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谁能提供USB2.0 capture

发表于 2003-11-17 05:29:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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需要USB 2.0 的接口驱动:
I'm enquiry about the following USB project, and an
quotation for cost and release time:
1. An general USB 2.0 device that connects to an PC
and supports:
1.1 an data capture port to allow PC to read data into
PC memory at 64mbit/s
1.1.1 the port has 8 bit data, synchronized at rising
clock edge;
1.1.2 the clock is an master/external/input clock
1.1.3 a data valid bit synchronized with clock cycle,
0/1=data shall be ignored/valid
1.1.4 data shall be save in a 256~1MB circular buffer
with maximum rate 8MB/S,
1.2 an general i/o port of 8~16 bits
1.2.1 maximum rate 50KB/s
1.3 USB power/reset output control
1.4 mimium hardware
1.4.1 if a programmable device like microprocessor is
used, all source of code needs to be supplied, we may
ask for further functionality in separate contract.
2. Windows Xp/2K drivers with source:
2.1 data capture driver with sample application to
save the captured data in PC memory and/or hard disk
2.2  data is continuous and shall not be losted no
matter which Windows application is running.
2.3 general I/O port driver, can write/read each port
2.3 USB driver shall able to make use of maximum
allowed current of USB spec., say 0.5A
2.4 Driver for linux/uClinux may be required in future
3. If you believe an PCMCIA card can be used for above
funtions with little or no hardware chip, we may also
consider it
发表于 2007-3-19 17:39:42 | 显示全部楼层
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