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资料共享 今日: 1 |主题: 2384|排名: 85 

[资料] BLE core5.0 core4.2 core4.1 core4.0 规范 pdf attachment  ...2 xiaolehou 2018-1-18 115300 im.leo 2020-5-23 18:50
视频宝典 挺有用的 attachment  ...2 benmike000 2007-5-6 103882 im.leo 2020-5-23 18:47
[资料] PLX(Avago) PEX_8619硬件RDK,文档后面有原理图!! attachment  ...2 vdakulav 2016-3-14 184838 im.leo 2020-5-23 18:44
High-speed Switched Serial fabrics attachment  ...2 chaur 2009-2-6 143630 im.leo 2020-5-23 17:37
usb EHCI attachment  ...23 scutwdz 2008-12-13 225310 im.leo 2020-5-23 17:32
Plug and Play BIOS Specification attachment  ...2 iLeo 2008-8-17 185290 im.leo 2020-5-23 16:39
《计算机和测控系统总线手册》 attachment  ...2 AroundSky 2008-3-24 143309 im.leo 2020-5-23 16:36
经典的RS422-RS485资料 attachment  ...23456..16 xzy791025 2007-1-12 15428467 im.leo 2020-5-23 16:34
VxWorks_BSP_Training_Documentzip attachment cjmaster 2008-5-8 72144 im.leo 2020-5-23 16:30
[资料] Bios 功能基础培训 attachment  ...23 ljjvip 2014-12-21 225130 im.leo 2020-5-23 16:27
【下载】EBOOK:Universal Serial Bus System Architecture attachment  ...23456..10 Zyson 2007-5-24 9218969 im.leo 2020-5-23 14:51
[资料] Hypertransport system architecture attachment  ...23 SatanKlaus 2010-3-6 296693 im.leo 2020-5-23 14:50
[资料] intel qpi QuickPath Interconnect 超经典介绍 英文 attachment  ...23456 frx063 2010-9-8 5113823 im.leo 2020-5-23 14:44
[资料] SOA-Concepts Technology and Design attachment  ...2 jeffon_78 2010-7-1 115166 im.leo 2020-5-23 14:43
PLL Simulation Model attachment  ...23456..7 CoCo3646 2007-12-18 6917766 zstj 2020-5-8 22:25
PCI-Express bridge最新产品(PEX8111) 硬件参考设计 attachment  ...23456..8 rockli 2005-11-26 7216842 bubulu 2020-4-30 10:13
让你彻悟的内存资料--内存技术指南 attachment  ...23456..15 qingkong0710 2009-7-1 14519351 freelion 2020-4-30 09:50
[资料] rapidio 规范,从1.3 到 2.1 attachment  ...23 sinbadak 2010-4-1 276786 lifengjz 2020-4-29 14:08
[资料] T-REC-G.8260 規範 attachment cwy691024 2016-3-30 21849 omnik 2020-4-26 21:32
[原创] VB实现GPIB控制的相关好文章 attachment  ...2 jimierdun 2010-6-16 195320 2020-4-15 10:38
[资料] 费分享高手视频介绍uart/I2C/CAN/SPI/6800/8080/SRAM等常见接口 CCBSKY 2017-10-12 22164 lzxasd 2020-4-14 12:02
双运放仪表放大器电路及分析 attachment  ...234 lingyufeng 2006-8-7 309282 dsj83117 2020-4-10 11:39
pci调试工具 pcitree attachment  ...23456..13 uestcnn 2009-9-24 12626866 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 13:30
[ebook]《PCI Bus Demystified》 attachment  ...23 johnsonni 2006-12-25 237076 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 13:29
pci9054好资料 attachment  ...23 lpjun349 2007-4-3 225718 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 11:15
WISHBONE总线规范 attachment  ...23456..10 farocean 2006-10-10 9422939 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:55
plx eeprom 参考表 attachment  ...2345 liuiang 2005-2-3 4411007 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:54
PCI数据传输卡的详细设计经历(基于PCI9054) attachment  ...23456..15 lanious 2008-11-14 14019885 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:47
个人搜集到的pci9054资料 attachment  ...23456 goaway 2008-4-16 539938 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:46
Xilinx PCI IPcore 4.7的master DMA用户接口程序 attachment  ...234 bailj 2008-12-20 3711006 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:43
CPCI规范 attachment icelord 2009-11-17 93459 leonardo_z 2020-4-9 10:35
AMBA3.0 AXI总线规范 attachment  ...23456..11 farocean 2006-10-10 10421222 ct12087 2020-3-29 11:44
中文CPCI简介 attachment  ...234 gosans 2007-10-25 398159 ct12087 2020-3-29 11:11
SCSI 总线和IDE接口:协议、应用和编程(Chinese version!) attachment  ...23456..12 xhjin 2008-11-18 11320873 ct12087 2020-3-29 11:05
PCI_EXPRESS(中文) attachment  ...23456..11 xinhui2001_83 2009-2-2 10418052 亲爱的伽利略 2020-3-28 19:56
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