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Verilog 程序合集 attachment yun0903 2009-5-16 22037 herokobe 2009-5-16 15:03
华为_大规模逻辑设计指导书 attachment hans20033 2009-5-16 01568 hans20033 2009-5-16 14:53
layout设计文献(5篇). attachment wherever 2009-3-21 92214 maochrng 2009-5-16 11:45
FPGA设计攻略 attachment alex1215 2009-5-8 31942 llxmars 2009-5-16 10:25
求书"Microprocessor Logic Design: The Flowchart Method" februni 2009-5-15 01399 februni 2009-5-15 23:51
PCB封装详解 attachment yinhong73 2008-1-16 87920 gyk 2009-5-15 17:12
VHDL硬件描述语言与数字逻辑电路设计修订版 attachment acetuo 2009-4-29 31781 upocean 2009-5-15 14:51
verilog精典教材 attachment  ...2 wuhongtian 2009-4-21 123076 boldbutcaution 2009-5-15 14:48
优秀设计的十大戒律 attachment  ...234 George_zzl 2007-3-29 356854 ocean_raft 2009-5-15 14:03
FPGA编程需要具备哪些基础知识? chendong810208 2009-5-15 33738 flyball2008 2009-5-15 12:48
FPGA-CPLD-开发流程 attachment acetuo 2008-12-16 41519 allen8198 2009-5-15 10:04
pdf版_xilinx ise 9.01使用全流程 attachment  ...2345 yahooszh 2008-7-29 468663 chendong810208 2009-5-14 23:56
求资料 lanyiel 2009-5-14 02468 lanyiel 2009-5-14 17:30
FPGA设计经典 attachment yejiawei_200010 2009-5-4 62234 hustzhoulin 2009-5-14 16:38
给兄弟们发些电子制作,diy,fpga等的资源!!巨好哦。(续)  ...234 ninimax 2006-9-3 328260 linyang1238 2009-5-14 16:27
FPGA的培训讲义 attachment  ...234 qiulinsiji 2008-7-25 345109 alex1215 2009-5-14 16:17
Video Codec Design davidauction 2008-5-30 31906 leonwangmeng 2009-5-14 10:48
大唐电信fpga数字开发经验,希望有用 attachment 芯集修好 2009-5-10 63691 lituo52000 2009-5-14 01:04
VHDL语言100例详解 attachment fanyuchuan 2009-3-9 71702 herrgeothe 2009-5-13 21:53
十分钟学会Xilinx FPGA 设计 attachment zzbinbinzz 2009-5-13 01594 zzbinbinzz 2009-5-13 19:29
一年来收集的FPGA方面比较好参考书 attachment  ...2 liyueye 2009-5-6 145411 wodeccbp 2009-5-13 19:20
夏宇闻老师System Verilog 讲座! attachment  ...2 QQYY 2008-1-27 123492 ys82 2009-5-13 18:08
出租车计费 attachment wuxiaomeng 2009-5-13 01596 wuxiaomeng 2009-5-13 17:33
数字电路CPLD-FPGA设计小技巧 attachment iamhys 2008-9-17 21608 zhoupei20041926 2009-5-13 16:33
QUARTUS手把手教 attachment  ...2 linhaiqing60 2009-3-15 173914 konett 2009-5-13 16:02
有关cadence使用工具的说明 qerqing 2009-5-12 22095 opqr344 2009-5-13 13:17
硬件工程师手册 attachment dare_li 2009-5-13 02082 dare_li 2009-5-13 10:48
请大家帮帮忙,有没有交织器的设计原理图,用QUATRUS实现的,谢谢啦 kity0126 2009-5-13 01188 kity0126 2009-5-13 10:02
Comparison Of VHDL Verilog And Systemverilog attachment  ...2 forest103459 2008-5-11 155374 johnyjack 2009-5-12 22:55
大家有没有想开一个system verilog验证讨论区的想法 shenshanyelian 2008-10-22 11852 tiansha 2009-5-12 21:34
Transaction Level Modeling 2.0 PPT attachment fiascoo 2009-5-10 13700 tiansha 2009-5-12 20:30
数字设计集合 attachment 26032603 2009-5-10 42343 zhoupei20041926 2009-5-12 19:56
FPGA 优化设计 attachment  ...2 ywg_132 2007-11-28 113198 fu2006 2009-5-11 22:45
encounter 里nanoroute中Insert Diodes中的Diode Cell Name应该填什么? attachment cwg540 2009-5-11 01675 cwg540 2009-5-11 15:11
encounter里antenna的问题 cwg540 2009-5-11 01279 cwg540 2009-5-11 13:12
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