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Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 8 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01220 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:36
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 7 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01277 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:31
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 6 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01434 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:29
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 5 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01512 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:27
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 4 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01368 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:26
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols3 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01273 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 12:23
Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 2 attachment chenlmcx 2009-4-20 01175 chenlmcx 2009-4-20 11:27
手册 attachment KONG9 2009-4-11 11904 maylag_59 2009-4-19 22:56
通用器件大全 attachment sunbird 2009-4-12 11511 maylag_58 2009-4-19 22:33
电子元件 attachment jiangzhenghong 2009-4-17 91528 maylag_53 2009-4-19 20:48
使用VHDL进行分频器设计 attachment hbhsj 2008-12-9 31395 savagegarden 2009-4-19 20:08
verilog设计练习 attachment supercar 2009-4-18 21315 maylag_50 2009-4-19 20:01
FPGA开发攻略 attachment stevenlpd 2009-4-18 22736 stevenlpd 2009-4-19 19:21
复杂数字电路与系统的VerilogHDL设计技术 attachment gx02026058 2009-2-24 82345 leoguoben 2009-4-19 18:01
fpga经验谈 attachment  ...2 xifeng860 2008-10-21 132898 maylag_45 2009-4-19 11:50
Writing Testbenches using SystemVerilog attachment  ...2 chinaqu 2007-8-30 123599 cjchang1 2009-4-19 01:38
SystemVerilog is for everone attachment  ...2 tedious 2007-3-21 124238 cjchang1 2009-4-19 01:30
QuartusII中Tsu_Tco约束方法 attachment  ...23 dengqiong 2007-4-20 244830 happyair2008 2009-4-18 22:01
verilog supercar 2009-4-18 01437 supercar 2009-4-18 20:56
fpga开发全攻略 attachment lzh08 2009-4-17 41509 opqfeixue 2009-4-18 14:19
CQKJ仿真器插件 attachment pvliao 2009-4-18 12620 黄佳怡 2009-4-18 13:25
synthesis of arithmetic circuits -FPGA ASIC and Embedded systems attachment 小哥1900 2009-4-12 46684 finalhaven 2009-4-18 00:35
华为硬件工程师手册 attachment gjjzym 2009-4-16 01431 gjjzym 2009-4-16 22:34
ad9854的资料 attachment fujisyusuke 2009-4-16 01635 fujisyusuke 2009-4-16 22:26
Verilog写的SDRAM的接口控制资料  ...2 chengxj 2006-8-23 103728 hyj1985 2009-4-15 20:41
The IEEE Verilog 1364-2001 StandardWhat's New, and Why You Need It attachment PYGH 2009-4-15 01880 PYGH 2009-4-15 10:41
复旦大学EDA软件论文 attachment  ...23 clarkkevin 2007-4-27 225212 renevatio 2009-4-15 02:03
集成电路设计里的关键字(超有用) attachment liuhongyu0414 2009-4-8 81932 niulinux 2009-4-15 01:27
请教Verilog高手关于位拼接运算符的问题 gatezte2008 2009-4-14 05177 gatezte2008 2009-4-14 20:38
quartuus2实例教程!!!! attachment linhaiqing60 2009-4-14 12059 linhaiqing60 2009-4-14 14:44
来自工业界的SoC设计资料 attachment  ...2 grantEE 2007-11-27 194057 primerprimer 2009-4-14 14:13
GSM及相关应用 attachment pingxingxian 2009-4-14 01718 pingxingxian 2009-4-14 10:32
发深入理解计算机系统 attachment tim_yeh 2008-12-10 51732 gavinbi_1980 2009-4-14 08:09
ModelSim中的概念解析 attachment stephua 2009-3-25 31872 russellzuo 2009-4-13 16:39
modelsimse6.2fcrack attachment aresgyh 2008-11-23 11854 eryan 2009-4-13 15:18
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