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OFDM基本教学讲义 attachment  ...234 freedomli 2006-12-28 326230 peter0426 2008-10-18 10:35
[原创] EM2860 song8109 2008-10-17 01728 song8109 2008-10-17 14:57
关于MPEG2系统时钟的问题 prguo 2007-8-16 53218 心海的一滴泪 2008-10-15 23:42
MPEG_GUIDE_MPEG 基础和协议分析指南_初级读本.rar attachment lrp2009 2008-8-28 91973 心海的一滴泪 2008-10-15 23:25
high-speed digital design 黑魔书二 attachment  ...2 xinxidi 2006-10-22 153222 zmdcyp 2008-10-15 20:06
『求助』RAW DATA格式的IR是什么格式的? 坏坏宝贝 2008-10-15 12977 坏坏宝贝 2008-10-15 16:29
电视软件架构 attachment  ...234 yjzhang 2006-12-24 397161 Terry103 2008-10-15 14:01
[原创] EM2860 song8109 2008-10-10 12011 lnyangtc 2008-10-15 11:14
teletext goodnorning 2008-10-13 01862 goodnorning 2008-10-13 16:04
Multimedia Multicast on the Internet dram 2008-6-8 71986 plmhinc8010 2008-10-13 15:44
韩国T-DMB 的一些资料 attachment kbymong 2007-8-22 51698 musicnbeer 2008-10-10 18:00
尹明善:47岁时才起步创业的亿万富翁——创业故事 attachment yinzhiyong624 2008-10-9 035456 yinzhiyong624 2008-10-9 17:28
DVB yinzhiyong624 2008-10-9 01425 yinzhiyong624 2008-10-9 17:26
挺有用的dd attachment nx_lee 2008-10-8 02710 nx_lee 2008-10-8 09:46
绝对让你背瘠发凉…  ...2 diequn 2006-4-14 154026 andyhuabing 2008-10-8 09:23
iptv2.0 标准 哪位兄弟能提供一下. brad8070 2008-10-7 03113 brad8070 2008-10-7 22:50
悬赏 有谁用过saa7111a请回复 - [悬赏 5 信元资产] zxh0906 2008-10-7 01634 zxh0906 2008-10-7 14:14
悬赏 有谁用过saa7111a请回复 - [悬赏 5 信元资产] zxh0906 2008-10-7 02679 zxh0906 2008-10-7 14:08
CMMB 第1部分:广播信道帧结构、信道编码和调制 attachment  ...2 harryue 2008-6-5 153807 Nren 2008-10-3 22:10
网络流媒体文献选读 attachment tao_627 2008-8-19 21789 qqczyf 2008-9-29 15:53
REC 601 attachment Iamterry 2008-9-29 11858 Iamterry 2008-9-29 03:54
DVBT DirectShow编程收不到信号?? watchsea 2007-3-2 15784 alan1012 2008-9-26 11:53
1000D套机才4000出头了,这胖子不是瞎说吧? 暗送球波 2008-9-21 31637 人不是我杀的 2008-9-23 03:36
数字电视原理与实现 attachment uestcnn 2008-7-23 51478 feitengyu 2008-9-21 16:37
Carriage of TV-Anytim on DVB Transport Streams attachment cport 2008-9-19 02004 cport 2008-9-19 09:31
[原创] EM2860 song8109 2008-9-17 01843 song8109 2008-9-17 16:06
世界各国彩电制式一览表 attachment knightchen 2008-5-13 82367 micheal008008 2008-9-17 13:06
手机电视标准与产品 attachment moonsinger 2008-3-12 93902 cofchen 2008-9-16 19:51
谁有完整的国标数字电视标准? cport 2008-9-13 01764 cport 2008-9-13 21:00
ARM在MPEG_4视频系统中的应用 attachment jixiaolin18 2006-11-22 52288 jixiaolin18 2008-9-9 17:08
Digital Television Applications attachment digito77 2007-10-19 61610 Terry103 2008-9-9 13:18
Digital Video Standards.pdf attachment lrp2009 2008-8-25 61790 Terry103 2008-9-9 13:12
mobie tv presentation ppt3 attachment lotus_ee 2007-4-20 52191 pedro888 2008-9-6 01:57
电视手册 attachment hellomoto121 2007-3-26 52650 quick510 2008-9-5 14:28
dvb中的大容量fifo attachment  ...2 yn800323 2003-11-16 174251 nicolenicole 2008-9-5 09:44
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