Computational Methods for Electromagnetics and Microwaves
Richard C. Booton
ISBN: 978-0-471-52804-3
192 pages
May 1992
Emphasizes electromagnetic and microwave problems and the fundamental algorithms which can be used as the basis for computer programs that produce useful numerical results. Includes relevant computer project descriptions in related chapters. A requirement for any student doing work in electromagnetics.
Table of contents:
Finite-Difference Method.
Finite-Difference Determination of Eigenvalues.
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method.
Variational and Related Methods.
Finite-Element Method.
Method of Moments.
Scattering Solutions by Mehtod of Moments.
Spectral Analysis with Fourier Series and Fourier Integral.
Spectral Analysis of Microstrip Transmission Lines.
Spectral Analysis of Microstrip Circuits.
Mode Matching.
Concluding Comments.