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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14841|排名: 7 

关于运放比较实用的书《OP放大电路设计》 attachment  ...23456..17 qazzaq123456 2009-1-3 16723685 hijackerhaha 2019-7-31 16:21
电源线基础知识 attachment larrywang 2008-9-9 82664 baodi 2019-7-31 14:26
一种高速CMOS全差分运算放大器 attachment starsmile 2009-3-31 81903 auch0311 2019-7-31 09:55
[讨论] 大牛讲解信号与系统以及数字信号处理 attachment  ...23 sl_zhao 2015-8-5 276344 hijackerhaha 2019-7-31 09:20
3V-5V电平转换 attachment  ...2 gatezte2008 2008-9-17 163696 LLGUO 2019-7-30 15:00
中兴通讯电源产品技术经理培训教材 attachment  ...2345 shawkle 2007-11-30 489174 lcccc 2019-7-30 08:58
[资料] 高速电路设计与仿真分析_Cadence实例设计详解_22M attachment  ...23456 mryzh 2011-2-24 5310837 sunil4u 2019-7-29 21:57
[资料] Engineering Circuit Analysis 6Ed attachment jack_20150410 2018-6-20 81497 hfwxgl 2019-7-29 08:35
Electromagnetic Fields and Energy by Haus attachment  ...2 joperci 2008-3-20 174963 kuan 2019-7-27 16:53
PCB互連線間耦合雜訊的模擬及其分析 attachment  ...2 535749 2008-4-6 153776 emperor540 2019-7-26 17:03
模擬電路基礎 attachment 西西勒色 2008-11-4 62200 emperor540 2019-7-26 17:00
Schaums Outline Of Theory And Problems Of Electric Circuits attachment youshenglin 2008-7-11 31741 xuleiwx 2019-7-26 08:36
[资料] 低功耗时钟芯片AM1805,AM1815规格书 attachment AmbiqMicro 2015-2-25 28167 ddidiy 2019-7-24 14:38
电子线路PSpice分析与设计 attachment  ...23 shan_bo 2009-12-10 264676 emperor540 2019-7-23 20:03
ORCAD PSPICE基础入门级教程!!! attachment  ...2 haiyancsh 2009-8-24 113640 emperor540 2019-7-23 20:00
[资料] Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications attachment qkqkqkok 2014-5-14 92365 贾郑和 2019-7-23 11:27
[资料] Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers答案 attachment  ...2 zhengbo12128 2014-11-23 176853 yujinqian 2019-7-22 20:16
[资料] RapidIO高速串行总线的信号完整性测试 attachment  ...2 sky666 2010-12-9 183640 dannymu 2019-7-22 16:37
[原创] Low-Power Smart Imagers for Vision-Enabled Sensor Networks attach_img Jason.tschen 2016-4-20 81835 rcliu1975 2019-7-22 15:09
《微带电路》-清华大学,坛子里不能没有这本书啊! attachment  ...2 zzz123456789 2009-5-26 1810156 ffidiot 2019-7-22 11:01
IIC EEprom资料 attachment  ...23456..7 sidan 2008-11-8 6316805 nokia70 2019-7-20 14:28
[原创] 12bits pipelined ADC simulink model attachment  ...2 kartic 2012-11-2 196941 auch0311 2019-7-20 08:36
[原创] 首发:Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, 2nd 高清PDF attachment agree  ...234 pondpond200 2013-6-1 389284 jwmiaw 2019-7-20 01:55
数字集成电路设计透视 attachment  ...23 51cfpl 2009-5-6 205814 hutao19900905 2019-7-19 18:52
给大家送上一本好书 《High-speed digital design.A handbook of black magic》 attachment  ...23456..17 kxw102 2009-2-20 16828438 h85079505 2019-7-18 19:24
器件模型及电路描述格式 attachment tangjikede1111 2008-12-10 31747 虚幻的世界6101 2019-7-18 16:18
差分放大电路详细分析,看完后让你轻松设计有关差分信号的项目 attachment  ...23456..25 fffffffffff 2008-11-14 24836180 Q91056 2019-7-17 11:18
[求助] customexplorer and customexplorer ultra 有何区别? attach_img tclbug 2013-7-9 22472 sudarlik 2019-7-16 18:41
电磁兼容标准与认证 attachment cunjl 2007-12-28 61855 chinest2010 2019-7-16 11:22
dcdc论文 attachment  ...2 jjsnail 2007-10-26 154010 wshx 2019-7-15 21:20
[资料] 全数字锁相环源程序 attachment wangyanfeng1984 2017-4-4 92070 luckylkun 2019-7-15 11:37
[转贴] IGBT开关特性和驱动优化 attachment  ...23 huangruini 2009-12-13 276349 小卖部部长 2019-7-14 17:30
[资料] Analog-Circuit-III新概念模拟电路 -运放电路的频率特性和滤波器 attachment hhbyale 2019-7-2 11476 auch0311 2019-7-13 22:58
[资料] 零点与极点 attachment yangchan135692 2011-11-18 72033 xiaorainer 2019-7-13 22:44
高手进阶 终极内存技术指南 attachment  ...2 L_S 2009-4-11 156386 xlteam2 2019-7-13 21:44
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