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[转贴] 35mm的CMOS傳感器WP 瑜伽 2013-6-5 01441 瑜伽 2013-6-5 16:14
[转贴] [转载]Xilinx AXI-Stream IP调试日记 ebullience 2013-5-24 618760 gaojiabao 2017-8-5 22:32
[转贴] 【转载】Xilinx Zedboard ZYNQ AXI-Stream IP调试日记 ebullience 2013-5-24 519642 tingtingma5800 2019-2-21 08:52
[转贴] Asic Basic -2 rohanhelio 2013-5-11 11520 ethanpan 2013-5-12 15:30
[转贴] Who has Comsol Trial license?? osmanali 2013-5-9 03852 osmanali 2013-5-9 00:00
[转贴] [疯狂JAVA讲义].李刚.高清扫描版 attachment yangfunc 2013-4-10 92676 cdting 2020-6-5 00:26
[转贴] 感谢楼主 giantchao 2012-12-17 01521 giantchao 2012-12-17 08:01
[转贴] Using p_sequencer in UVM Sequence shoaibsaiufuddi 2012-11-18 01964 shoaibsaiufuddi 2012-11-18 12:17
[转贴] FPGA设计方法与技巧类资料 attachment txws007 2012-11-2 11741 chengweiquan 2012-11-3 08:56
[转贴] PADS9.5下载地址  ...23 posix6973 2012-10-31 2823257 ranqi 2017-8-10 14:04
[转贴] Fundamentals of Clocks and Clocking hossam_fadeel 2012-10-15 01511 hossam_fadeel 2012-10-15 19:36
[转贴] 【转载】Digital VLSI Job Interview Experience attachment  ...2 vlsi1217 2012-10-14 114879 QQben 2018-12-12 12:49
[转贴] 分数抽取 attachment ylt9811115 2012-8-29 32045 ynp6252222 2015-7-10 09:51
[转贴] ADC模数转换器有效位计算 attachment ylt9811115 2012-8-29 62002 sizzle 2018-6-25 17:00
[转贴] 接收机动态范围分析及测试方法 attachment ylt9811115 2012-8-29 42287 2cky 2020-3-1 19:00
[转贴] Proceedings of IEEE 的百年特刊,里面有EEE各种技术综述及未来走势预测 wued 2012-8-29 01736 wued 2012-8-29 11:01
[转贴] Xilinx@14.2@Lic attachment  ...23 posix6973 2012-8-24 235074 inderjit 2017-6-21 10:52
[转贴] Xilinx ISE 14.2 attachment  ...23456..7 posix6973 2012-8-24 6116298 kingmomo0001 2017-12-8 01:42
[转贴] verilog 视频教程 黄伟才3 2012-8-24 01633 黄伟才3 2012-8-24 09:05
[转贴] verilog资料 attachment 黄伟才3 2012-8-24 31537 capsw 2012-8-24 10:38
[转贴] Testing made easy no1no1 2012-8-2 11401 lixqing 2012-9-12 15:02
[转贴] A Primer book for SystemC no1no1 2012-8-2 11623 pupukid 2012-8-3 14:54
[转贴] SystemC Primer no1no1 2012-8-2 11987 mastosh 2012-12-21 15:34
[转贴] Altium Docs no1no1 2012-8-2 11560 hang150 2012-8-2 11:37
[转贴] Electronics Circuits Designer's Casebook no1no1 2012-8-2 11831 arashnum 2014-5-13 05:06
[转贴] 赛灵思Virtex-7 PCI Express Gen3演示视频 jackzhang 2012-7-16 11449 jimcmwang 2012-8-7 09:30
[转贴] OReilly.Python.for.Unix.and.Linux.System.Administration. attachment  ...2 guruzoa 2012-7-12 143648 dreamfly123123 2018-5-11 15:05
[转贴] 吐血推荐学verilog的好代码示例,偏信号视频处理等领域 attachment yinxinmeizi 2012-7-10 42315 小小舟 2013-3-14 23:18
[转贴] QUARTUS II官方培训教材 高级篇 attachment  ...2345 liquan45688 2012-6-8 4412019 dragon0301 2015-11-24 10:12
[转贴] ModelSim 10.0 破解 attachment gumoeda 2012-4-26 82919 zhangrenzhe001 2012-10-25 14:28
[转贴] Cadence Incisive 5.4 attachment jintan12 2012-4-2 42718 tmfjek 2020-1-4 09:58
[转贴] LegUp high-level synthesis tool 2.0 attachment jintan12 2012-4-1 24125 turkman 2017-7-13 08:54
[转贴] The compatible versions of the ISE software and MATLAB mingxing00 2012-3-12 53898 dshqd 2012-4-20 16:35
[转贴] [xilinx doc] Advanced vhdl design - training on Xilinx FPGA attachment  ...2 qazokmrfv 2012-2-17 114143 dannymu 2022-7-27 17:33
[转贴] 数字逻辑与微处理器VHDL设计 attachment eppur 2012-2-16 73139 雷叔叔 2016-9-17 19:42
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