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资料共享 今日: 4 |主题: 2380|排名: 33 

[资料] IPC-WHMA-A-620C CN线缆及线束组件的要求与验收中文C版 attach_img cdming 2017-11-17 23691 cdming 2019-6-1 12:55
IIC Bus Spec attachment xie.qiang 2009-7-3 83380 xinxiangbaiheqd 2019-5-22 15:22
PCI规范清单 attachment  ...23456..24 strongson 2004-12-31 23562688 dkylx 2019-4-29 22:23
[资料] DDR2的最新版 lzdldxsj 2010-1-19 82389 lylyly14 2019-3-22 15:47
opencore的SPIcode,贴出来省得大家找了 attachment  ...23 tomchen 2006-8-7 256276 view177 2019-3-21 20:07
1553B资料打包,应该有很多人要! attachment  ...234 aa373368190 2009-5-22 396557 view177 2019-3-21 19:13
硬件总线接口实用手册 attachment  ...23456..18 Airbeam 2006-10-9 17024895 view177 2019-3-21 19:02
[资料] spi总线资料 小合集 attachment  ...23 engbe 2012-11-2 267837 view177 2019-3-21 19:01
i2c ip core attachment  ...23456..7 sunguoliang 2007-12-21 6511521 view177 2019-3-21 18:43
ahb_system_generator attachment  ...234 chyyang 2008-7-31 357685 liuhualove 2019-3-20 21:17
MVB与CAN总线协议转换 attachment  ...2 godpray 2006-12-6 135140 大橙子 2019-3-20 16:19
CAN协议 attachment  ...2 wangshuz 2007-12-25 135587 大橙子 2019-3-20 16:11
[资料] 高速背板的电磁场建模和仿真 attachment  ...2 ebottom 2011-8-8 184582 yuguoren 2019-2-25 15:11
[资料] sata 3.0 spec -- not golden attachment  ...23456 ma31360013 2010-4-21 5112121 yuguoren 2019-2-25 15:01
HDMI 泰克测试资料 attachment  ...234 wang20080808 2009-8-8 326386 yuguoren 2019-2-21 15:56
PCI PCI-X FlexModel测试集手册(中文) attachment gongxiao 2009-11-6 11435 gooneys 2019-2-10 11:36
PCI-Express MOI_v1 attachment  ...2 30113 2008-7-4 103202 aljuied 2019-1-28 17:36
[求助] 求PLX公司的PEX8114及PCI6540的详细资料 attachment xiaoyao86 2013-12-11 42524 dfjh1234 2019-1-27 23:09
SSTL_2规范 attachment  ...23456 wgxiaochun 2006-10-17 5212107 dfjh1234 2019-1-27 22:56
[资料] RS-422 and RS-485 Application Note attachment z3feng 2010-12-9 32366 baihushan 2019-1-24 16:25
AMBA 3 Spec attachment  ...23 ianli_via 2007-11-28 275646 nick_liu 2019-1-23 19:34
EMC之印刷电路板设计技术 attachment zds0901 2008-9-8 92372 yuguoren 2019-1-22 11:38
[资料] IBM PLB总线规范及架构理解 attachment  ...23456..7 pkuxq 2010-5-26 6618175 zhr1090363361 2019-1-15 19:54
IDE SPEC 原版 attachment  ...2345 jiyesky 2006-8-30 4410093 江俊杰 2019-1-11 13:06
Field-Programmable Logic Architectures, Synthesis and Applications attachment nerohark 2009-12-11 92605 江俊杰 2019-1-11 12:35
[资料] CameraLink的一点资料 attachment  ...23 lhf_alex 2011-12-2 287555 江俊杰 2019-1-11 11:04
[资料] RapidIO1.3以及2.1规范 attachment  ...23 lingshao986 2011-12-1 248865 yuguoren 2019-1-9 14:47
[原创] 北大微电子系数字集成电路设计入门课件VERIlog版本 attachment  ...23 wbs605697131 2010-4-24 277074 henry-wc 2019-1-6 22:51
[资料] [DDR] timing资料共享 attachment  ...2 elevenblog 2012-1-17 154193 chenxl1990 2018-12-25 10:57
[资料] eSATA_Optimal_Storage_Interface attachment  ...23 jeffon_78 2010-7-1 216042 dfjh1234 2018-12-22 11:56
饶运涛 邹继军 郑勇芸著<现场总线CAN原理与应用技术> attachment gestybear 2009-11-1 82059 kcm18 2018-12-21 19:09
西安交通大学 现场总线课件 attachment  ...23 shanhuiliu 2008-5-28 276955 zlhrsy 2018-12-19 09:05
[求助] 求镁光L84C plus 系列 verilog sim model hammingencode 2018-12-13 01846 hammingencode 2018-12-13 14:31
[资料] 主板的各种类型信号的基本走线要求 attachment  ...2 lixq 2010-1-24 1610046 yemengdaojia 2018-12-12 17:42
TCP_IP详解 attachment  ...234 summerytyj 2009-6-9 345597 jack_20150410 2018-12-12 12:47
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