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[原创] OFDMA System Analysis and Design attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2015-12-26 296107 csfan007 2021-1-24 15:56
[资料] 樊昌信《通信原理》 attachment  ...2 cranboy 2010-10-9 155843 naki 2021-1-24 15:46
[资料] GPS导航程序设计说明 blackbird 2012-11-24 32067 blackbird 2021-1-24 12:05
信道模型.ppt attachment  ...2 chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 185535 gubels 2021-1-24 01:51
[资料] 137M至1020M低功耗远距离收发器-SX1276/77/78 attach_img 动能世纪李工 2018-7-17 11586 一世长安 2021-1-20 09:17
数字锁相环--内容详尽的一本书 attachment  ...23456..24 windzjy 2007-9-21 23833593 microuser 2021-1-19 17:09
[资料] 强烈推荐:喷泉码(Raptor Codes) attachment freestyle 2017-4-13 74533 AlexKe 2021-1-18 11:40
AP 2007新书——Passive Optical Networks: Principles and Practice attachment  ...23456..14 lotusky 2007-12-27 13322011 yvdgn 2021-1-16 04:47
[资料] 发两本MIMO Communications 的新书 attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-2-22 4812574 lutherliu 2021-1-15 17:21
[原创] 新书第四版,<计算机网络>英文原版.超清新,可取词划译。 attachment  ...2345 wujunlongA 2010-1-18 4312347 soldierwuhan 2021-1-15 16:41
[资料] LIFI,可见光通信 attachment SH1158605085 2020-6-17 22075 轩辕志瑜 2021-1-15 12:40
[其它] FSFDATA attachment 芯的未来123 2020-8-13 21316 轩辕志瑜 2021-1-15 12:34
Iterative Receiver Architectures for MIMO-OFDM attachment  ...2 samurai 2009-2-8 153565 digicomm 2021-1-13 21:18
[原创] (Springer,2012)3D TCAD Simulation for Semiconductor Processes, Devices and Optoelectronics attachment caltech_usa 2019-8-5 51780 i0977454522 2021-1-13 18:09
[资料] Weather Radar Polarimetry attach_img  ...2 spwedasd 2016-9-19 185352 sydy110 2021-1-9 18:26
[求助] 求下载地址 quhongzong 2015-1-21 12413 sydy110 2021-1-8 21:31
[资料] share. MIMO Wireless Commmunication[Ezio Biglieri et al] attachment gg_seu 2014-10-2 92114 sydy110 2021-1-8 21:28
Ad hoc 无线网络手册[英] attachment  ...2 qiluxx 2009-3-15 113271 qptom 2021-1-8 10:23
[资料] 最新网络通信协议手册 attachment  ...2 Maury 2011-3-27 133723 qptom 2021-1-7 19:21
网络渗透技术 attachment qiluxx 2009-3-15 41505 qptom 2021-1-7 15:30
dragonyoo 提供的光交换的资料  ...2 jackzhang 2003-8-8 114638 zbf_sjtu 2021-1-4 14:22
[资料] Network Function Virtualization attach_img  ...2 daemonstar 2018-11-11 153443 WXY650713 2021-1-3 12:58
[资料] Principles of Communications 6th by Zieme & Tranter 2008 attach_img  ...2345 hi_china59 2013-6-5 4813362 zzabc 2021-1-2 17:36
[资料] 西蒙赫金的自适应滤波原理程序 attachment  ...2 qinzhen1111 2017-12-3 123769 jiangpeng86 2020-12-29 21:58
IEEE Fellow的ASIC设计课件 attachment  ...2 captainzgf 2008-12-3 147056 dreamfly123123 2020-12-23 15:14
[资料] 最详细的RS码解码算法文档 attachment  ...2 ramanujancn 2014-10-23 144275 dreamfly123123 2020-12-23 15:11
经典书籍:学习数字信号处理的基础,Fundamentals of Digital Communication attachment  ...23456..17 czp_miles 2008-11-18 16225287 adeux2000 2020-12-23 12:26
[原创] Turbo Decoder Architecture For Beyond-4g Applications attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-23 216087 AlexKe 2020-12-22 15:25
[资料] Cambridge Practical Digital Wireless Signals attachment  ...23456..8 A1985 2010-5-28 7321345 tzps1013 2020-12-21 14:13
好书推荐:锁相环技术 attachment  ...23456..7 followme_12345 2008-11-2 6111805 doom2011 2020-12-18 16:13
[资料] Distributed Power Amplifiers for RF and Microwave Communications, 2015 zsh2626 2015-9-9 31679 MustafaSami 2020-12-17 00:39
[资料] <<计算机网络 自顶向下方法与Internet特色>> attachment  ...2 SPERI 2010-6-18 125615 im.leo 2020-12-15 13:33
[资料] 专业书籍 《Linux网络编程》 [电子版][书签版][李卓桓][机械工业出版社][2000] attachment sangreal599 2013-7-22 63318 im.leo 2020-12-13 17:57
[原创] 学习LTE非常好的资料(230多页的总结) attachment  ...23456 fengxuheu 2013-7-27 5115680 lclyt 2020-12-10 23:26
[资料] 好书分享:5G系统设计的体系结构和功能考虑和长期研究.pdf attachment  ...2 rq0396 2018-11-18 193961 yyqygdx 2020-12-10 21:40
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