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[求助] 寻Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design 3rd edition………… attach_img  ...23456..12 yipin_xu 2010-5-27 11233289 hhvv 2023-2-1 17:52
[求助] Power Electronics Converters and Regulators 3rd Ed [2015] attach_img  ...23456..9 theogro 2015-3-27 8019822 dldlxkq 2024-3-20 21:38
[求助] ABB <<Transformer handbook>>一书太难找了,大虾们能否共享一下,谢谢! attachment  ...23456..7 rolandgarros 2011-10-9 6716617 medalan129 2024-4-7 13:05
[求助] 求charge pump型电源的教材或博士论文 attachment  ...234 chaojixin 2010-3-24 3712039 chf1 2023-8-29 16:34
[求助] 求帮忙下载Designing Control Loops for Linear and Switching Power Supplies  ...2 neverandlove 2013-3-17 1811992 i0977454522 2020-3-4 13:36
[求助] 找書: Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control attachment  ...2345 Capricorn0115 2018-3-12 4110456 xdrxdr 2023-12-25 10:03
[求助] 帮忙下IEEE文章 A Novel Three-Phase Buck Converter with Bootstrap Driver Circuit attachment  ...23 ampper 2010-5-28 2510344 jeffej 2022-5-16 11:43
[求助] Corners Analysis如何做 hicplu 2011-4-22 110227 yeyuryl 2011-4-23 22:50
[求助] 请帮忙下载IEEE论文Hybrid mode-switched control of DC-DC boost converter circuits attachment  ...234 ampper 2010-3-6 379804 jeffej 2022-5-16 11:55
[求助] uvm平台 bosome 2012-12-10 09539 bosome 2012-12-10 19:26
[求助] 求書:Fundamentals of Power Supply Design attach_img  ...2 Capricorn0115 2017-11-14 189069 rainlym09 2023-12-28 14:30
[求助] saber与simplorer哪个软件做电源仿真更合适?  ...2 nightelf99 2013-1-25 108322 fkdmj2016 2016-1-23 09:48
[求助] 帮忙下IEEE论文 Design of novel bootstrap driver used in high power BUCK attachment  ...23 ampper 2010-5-28 298168 jeffej 2022-5-16 12:01
[求助] Ledotron调光标准 IEC 62756-1調光協定 有人有嗎?? attach_img  ...2 peterlin2010 2014-2-24 147551 wsrfyxy 2017-1-28 10:29
[求助] Power Management IC Analysis and Design attach_img  ...2 Capricorn0115 2018-3-23 177424 476830347 2023-3-18 23:04
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[求助] 求适合电源IC设计的比较好的书或资料 iliadpyd 2010-3-11 55749 091120057 2011-4-6 15:07
[求助] 关于silvaco的问题 梧桐 2011-3-14 65489 梧桐 2011-7-2 09:20
[求助] 帮下载Designing Control Loops for Linear and Switching Power Supplies这本书  ...2 neverandlove 2013-3-17 115496 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:33
[求助] High-Voltage Integrated Circuits: History, State of the Art... attachment  ...2 Capricorn0115 2018-2-8 145403 jingxin_xd 2022-7-5 03:11
[求助] 求 Reliability in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering attachment  ...2 Capricorn0115 2017-4-19 185288 piao 2022-4-24 01:33
[求助] 求LDO的PSRR和low noise方面的好的资料。谢谢! bbyeahr 2010-2-2 74869 jeffej 2021-6-5 15:13
[求助] 有没有saber 2008破解方法啊 shenms 2012-1-6 04887 shenms 2012-1-6 10:34
[求助] 求iw3688,iw3662,iw1780,iw1788,iw626的datasheet,完整版的最好。 血溶伊剑 2014-12-27 24682 andy2000a 2015-9-22 13:11
[求助] 请哪位高人提供一份(HM10-24S05)DC/DC电源原理图或PCB板图。谢谢! denky 2011-11-4 04669 denky 2011-11-4 07:58
[求助] BUCK测试出现稳定的低频波动 attach_img hancaixia 2013-2-20 34620 迷! 2013-5-18 11:28
[求助] Ridley的基于Excel的电流模式的DC-DC转换器的计算软件  ...2 wonbef 2020-3-25 174335 363215942 2024-5-11 11:30
[求助] 关于cadence中的openbook 梧桐 2011-6-20 24263 newicing 2024-3-6 13:08
[求助] Power-Switching Converters(3rd) nasaspace 2018-8-21 54176 就一小白523 2022-10-28 16:05
[求助] 找書:Power Management Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design attachment  ...2 Capricorn0115 2020-6-5 144194 hkjzlei 2023-1-17 18:01
[求助] 求电源的功率管的版图画法的资料 chaojixin 2010-7-29 64111 rx_wander 2011-3-25 10:14
[求助] 请求4篇IEEE论文 lmcn 2010-7-6 64189 hiank 2012-6-24 16:15
[求助] 求助电源ACDC DCDC转换芯片,ACDC支持60W以上,DCDC芯片支持20A电流输出 taikong906 2012-4-17 03820 taikong906 2012-4-17 15:19
[求助] 找書: Battery Power Management for Portable Devices attach_img Capricorn0115 2017-8-31 63858 i0977454522 2020-5-29 13:30
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