coefficients to a file.
% L - FIR filter length (= number of taps = number of coefficients)
% Fs - FIR filter sample rate in Hz before decimation
% Fc - FIR filter cutoff frequency in Hz
% plot - True or false to draw filter responses graphically
% is_fxp - Indicating if the coefficients should be saved as fixed point or floating point numbers
% B - Number of bits to represent the coefficients if is_fxp is true
% Examples:
% ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff(31,80e6,4e6,true,true,16);
% ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff(31,80e6,4e6,true,false)
function ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff(L, Fs, Fc, plot, is_fxp, B)
% Validate number of input arguments
error(nargchk(0, 6, nargin));
%%%%%% CIC filter parameters %%%%%%
R = 2; %% Decimation factor
M = 1; %% Differential Delay
N = 5; %% Number of Stages
%%%%%% User Parameters %%%%%%
% Check if Signal Processing Toolbox is in the Matlab installation
if (isempty(which('fir2')))
error('Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox isn''t installed on your machine. Please contact Altera for help.');
%% Get user parameters: B, L, Fs, Fc if they aren't passed as arguments.
if(nargin < 1)
%% Filter length: it must be an odd number, otherwise it'll be increased by 1.
L = input('Number of filter coefficients (31 as default): ');
if isempty(L)
L = 12;
if mod(L,2) == 0
fprintf('FIR filter length must be an odd number. %d is used instead.\n',L+1);
L = L+1;
if(nargin < 2)
%% FIR filter sample rate in Hz before decimation
Fs = input('FIR filter sample rate in Hz before decimation (80e6 as default): ');
if isempty(Fs)
Fs = 80000;
if(nargin < 3)
%% FIR filter cutoff frequency in Hz
Fc = input('FIR filter cutoff frequency in Hz (4e6 as default): ');
if isempty(Fc)
Fc = 4000;
if (nargin < 4)
plot_res = input('Do you want to plot filter responses? Y/N [N]:','s');
if isempty(plot_res)
plot_res = 'N';
if upper(plot_res) == 'Y'
plot = true;
plot = false;
if(nargin < 5)
fxp_coeff = input('Do you want to write out coefficients as fixed point numbers? Y/N [Y]:','s');
if isempty(fxp_coeff)
fxp_coeff = 'Y';
if upper(fxp_coeff) == 'Y'
is_fxp = true;
is_fxp = false;
if(is_fxp && nargin < 6)
%% Number of bits to represent fixed point filter coefficients
B = input('Number of bits to represent the filter coefficients (16 as default): ');
if isempty(B)
B = 8;
Fo = R*Fc/Fs; %% Normalized Cutoff freq; 0<Fo<=0.5/M;
%% Fo should be less than 1/(4M) for good performance
% Fo = 0.5/M; %% use Fo=0.5 if we don't care responses outside passband
%%%%%%% CIC Compensator Design using fir2.m %%%%%%
p = 2e3; %% Granulatiry
s = 0.25/p; %% Stepsize
fp = [0:s:Fo]; %% Passband frequency samples
fs = (Fo+s):s:0.5; %% Stopband frequency samples
f = [fp fs]*2; %% Noramlized frequency samples; 0<=f<=1;
Mp = ones(1,length(fp)); %% Passband response; Mp(1)=1
Mp(2:end) = abs( M*R*sin(pi*fp(2:end)/R)./sin(pi*M*fp(2:end))).^N; %% Inverse sinc
Mf = [Mp zeros(1,length(fs))];
f(end) = 1;
h = fir2(L-1,f,Mf); %% Filter order = filter length (L) - 1
h = h/max(h); %% Floating point coefficients, scaled it to 1
% Output filter coefficients to a file for Altera FIR Compiler %
filename = 'ratechangecic_core_fir_comp_coeff.txt';
fid = fopen(filename, 'wt');
if (fid == -1)
errMsg = sprintf('Can''t Open file %s for writing.\n', FileName);
if (is_fxp) % coefficients are fixed point
hz = fix(h*(2^(B-1)-1)); %% Quantization of filter coefficients
fprintf(fid, '%d\n', hz); %% fixed point coeff
fprintf(fid, '%.6f\n',h); %% floating point
fprintf('The compensation filter coefficients have been saved to file ''%s''.\n',filename);
% Change the following variable to 1 if you would like to plot the filter responses
if (plot)
if (is_fxp)
%% Function for ploting filter responses
function plot_responses(R,M,N,res,Fs,is_fxp)
%%%%%%% Full resolution CIC filter response %%%%%%%%
hrec = ones(1,R*M);
tmph = hrec;
for k=1:N-1
tmph = conv(hrec, tmph);
hcic = tmph;
hcic = hcic/max(hcic);
%%%%%%% Total Response %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
resp = upsample(res, R);
ht = conv(hcic, resp); %% Concatenation of CIC and fir2 FIR at high freqency
no_data_points = 4096; %% Number of data points to plot in the figure
[Hcic, wt] = freqz(hcic, 1, no_data_points, Fs); %% CIC Freq. Response
[Hciccomp, wt] = freqz(resp, 1, no_data_points, Fs); %% CIC Comp. response using fir2
[Ht, wt] = freqz(ht, 1, no_data_points, Fs); %% Total response for CIC + Compensation fir2
warning off all; %% Turn the 'Log by zero' warning off
Mcic = 20*log10(abs(Hcic)/(abs(Hcic(1)))); %% CIC Freq. Response
Mciccomp = 20*log10(abs(Hciccomp)/(abs(Hciccomp(1))));%% CIC Comp. response using fir2
Mt = 20*log10(abs(Ht)/(abs(Ht(1)))); %% Total response for CIC + Compensation fir2
warning on; %% Turn warnings on
plot(wt, Mcic, wt, Mciccomp, wt, Mt);
if (is_fxp) % coefficients are fixed point
legend('CIC','CIC Comp','Total Response (Fixed Point)');
else % floating point
legend('CIC','CIC Comp','Total Response (Floating Point)');
ymax = max(Mciccomp)+1;
ylim([-100 ymax]);
title('CIC and its Compensation Filter Responses');
xlabel('Frequency Hz');
ylabel('Filter Magnitude Response dB');