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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3404|排名: 211 

计算机原理与设计:verilog hdl版 attachment  ...23456..23 tyxuanyuanlx 2013-4-2 22340417 novel_qin 2024-1-19 16:00
Modern Processor Design电子书下载(pdf清晰版) attach_img  ...23456..21 1018636208 2012-12-29 20639361 im.leo 2024-1-11 16:32
分析Cache的运行机制和设计理念 attachment  ...23456..28 karierace 2009-8-10 27339064 tom0626 2022-9-19 23:19
大家来说说wishbone总线吧  ...2 richyhuang 2006-2-7 1838814 beifengwx1100 2011-11-16 20:14
怎么用 modelsim SE 6.0 仿真八位简单RISC cpu   attachment  ...2 zyu 2005-2-15 1438579 skahill 2023-12-27 20:12
ARM Verilog HDL source code attachment  ...2345 nicolast86 2009-4-22 4238361 adan313 2018-9-14 00:04
微处理器设计非常经典的书 attachment  ...23456..34 jonslover 2008-3-12 33938100 josemari66 2015-2-12 20:34
计算理论导引习题答案.。。 attachment  ...23 andyxieyong 2008-1-19 2037809 tctj· 2011-6-22 08:41
[下载]网络处理器的分析与研究 attachment  ...2345 一声叹息 2004-3-3 4737540 zhaowf 2012-11-8 20:47
《处理器设计,基于ASIC和FPAG的片上系统构建》英文原版 attachment  ...23456..27 ybchen08 2008-10-18 26736879 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:26
DMA与DMA控制器 attachment  ...23456..26 godname 2008-10-4 25636082 xlteam2 2023-5-5 23:25
Computer Organization and Design, 5th Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface attachment  ...23456..13 39123811 2014-1-17 12635346 im.leo 2024-1-11 16:26
多核处理器系统设计Multicore Processors and Systems[Original PDF] attachment  ...23456..27 yisaogua 2009-11-11 26235220 skahill 2024-3-19 14:35
cpu设计(完全教程) attachment  ...23456..25 zzutjutang 2006-12-4 24634457 im.leo 2024-1-12 10:05
初学cpu设计(完全教程);设计very easy CPU attachment  ...23456..23 whynoreason 2006-10-13 22634046 jiaofufu 2024-4-9 13:44
[原创] Computer Organization and Design, 4th Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface attachment  ...23456..15 benemale 2010-9-13 14433959 szdgsz 2022-7-11 17:27
【CPU设计经典】Computer.Organization,Design,and.Architecture-4e attachment  ...23456..27 darylz 2009-5-21 26333418 skahill 2023-12-27 20:13
DW8051 VHDL源码和Datasheet attachment  ...23456..25 aguest 2006-2-20 24233209 badegg3 2019-9-5 16:42
【随书CD】Computer.Architecture a Quantitative.Approach.4th attachment  ...23456..22 aguest 2008-8-28 21933164 summerxxy 2017-4-3 11:09
MC8051设计非常有用的资料(经典) attachment  ...23456..24 yingcui88373 2007-5-26 23433151 404_not_found 2022-11-18 14:40
MIPS学习资料,中文版,详细介绍MIPS CPU架构 attachment  ...23456..28 autohzhz 2007-8-25 27633074 geminigeorge 2012-10-3 01:44
【ebook】Hardware and Computer Organization (2005) attachment  ...23456..20 老扁 2005-10-11 19832881 lqpcwl1986 2011-9-10 19:52
大家來貼 CPU DIE photo 吧 attach_img digest  ...23456..13 peterlin2010 2013-10-4 12832604 andy2000a 2024-3-29 18:24
Intel's Next Generation Microarchitecture attachment  ...23 nudtzy 2006-3-21 2832568 im.leo 2024-1-16 15:15
ARM_Cortex-A8微处理器的架构和实现 attachment  ...23456..29 oioeic 2009-5-21 28932158 david69 2018-4-25 14:18
Computer Organization and Design Third Edition 部分电子版 attachment  ...23456..19 yifan225 2005-7-14 18132098 kakashi2010 2009-8-22 17:19
【Springer经典】流处理器系统结构(Stream Processor Architecture)—Scott Rixner attachment  ...23456..21 yisaogua 2010-5-12 20431953 im.leo 2024-1-12 09:40
最小的CPU软核设计,经典,强烈推荐!(VHDL) attachment  ...23456..21 kata 2006-10-20 20831656 a274420000 2015-1-17 10:41
Booth算法乘法器(组合逻辑和流水线两种) attachment  ...23456..13 liyun022 2006-8-28 12531575 cwy051731 2022-7-14 19:05
深入理解计算机系统(第二版)中文版 attach_img  ...23456..13 justdoit 2011-6-1 12831097 Lobos 2023-9-4 00:22
8051 IP 核的源代码及设计文档 attachment  ...23456..19 zhanzi 2007-4-4 18431129 liguchu 2024-1-19 17:23
个人收集的CPU核(两个8051带文档 , or12000 ) 外加cpu设计教程 -大附件上传 attachment  ...23456..22 lxing_1988 2011-4-2 21830900 xiaofuss_ 2021-4-21 12:17
中文第三版 Computer Architecture (计算机系统结构)_PDF版 attachment  ...23456..18 i_test 2009-3-19 17630555 lidx 2024-4-12 16:13
[PPT]GPU+Architecture+Design+Tutorial attachment  ...23456..19 qazwsxedc_1 2010-8-28 18530492 sutaotao2001 2023-12-27 02:06
MIT 的 CPU 设计课程 attachment  ...23456..27 LAS.xs 2007-10-2 26430392 sssfd 2023-5-10 13:33
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