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脚本资料区 今日: 9 |主题: 734|排名: 26 

[资料] Linux与unix_shell编程指南 attachment  ...2 ghghghghgh222 2013-9-14 186282 1069985010 2020-12-31 13:27
[资料] Perl函数集 - [阅读权限 2]attachment  ...2 waynor 2014-6-12 18311 martin_zheng 2021-8-20 10:38
[资料] Linux+Shell 脚本资料-V0.7 attachment  ...2 似水如烟 2014-10-20 185836 ICer_learn 2023-3-14 18:40
[资料] python英文资料 attachment  ...2 drakedog 2015-12-15 185265 yaoqing88 2018-12-4 02:00
[资料] The GNU Make Book attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2016-5-1 185433 ncash0933 2022-10-11 14:49
[资料] 将图片转换为layout的脚本 attachment  ...2 bing_bing 2018-5-17 185094 Lynno 2024-3-6 10:04
[资料] tcl编程初步及脑图 attach_img  ...2 movit 2021-7-25 194155 347305514 2023-10-30 11:52
[资料] 《Ubuntu.参考手册》UbuntuManual attachment  ...2 moremore50 2012-2-1 174777 xlteam2 2022-8-27 11:49
[资料] Makefile的调试 attachment  ...2 hbyu 2013-5-6 179500 cwy051731 2022-7-25 08:14
[资料] 学习bash attachment  ...2 cloudiness 2013-7-10 174417 zxhxym 2024-4-3 01:25
[资料] Oreilly Sed&AWK 2nd attachment  ...2 gellmann 2014-4-20 174201 cmmjava 2024-4-4 02:44
[资料] Programming Perl 4th Edition attachment  ...2 verisilicon0768 2016-10-25 173742 martin_zheng 2021-9-24 15:28
[资料] Learning Pandas attachment  ...2 nicolast86 2017-10-11 174213 joeyang 2023-10-8 09:15
[资料] gvim attachment  ...2 wupc2057 2020-10-26 174693 dmf336 2023-2-3 15:30
[资料] Learning the vi and Vim Editors, 8th edition @2021 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-20 171558 rhk451 2023-4-19 11:38
[资料] IC23.1 Cadence Skill User Guides-(Download when you need) 新人帖 attachment  ...2 及时雨_ 2023-7-10 172375 秋山澪 2024-4-24 17:44
[资料] Perl 语言入门第五版(英文原版) attachment  ...2 xup 2011-11-5 164625 yellti 2023-4-10 17:02
[资料] IC设计需要的TCL语言教程  ...2 sjtusonic 2012-11-29 167088 核桃树 2022-5-18 16:50
[资料] tar zip解压命令大全 attachment  ...2 jiaoxin12366 2013-5-30 167747 yflc_hzj 2023-11-10 14:58
[资料] Programming Ruby 4th attachment  ...2 飞扬紫百合 2014-11-7 164981 fjpmagen 2023-6-1 08:13
[资料] 分享两本关于Python数据处理的书 attach_img  ...2 winglou 2020-2-13 163822 tu_yjq123 2021-3-28 22:55
[资料] Python for Graph and Network Analysis attachment  ...2 ty_xiumud 2021-9-20 163849 note30933 2023-12-1 09:45
[资料] 经典书籍《流畅的python》2021第二版 attachment  ...2 walker 2022-6-16 162795 jpwang 2022-10-7 17:17
[资料] python学习手册(原书第5版 attach_img  ...2 邝卓宇 2023-11-18 16845 odiofan 2024-1-11 09:48
[资料] Linux 101 Hacks 与 Sed and Awk 101 Hacks attachment  ...2 ID2007 2012-11-24 156723 amazingh 2023-8-24 12:47
[资料] Writing C-shell scripts attachment  ...2 ID2007 2012-11-24 154368 martin_zheng 2021-9-24 15:38
[资料] 学习时收集的一些tcl的资料还有华为的培训资料 attachment  ...2 rbb 2015-8-4 155421 huxu0000 2023-3-28 09:31
[资料] VBA_Developer's_handbook attachment  ...2 ermai 2018-7-22 154456 ControllerA 2022-6-2 11:10
[资料] 一些python的资料 attachment  ...2 yghanwuji 2020-7-2 154149 cwpeng 2022-7-5 16:26
[资料] perl-Tk入门详解 attachment  ...2 过客3944 2020-7-16 154933 bushi志强 2023-7-1 12:32
[资料] Windows下的skill的编辑器 attachment  ...2 ysllla 2021-1-7 154036 嗨你好 2021-9-3 09:50
[资料] skill教程 新人帖 attachment  ...2 baojiajia 2021-1-22 155334 ansu94 2022-12-20 15:02
[资料] TclTuTor3.0软件 attachment  ...2 fengrlove 2021-7-6 153322 xiaoyezi111 2024-4-26 08:57
[资料] bash Idioms Write Powerful, Flexible, Readable Shell Scripts attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-20 151438 risinglee 2023-1-16 16:33
[资料] C语言程序设计:现代方法(第2版•修订版) attach_img  ...2 邝卓宇 2023-12-7 15618 tvs 3 天前
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