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哪位达人可以帮我翻译这句话啊。不是我懒,不肯自己看,实在是看了整个文档,但是这句话就是不理解。Local Base Address of Chip Select 0. Write zeros (0) in the least significant
bits to define the range for Chip Select 0. Starting from bit 1 and scanning toward bit 27, the first “1” found defines size. The remaining most significant bits, excluding the first “1” found, define base address.
这句话是9052芯片资料上132页介绍片选基地址寄存器时候出现的,BIT0是片选使能,27:1是定义片选基地址的,就牵扯到上面那句话。如果我写入00000041,那么片选基地址是怎样的? |