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[资料] [2020 New book] Resource Allocation for OFDMA Systems attach_img osmanali 2021-7-11 61590 amigo.change 2021-7-24 16:05
[资料] 西安交通大学信号与系统课件 attachment  ...2 Truth0tt 2012-5-25 124778 xxl04120184 2021-7-24 12:33
非常棒的信道编码书Channel Coding in Communication Networks attachment  ...23456..9 daisy1314 2009-4-28 8416029 AlexKe 2021-7-20 15:09
高性能交换机及路由器 you_sun 2008-8-27 93426 chevalier 2021-7-16 22:49
[资料] Communication Systems 4ed.(pdf 有目录). Simon Haykin attachment  ...234 wen1wu9 2010-4-21 389420 wallace60 2021-7-15 10:57
_邮电部职工培训系列教材 ——技术人员用书 数字移动通信系统 attachment  ...234 chaojun 2006-11-1 337193 qptom 2021-7-13 15:36
[资料] IEEE Std 802.3bp-2016 attachment flingcloud 2021-6-22 31881 huangdayun 2021-7-8 16:18
GPS原理与应用 attachment  ...2 zweishi 2009-1-20 194285 mryu 2021-7-7 14:00
[求助] Two papers from IEEE attachment spwedasd 2021-7-4 31437 spwedasd 2021-7-5 13:52
《通信原理》樊昌信 第五版 attachment  ...23456..10 kiter 2008-10-16 9613464 mryu 2021-7-5 10:56
董树义《近代微波测量技术》电子工业出版社1995 attachment  ...23456..7 wangmulin 2006-6-17 6716657 lgzh9239 2021-7-3 19:29
UWB Radar attachment sfwang 2009-2-26 51789 omnizyx 2021-6-29 23:05
[资料] 软件通信体系结构规范 SCA 4.1 attachment post 2017-8-27 83762 dreamfly123123 2021-6-27 16:33
[资料] “《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume I & II》中文版 attachment  ...23 forward1010 2010-9-18 299010 berkji 2021-6-27 16:04
[E-book]Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory attachment  ...2 qqxyt 2008-6-5 164342 zhsh94 2021-6-27 15:53
[资料] SFP+ 的相关资料与规范 attachment  ...2345 xx_fire 2010-8-28 4715227 fgh110 2021-6-22 14:04
[原创] 光纤通信系统-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-6-4 3614141 pj3672606 2021-6-17 11:18
[资料] Convex Optimization – Boyd and Vandenberghe attachment  ...2 king7862591 2011-6-4 114064 ljy55860 2021-6-16 15:40
[资料] Basic_Abstract_Algebra 新人帖 attachment janne2016 2021-6-15 31186 hyishuai 2021-6-16 09:42
[资料] 5G Multimedia Communication 9780367178505 attachment janne2016 2021-6-15 31312 zhsh94 2021-6-16 07:19
[求助] FC-400和FC-1600、FC-3200是什么协议 jianfeng108 2021-6-15 01236 jianfeng108 2021-6-15 14:00
[原创] Electronic Communications: A System Approach attach_img  ...234 Jason.tschen 2016-1-29 336799 zhsh94 2021-6-15 07:28
[资料] Advanced Engineering Mathematics attachment  ...2 lfd1030 2010-8-16 193878 zhsh94 2021-6-15 07:26
[原创] 【信号与系统考研教案(第二版)】范世贵,王崇斌编著 大图转pdf 150dpi - [阅读权限 5]attachment benemale 2012-1-8 6118 janne2016 2021-6-15 01:16
多媒体信号处理 Multimedia Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 jacobshen 2009-9-2 5614748 janne2016 2021-6-15 01:10
[资料] 数字通信系统设计Communication System Design attachment  ...23 ykzhou0029 2011-5-14 2315241 janne2016 2021-6-15 01:05
[原创] Electronic Communications: A System Approach 书籍 attachment  ...2345 c2010 2020-2-23 487349 janne2016 2021-6-14 20:35
Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding attachment  ...234 zweishi 2009-1-18 345490 janne2016 2021-6-14 20:25
[资料] 学通信必须具备的2本基本数学书籍 attachment  ...23456 newmsgnet 2014-6-14 5817657 janne2016 2021-6-14 20:14
[资料] 珍贵资料 MIT麻省理工学院 Principles of Digital Communication 全部课件和讲义 attachment  ...23456 yaoxi_hmily 2010-9-28 5414252 janne2016 2021-6-14 20:08
《无线通信原理与应用》 attachment  ...23456..33 ntthlman 2007-5-26 32542592 janne2016 2021-6-14 20:06
[资料] 数字信号处理教程_MATLAB释义与实现 attachment  ...23 fengyun01 2009-12-18 297484 fgh110 2021-6-13 16:48
悬赏 [求助] 寻找GPS的 Namuru-GPL 开源程序 - [悬赏 288 信元资产] attach_img laokai 2021-6-9 01595 laokai 2021-6-9 23:21
[资料] 大话无线通信(丁奇)——清晰版 attachment  ...234 windyqiao 2014-11-9 359678 zhanpeng722 2021-6-8 22:52
[原创] MultiRate signal Processing for Communication System attachment  ...23456..35 Jason.tschen 2009-12-15 34638664 jr3749352123 2021-5-31 18:04
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