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[转贴] 视频编解码方案 attachment  ...23 uyuy777 2010-3-5 217249 gouyaer123 2020-7-20 04:38
[转贴] ecc pubkey attachment  ...2 guruzoa_naver 2015-2-17 155614 tvs 2024-4-18 14:10
[转贴] FPGACPLD数字电路设计经验分享 attachment  ...2 feixuemeng 2010-10-23 112116 xiaoming0751 2010-10-28 09:49
[转贴] Embeded system handbook ! attachment gaconht 2010-11-29 92574 jack_20150410 2018-7-26 12:23
[转贴] 【转载】Digital VLSI Job Interview Experience attachment  ...2 vlsi1217 2012-10-14 114842 QQben 2018-12-12 12:49
[转贴] verilog文件读写操作指南,比较详细,有函数说明 icqw1983 2014-1-23 811646 person51 2018-7-26 11:45
[转贴] xilinx ISE 14.7 attachment  ...2 paolomaldini123 2014-8-3 115158 kingmomo0002 2021-12-20 00:21
[转贴] 不错的东西 csc57 2018-3-15 72505 cikulangsat 2018-3-18 23:07
[转贴] Electronics-Verilog.Digital.Design.Synthesis attach_img  ...2 gaconht 2010-11-29 113087 helloverilog 2011-8-4 15:14
[转贴] linux上成功安装modelsim 10.1C版本  ...23 eknngx 2015-4-2 218875 peterlook1 2024-2-11 04:20
[转贴] A Verilog 8051 Soft Core for FPGA attachment  ...2 peterlin2010 2018-6-21 124277 lmkuo2006 2020-1-9 17:11
[转贴] 如何在DE2用硬件存取SDRAM(4 port)? (IC Design) (DE2) attachment  ...2 xunledelang 2010-9-5 1012813 tomdong074 2019-10-12 09:30
[转贴] IC封装大全 attachment yangshuai_1981 2010-11-25 71469 stevenli_lee 2010-12-1 14:05
[转贴] Embedded Controller Hardware Design attach_img gaconht 2010-11-29 91965 juchina 2010-12-17 11:50
[转贴] 关于Xilinx FPGA的一些精华问题 attachment  ...2 jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-13 103124 jsls0701 2014-8-21 15:30
[转贴] FPGA/CPLD經驗分享 attachment  ...2 crazyboy20 2015-12-6 113308 uestczgm 2016-1-17 01:58
[转贴] McGraw Hill - Digital Signal Processing - computer based approach attachment  ...2 gaconht 2010-12-13 124833 zzhito 2023-5-21 20:31
[转贴] Clock Generators for SOC Processors: Circuits and Architectures vanduongbk 2010-2-23 72618 zhangma123 2014-11-17 09:46
[转贴] 历届美国Design Con完整论文下载! jjjred 2011-3-12 62472 averyer 2011-3-31 00:18
[转贴] 我有微电子-半导体工艺名词大全 attachment tjx257 2011-10-29 82670 kylkzy 2012-2-9 16:46
[转贴] [xilinx doc] Advanced vhdl design - training on Xilinx FPGA attachment  ...2 qazokmrfv 2012-2-17 114109 dannymu 2022-7-27 17:33
[转贴] ModelSim 10.0 破解 attachment gumoeda 2012-4-26 82907 zhangrenzhe001 2012-10-25 14:28
[转贴] CST Studio 2017 SP1 attachment yhaghian 2017-4-2 82135 zhouweixi 2017-4-8 21:35
[转贴] Another VHDL to Verilog Translator and Verilog to VHDL Translator (SynaptiCAD) attachment eagleice 2011-4-30 52589 gaoxing7 2011-6-1 21:55
[转贴] Fizzim2 一个所见即所得的状态机工具 attach_img  ...2 zangto 2016-3-29 104249 杨义 2017-10-14 19:09
[转贴] Synplify 9.6.2_with_crack网盘下载地址 attachment ytxing008 2018-6-5 92036 binnq 2024-4-12 16:58
[转贴] verilog编写规范,设计经验 attachment  ...23 dft2009 2010-1-6 258762 zchdsp 2020-4-29 14:09
[转贴] 再转一个,从公司共享论坛找到的 attachment 马蹄山总统套房 2011-3-28 92638 guojiang 2021-2-5 13:37
[转贴] digital logic circuit analysis & design(winrar 6 files) attachment  ...2 mich_xia 2010-6-23 113349 ykjing2 2013-1-31 19:20
[转贴] 使用Verilog实现基于FPGA的SDRAM控制器 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2010-7-13 123034 pala0001 2015-9-7 21:29
[转贴] Patterns for time triggered embedded systems attachment gaconht 2010-12-14 55955 iseesky 2010-12-14 20:34
[转贴] FPGA学习心得 attachment jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-20 62424 jieson520 2013-7-13 21:44
[转贴] 数字VERILOG设计 attachment qinzhanao 2011-10-28 52028 dreamfly123123 2017-12-29 10:18
[转贴] 发个资料吧《使用TIMEQUEST进行简单粗糙的约束》 attachment guantouren 2011-11-10 63741 iNostory 2018-6-12 13:25
[转贴] 数字逻辑与微处理器VHDL设计 attachment eppur 2012-2-16 73123 雷叔叔 2016-9-17 19:42
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