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[资料] TetraMAX® ATPG and TetraMAX II ATPG User Guide (2017.9) attach_img Dig_ICer 2018-7-2 83809 sam4288 2025-2-10 16:36
[求助] 请求官方解答手册 unix_amr 2025-2-10 0153 unix_amr 2025-2-10 05:20
[资料] soc_top_designplan 新人帖 attachment  ...2 songzhihe66 2023-9-28 182407 igolaps 2025-2-10 02:30
[资料] 多个CTS经典案例,从此掌握CTS精髓,知识要点 attachment  ...23456 兔子IC 2022-5-19 5310711 igolaps 2025-2-9 18:57
[资料] PT Workshop attachment  ...2 兔子IC 2023-3-8 102823 igolaps 2025-2-9 18:29
[资料] ICCII MSCTS solution for High performance ASICs in 7nm attachment  ...2 qtds1258 2022-11-10 163058 left2write 2025-2-9 03:23
[资料] 发一篇还不错的TSMC文章,10nm以后的后端思路 attachment  ...23456..12 jediai 2018-1-17 11525836 left2write 2025-2-9 03:22
[资料] 最新innovus workshop 中文版,赶紧下载!!! attachment  ...23456..11 兔子IC 2022-9-8 10815995 left2write 2025-2-9 03:17
[原创] STA fixes document - Setup & Hold 新人帖 attachment  ...2 varezki 2024-6-5 181741 left2write 2025-2-8 16:14
[资料] 集成电路热管理Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits attach_img  ...23 Shangkui 2020-3-19 224709 pennyxm 2025-2-8 14:25
悬赏 [求助] DSPF网表的语法格式 新人帖 - [悬赏 500 信元资产] luozhiy 2024-10-24 71021 飞翔的鸟 2025-2-8 14:25
[资料] 模拟cmos集成电路设计 拉扎维.pdf. attachment  ...23 18320463030 2019-10-4 249734 2710749990 2025-2-8 09:51
[求助] ATE vector 轉換, VTRAN license thjan65 2020-11-24 32187 tracy6969 2025-2-7 15:26
数字集成电路—设计透视(第2版)Jan M. Rabaey英文pdf版 attachment  ...23456..27 lishyg 2009-9-21 26046760 313949724 2025-2-6 21:49
悬赏 [求助] 有没有fusion compiler application options - [悬赏 200 信元资产] 2596784844 2025-2-6 0270 2596784844 2025-2-6 15:33
[资料] 《低功耗方法学》 ( Low Power Methodology Manual for Soc Design) attachment  ...23456..41 yahol 2011-7-4 40458727 zuoyedeyu 2025-2-6 15:31
synopsys primetime中文教程 attachment  ...23456..51 rdj110 2009-5-7 50277359 Dav89 2025-2-6 13:26
[资料] ICC2帮助文档 新人帖 attachment jchhg 2024-7-10 7729 masj2022 2025-2-6 11:19
[求助] 有没有懂EDA软件的朋友啊?求帮忙 luosuhua2008 2025-2-5 2462 masj2022 2025-2-6 10:37
悬赏 [求助] 可否帮忙下载一下Cadence上的3Dblox RAK,感谢 - [已解决] Lover_Momo 2025-2-5 2344 Lover_Momo 2025-2-5 15:05
[资料] DFT CTL & STIL语法 IEEE Std 1450.1-2005 IEEE Std 1450.6-2005 attachment  ...2 mythbuster 2021-12-21 134155 CM_1026 2025-2-4 18:10
[资料] STIL通用测试接口语言文档 新人帖 attachment RenFei1024 2023-7-28 31521 CM_1026 2025-2-4 18:09
[资料] IEEE 1450-1999 Standard interface test language (stil) for digital test vectors 新人帖 attachment  ...2 DFTbin 2022-12-30 143036 CM_1026 2025-2-4 18:08
[资料] synopsys Astro_200703_StudentGuide attachment  ...23456..8 sding 2010-1-19 7617820 CM_1026 2025-2-4 18:02
[资料] STIL手册 attachment  ...23 lichtenlade 2010-4-7 226549 CM_1026 2025-2-4 17:58
standard cell design 很好的东西 attachment  ...23456..14 findfind 2009-2-19 13931834 adeux2000 2025-2-4 09:50
[求助] 求一份TSMC 28nmHPC+ signoff guide 新人帖  ...2 bestseu 2019-11-29 114614 left2write 2025-2-2 22:28
[资料] CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 4th Edition attach_img sumit_enggr 2025-1-30 9654 godwinraj123 2025-2-2 19:53
[资料] 只发经典:High-Speed VLSI Interconnections【2008,Wiley-IEEE Press】 attach_img  ...2 echoas 2014-1-20 165218 zhb9103 2025-2-1 20:06
[资料] Power Distribution Network Design for VLSI attach_img  ...2 sumit_enggr 2025-1-27 121061 sutaotao2001 2025-2-1 13:52
[资料] Understanding Physical Synthesis and Timing Closure attachment  ...2 iNostory 2018-1-30 174002 BrianLyx 2025-2-1 11:47
[资料] gdsii和edif绝对超值 attachment  ...234 fanjx 2012-12-10 3916172 zhb9103 2025-1-31 18:58
[资料] Synplify学习资料 attachment ohgreat 2011-4-12 92921 zhb9103 2025-1-31 18:32
[ebook]Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation attachment  ...23456..19 johnsonni 2008-3-12 18034553 zhb9103 2025-1-30 22:44
[资料] VLSI Physical Design introduction attachment  ...234 iNostory 2018-1-23 327184 zhb9103 2025-1-30 22:18
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