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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 166 |主题: 39891|排名: 1 

[原创] 【Thomas H.Lee】Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory 清晰文字版 attach_img  ...23 LasVegas 2022-8-6 233516 ricvadim 2024-5-21 02:29
[资料] The Art of Analog Layout 新人帖 attachment 陆地神仙 2022-3-14 61544 Nan1216 2024-5-20 23:48
[求助] 电容和动态比较器蒙特卡洛仿真 attach_img  ...2 zyinghn 2021-10-17 103914 0_hila_0 2024-5-20 21:21
[资料] 模拟集成电路精粹课件sansen(来自书后光盘) attachment BJTUWKF 2022-1-11 91640 binnq 2024-5-20 17:55
[资料] HSPICE手册(HSPICE Simulation and Analysis User Guide) attachment 模拟ic设计小白 2024-4-30 3276 binnq 2024-5-20 16:58
[资料] Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits 2010-非扫描版 attachment  ...23456 xiaoquanic 2015-11-24 5713400 binnq 2024-5-20 16:35
[资料] 经典运放,LDO设计资料,bandgap带隙基准电路设计,paper大放送,内容详实 attachment  ...23456..17 harry1862pd 2015-5-10 16236332 binnq 2024-5-20 16:20
[求助] PEX报错 attach_img 阿阿谢lalala 2024-5-20 1140 qw357 2024-5-20 15:53
[资料] Introduction to Semiconductor Devices: For Applications attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2013-2-8 235085 binnq 2024-5-20 15:49
[原创] Gm-C Filter Synthesis for Modern RF Systems attachment  ...2 wuende 2022-1-19 193669 binnq 2024-5-20 15:28
[原创] Voltus-Fi EMIR flow教程 attachment  ...23 huili2011 2022-10-8 266825 binnq 2024-5-20 14:30
[求助] sigma delta 3次谐波比较大,求原因和解决方案  ...2 STSnow 2016-10-20 196302 qqlpp 2024-5-20 14:00
[求助] Charge pump IC design attachment  ...23456..11 schwang 2015-4-8 10835455 江南17 2024-5-20 13:55
Berkeley IC课程 EE140 EE141 EE240 EE242 EE243 EE244 EE247 EE249 Lecture讲义 attach_img  ...23456..167 savageboy 2008-5-25 1662235821 binnq 2024-5-20 13:54
[资料] 拉扎维2011新书 RF Microelectronics(2nd edition)清晰版 attachment agree  ...23456..42 tcsunjunyi 2011-12-31 41957729 ricvadim 2024-5-20 13:44
!找到一本M.Steyaert的书!《CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design》 attachment  ...23456..42 benemale 2008-3-5 41842922 skahill 2024-5-20 13:43
[求助] Who can download a paper?thanks. attachment hardmany 2024-5-16 8314 skahill 2024-5-20 13:40
[资料] Simulating Switched-Capacitor Filters with SpectreRF attachment  ...234 gy118 2011-1-20 316777 skahill 2024-5-20 13:39
[资料] ISSCC 2022全栈下载(包含paper, slide, demo, tutorial, forum, short course, .etc) attachment  ...23456..7 固执的寻觅 2022-3-26 6913278 skahill 2024-5-20 13:38
[资料] IC资料:数字滤波器简介(英文版)/Introduction to Digital Filters_Trevor J. Terrell attach_img  ...2 MarioZ 2022-4-15 162965 binnq 2024-5-20 11:51
[原创] 想学CDR的可以看下,从schemetic到版图,从电路到系统 attachment  ...23456..13 dudiaoke 2013-12-16 12420118 江南17 2024-5-20 11:19
[资料] 112g_56g_serdes attachment  ...234 axhanker 2022-7-3 395300 sp001321 2024-5-20 11:18
[求助] 现在双非研究生找模拟工作的机会有多大 kunkun2p5 2024-5-18 4460 肥鸡跳墙 2024-5-20 11:08
[原创] PLL Verification (Using ADE Explorer and XCELIUM) (01 Feb 2022) attach_img  ...23456..7 Tom。。 2022-3-21 638021 kiteinsky 2024-5-20 10:03
[原创] TI的LMX2594 PLL设计参考代码 - [售价 2 信元资产] attachment  ...2 yongli0521 2022-7-13 141770 binnq 2024-5-20 09:43
[资料] 拉扎维中英文第二版的PDF attachment agree  ...23456..15 ll_9_iu_0 2020-6-11 14848007 qmax 2024-5-20 09:05
[求助] 【求书】Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices, 2nd  ...2 analogmind 2011-3-14 194258 zzp3107 2024-5-20 09:04
[原创] 【Springer 新书】Power Distribution Networks with On-Chip Decoupling Capacitors attachment  ...23456..12 lotusky 2010-12-18 11627412 binnq 2024-5-20 08:56
[资料] 可靠性相关的一本书 Reliability of Microtechnology_Interconnects,DevicesandSystems attachment  ...23 andyfan 2021-3-11 285567 zzp3107 2024-5-20 08:44
[资料] JSSC期刊 2024年5月 attach_img  ...2 mishimishi 2024-4-25 19992 mishimishi 2024-5-20 08:42
Cadence Pipeline ADC设计教程 attachment  ...23456..53 ix1982 2008-7-1 52356793 thomas_gui 2024-5-20 08:25
[原创] 经典好书 Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits attachment orientview 2024-2-26 7501 zhsh94 2024-5-20 07:30
[资料] Berkeley IC课程EE240 伯克利高等模拟集成电路EE240视频教程  ...23456..32 大学生视野 2022-4-3 31121927 龚_利90 2024-5-20 06:47
[求助] 求Springer 新书:High-Bandwidth Memory Interface - attachment  ...23456..11 liewluping 2014-3-14 10024595 thomas_gui 2024-5-20 05:57
[求助] 找書: Advanced Ultra Low-Power Semiconductor Devices: Design and Applications attachment  ...234 Capricorn0115 2023-11-17 372077 thomas_gui 2024-5-20 05:51
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