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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14740|排名: 24 

经典电路分析PPT attachment  ...23456..21 huanfen22 2006-10-9 20324518 amin2008 2011-7-26 22:07
《模拟CMOS集成电路设计(英文 拉扎维)》, 每个附件4.88M,给大家节省信元! attachment  ...23456..21 heshunlg 2007-8-22 20324750 zigbeelidi 2018-11-30 23:16
[原创] 滤波器设计资料大全 attachment digest  ...23456..21 splive231 2013-12-25 20247924 JingKe 2024-4-9 15:57
layout中电源和地的处理 attachment  ...23456..21 worthwhile 2006-10-1 20121151 西门有雪 2010-4-3 17:24
【个人总结】DDR硬件设计要点类型 attachment  ...23456..21 fishyfishy 2009-8-18 20153907 不走寻常路 2020-8-4 13:48
眼图知识简介--华为 attachment  ...23456..21 aeroboy 2007-3-6 20028726 jerry624518 2015-10-15 19:01
USB接口设计 免费万岁!支持免费就顶吧! attachment  ...23456..20 chenmingang 2004-12-30 19929101 sgdyjsl 2016-12-8 10:23
哈佛经典教材The Art Of Electronics - 2nd Edition《电子学》中文版 attachment  ...23456..20 tswc123 2009-10-25 19939753 zhsh94 2021-10-11 07:33
[资料] Hyperlynx 8.0破解文件及安装方法(已验证) attachment  ...23456..20 starljc 2010-6-1 19932853 ya_jong 2024-3-31 20:40
振荡电路实用设计手册 attachment  ...23456..20 fche117 2007-2-24 19830982 jack_20150410 2024-1-11 12:45
[资料] 于博士《Cadence+SPB+15.7工程实例入门》 attachment  ...23456..20 fhggv 2012-4-30 19845883 ic886 2024-5-7 09:12
晶体振荡电路设计.pdf attachment  ...23456..20 saite136 2006-7-30 19727950 macro_man 2016-4-22 20:15
ADC/DAC 清华 attachment  ...23456..20 shothand 2007-1-1 19723563 Neaman 2014-11-7 00:13
2007新书《Grounding and Shielding -- Circuits and Interference》 attachment  ...23456..20 alamoo 2008-1-18 19729775 pcbass 2021-12-2 13:15
又一本模拟好书!强烈推荐!(Trade-Offs In Analog Circuit Design) attachment  ...23456..20 lynker 2008-7-18 19730527 自由落体的虹 2023-2-23 21:55
[资料] 浙江大学ON-CHIP ESD防护高级培训班资料(最全最完整) attachment  ...23456..20 kfwzf 2010-12-24 19738344 zgy_chenxin 2023-11-7 01:23
[原创] 【Wiley-IEEE 2010 新书】Circuit Simulation attachment agree  ...23456..20 lotusky 2010-6-16 19628610 deantseng 3 天前
TI analog教材!!! attachment  ...23456..20 analog 2004-1-30 19532236 jason1234567 2015-1-25 00:07
[资料] 半天时间搞懂模拟电路 attachment  ...23456..20 西门有雪 2010-1-26 19521851 nxdzs 2014-6-25 22:14
眼图知识简介--华为 attachment  ...23456..20 bryan_wang 2006-11-30 19427611 bigjohn 2022-8-23 10:42
High-Speed Electrical Interfaces:目前仅见最详细高速背板设计资料 attachment  ...23456..20 whatif 2008-5-5 19423526 yiwailin 2019-10-15 14:59
[资料] 两本 Hyperlynx教程 中文版 attachment  ...23456..20 wang426521 2011-8-1 19445781 dannymu 2022-3-10 09:55
cadence PCB SI流程与分析方法(包括时序,串扰,差分仿真) attachment  ...23456..20 fuband 2006-8-7 19328449 女王不下班 2015-12-28 14:59
PADS LAYOUT教程 233页 非常详细 觉得好的兄弟请回帖顶一下 attachment  ...23456..20 FENGFEI0115 2008-4-17 19328299 wisen 2021-10-13 15:56
常用电子元器件识别检测选用一读通 attachment  ...23456..20 izzue 2008-9-26 19318885 想要找到你 2018-10-10 15:01
全美经典-基本电路分析 attachment  ...23456..20 asdwsx 2006-11-15 19220985 gaofei120 2011-10-20 09:12
模拟设计中使用的OCEAN教程(幻灯版) attachment  ...23456..20 bluestatic 2008-12-10 19228635 kayjep 2020-12-15 09:42
国半的经典书籍 模拟的艺术-第4 5 6 部分 开关电源 dcdc attachment  ...23456..20 apple_apple2 2009-1-8 19225378 skylinexl 2019-9-18 10:22
Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators (LDOs) 2009 attachment  ...23456..20 adefan 2009-6-3 19230183 huadong1860 2022-8-5 22:10
VLSI PHYSICAL DESIGN AUTOMATION Theory and Practice attachment  ...23456..20 fjlihh 2007-8-16 19123554 simufox 2021-8-6 16:25
[原创] [文集] Signal Integrity Characterization Techniques Resso & Bogatin 2009 attach_img agree  ...23456..20 calabazas 2010-5-10 19137699 龙在灯火阑珊处 2021-3-28 16:21
[原创] Allegro SPB16高速电路板设计-中文版 attachment  ...23456..20 A1985 2010-5-27 19128538 hyde1004 2017-11-20 12:47
Cadence Allegro SI培训课件(珍贵资料啊)-Lession1 attachment  ...23456..20 sunkeyer 2006-11-5 19024757 zhe_jiang 2013-12-13 17:49
multisim 10 快速入门教程(含ultiboard) attachment  ...23456..20 cmgit 2009-5-4 19042454 张学胜 2018-10-15 12:54
深入理解sigma-delta ADC attachment  ...23456..19 sdwsh 2008-7-3 18925281 畅游 2021-4-1 11:00
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