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高等教育出版社.高等数学.同济五版 attachment  ...234 befriend 2009-8-26 366409 莫封涯 2021-3-27 10:26
数字系统设计基础教程 attachment  ...23 robinsuper 2008-9-16 295119 ni2121 2021-3-25 01:02
A. H. Sayed, ADAPTIVE FILTERS, Wiley, NJ, 2008. computer_projects attachment  ...234 shuangshuang 2009-7-14 336751 pingpang0705 2021-3-24 16:58
多中继终端网络中的性能、编码和协议设计(博士论文) attachment liuwei_0613 2008-1-12 11980 lyd964201 2021-3-24 16:37
[资料] Signal Processing in Radar Systems attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-2-6 4713220 hchen0730 2021-3-24 16:06
Algorithmic Introduction to Coding Theory attachment  ...23456..11 shawn_yangjx 2006-7-25 10618502 risccpu 2021-3-24 15:21
The UMTS Network and Radio Access Technology attachment zweishi 2009-1-17 31670 aisuxian1314 2021-3-22 16:27
[资料] RS纠错编码原理及其实现方法 attachment  ...2 lcxxcl 2012-9-8 125760 risccpu 2021-3-18 18:18
MIMO电子书<<MIMO Signals and Systems >>及Matlab仿真源码 attachment  ...23456..16 scutdengsq 2009-11-15 15923316 279340750 2021-3-16 22:47
[资料] [EBOOK]MIMO-OFDM for LTE, WiFi and WiMAX: Coherent versus Non-coherent attachment  ...23456..9 njbbx 2011-2-4 8622503 279340750 2021-3-16 22:37
[资料] 802.1Q 2011 attachment triductor 2012-6-4 54514 fang12580 2021-3-15 16:37
计算机网络——自顶向下方法与Internet特色 sstknight 2008-12-20 21774 jesseking 2021-3-12 13:49
SONET_SDH通信技术 attachment  ...234 boxiangxi 2008-3-27 356938 bluebearln 2021-3-11 08:55
[资料] 数字信号基带传输与数字调制 attachment  ...23 yangzhou4550 2010-6-25 207150 lutherliu 2021-3-9 16:18
经典收藏:无线通信顶级权威-David Tse的课件和讲座PPT attachment  ...23456..14 happytudou 2009-4-30 13118108 lutherliu 2021-3-9 16:14
[资料] Synchronization in Wireless Communications attach_img  ...23456..10 kevinwjs 2010-2-3 9020035 lutherliu 2021-3-9 15:55
经典好书 Wireless Communications attachment  ...2 sparl630053570 2009-1-17 174145 lutherliu 2021-3-9 15:54
[资料] Elements of Information Theory 2nd Ed attachment  ...2 czwko 2011-11-26 103957 risccpu 2021-3-8 10:16
【好书】Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes -- 剑桥大学出版 attachment  ...23456..11 xixiliu 2008-11-19 10918304 AlexKe 2021-3-5 21:22
[原创] 新书 Advanced Kalman filtering, least-squares and modeling attach_img  ...234 Undead_Pheonix 2012-3-8 308191 AlexKe 2021-3-2 20:07
[资料] Physical Layer Security (发几本无线通信中的物理层安全的参考书) attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-6-8 4415874 RF_IClearn 2021-2-27 22:36
[资料] 数据通信,无线通信,ATM,程控交换,SDH光传输,接入网PDF attachment  ...234 ICSYS 2010-12-4 317487 nsbic 2021-2-24 14:12
[资料] SDH国标 attachment smeiyang 2010-10-8 42186 nsbic 2021-2-24 14:02
SDH光传输技术资料 attachment  ...23 zhangyx522 2008-9-16 206030 nsbic 2021-2-24 14:00
国庆送书系列:2008年新书专辑 attachment  ...23 luoyih 2008-9-19 246110 sydy110 2021-2-23 21:41
[资料] MIMO技术原理、概念、现状简介 attachment langzi123 2012-7-26 52157 wpybuaa 2021-2-23 15:05
[资料] 【2019新书】Ultra-Dense Networks for 5G and Beyond:Modelling, Analysis, and App attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2019-2-20 235916 zzabc 2021-2-22 13:51
[资料] 【2017 书】From GSM to LTE-Advanced Pro and 5G An Introduction to Mobile attach_img  ...234 hsh22 2018-8-21 388139 AlexKe 2021-2-20 15:55
Ultra-Wideband Communications: Fundamentals and Applications attachment  ...23 asdf1234asdf 2008-1-22 215003 AlexKe 2021-2-20 09:21
[资料] 【pdf版的Digital signal processing A practical approach】 attachment  ...234 xenolidar 2010-1-21 3110079 akiyamaazusa 2021-2-19 09:46
【Artech 2001】Digital Techniques for Wideband Receivers attachment  ...23456..7 benemale 2008-5-23 609654 yigaofeni 2021-2-17 17:15
无线通信原理 attachment rannel 2009-6-9 82056 evistera 2021-2-17 15:59
WILEY新书--The Art of Error Correcting Coding(2ed Edition) attachment  ...23 dowdow2004 2008-10-2 256582 AlexKe 2021-2-16 15:55
[资料] Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 完整高清版本 下载 attachment  ...23456 newmsgnet 2014-6-16 5311143 sydy110 2021-2-16 14:41
[资料] Communications Engineering Wiley-IEEE attachment zhou_li 2011-6-2 93408 qccqcc 2021-2-16 13:27
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