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本帖最后由 cjsb37 于 2013-4-29 09:11 编辑
Product Description Given the rapid software and hardwaredevelopments in DSP, it is vital for students to complement theirtheoretical learning with practical applications. Digital SignalProcessing Laboratory is a practical, readily understandable text forthose studying DSP for the first time. The author acquaints studentswith an integrated approach consisting of side-by-side training intheory and hardware/software aspects of DSP, making it ideal for thecompanion laboratory to a class in DSP theory. To execute thisapproach, each chapter consists of a brief section on theory to explainthe underlying mathematics and principles, a problem solving section,and a computer laboratory section with programming examples andexercises using MATLAB and Simulink. Applicable chapters include ahardware laboratory section composed of exercises using test andmeasuring equipment. The author discusses the theory of DSPapplications and systems, LTI discrete-time signals and systems,practical time and frequency analysis of discrete-time signals,Analog-to-Digital (A/D) process, design and application of digitalfilters, and the application of practical DSP processes through the DSPhardware, along with software models of these systems. Thistextbook/lab manual offers a concise, easily understood presentationthat makes the information accessible to senior undergraduate andgraduate students while building their proficiency with the software,the hardware, and the theory of DSP. Students can easily adapt theconcepts for different software/hardware conditions than thosepresented within, making this an extremely versatile and valuableresource.
[ 本帖最后由 dram 于 2009-8-28 00:00 编辑 ]