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[资料] TCL基本语法教程 attachment qingyulan 2010-3-27 61779 chhwang0123 2010-5-31 11:42
[资料] FPGA设计高级技巧Xilinx篇(华为公司) attachment  ...23 yanbaxue 2010-4-22 274556 gaoyuabc 2010-5-31 09:34
[原创] Altera USB 下载线 attach_img Jess 2009-12-18 71314 ee_top_167 2010-5-31 09:30
超大规模集成电路电子学 attachment 云飞 2007-12-19 51908 272371972 2010-5-30 22:38
超大规模集成电路的设计与分析 attachment  ...2 sxtz531 2009-10-25 122649 272371972 2010-5-30 22:08
DEBUSSY培训资料 attachment  ...23 braveknight 2008-2-25 223668 chhwang0123 2010-5-30 21:54
VLSI系统设计--何时和如何设计超大规模集成电路 attachment chmingxin 2006-12-22 92058 272371972 2010-5-30 21:38
发一本清华的《超大规模集成电路设计方法与导论》 attachment amin2008 2008-5-1 51294 272371972 2010-5-30 21:34
华为模拟电路设计 attachment  ...234 yshgcs 2007-12-22 326315 splum 2010-5-29 10:59
[资料] 华为大规模逻辑设计指导书 attachment  ...2 fpgafanssummer 2010-4-29 142699 splum 2010-5-29 09:36
[资料] 8位RISK和UART的verilog代码 attachment redcats 2010-5-28 01552 redcats 2010-5-28 20:45
[原创] Verilog HDL设计的要点 attachment leon009wlo 2010-5-28 11354 mobin2010 2010-5-28 18:05
[资料] Lattice逻辑修改程序安装及说明 attachment followcch 2010-5-27 21563 followcch 2010-5-28 09:32
[转贴] VHDL programming by example attachment gruja 2010-5-20 31593 gezhiwei 2010-5-28 00:06
[资料] VC辅助工具,特好用 attachment chenchensilence 2010-5-27 01386 chenchensilence 2010-5-27 23:31
[求助] 嵌入式学习求教 chenchensilence 2010-5-27 11336 chenchensilence 2010-5-27 22:57
[资料] PFGA与VHDL快速工程实践从入门到提高 attachment wangzhiyu0706 2010-5-23 51747 xiaopingtan 2010-5-27 21:42
[资料] vhdl语言的教程 frawheeo 2010-3-28 51775 xiaopingtan 2010-5-27 21:41
[资料] Verilog HDL 综合实用教程 attachment zhtxwd 2010-5-27 01629 zhtxwd 2010-5-27 17:08
[原创] 电子设计自动化-综合,验证和测试 attachment web_miner 2010-5-27 72244 ukido777 2010-5-27 17:00
[资料] Lattice烧入与逻辑修改程序安装及说明 followcch 2010-5-27 11590 followcch 2010-5-27 16:53
EP2C5-8Q208管教配置(已整理出TXT格式,无需看原理图) attachment yyphpu 2009-11-13 11963 yfp303 2010-5-27 16:26
Cyclone II EP2C5开发板原理图 attachment  ...23 zenghaitao0128 2008-3-28 224017 yfp303 2010-5-27 16:23
[资料] <<how to write a paper >> attachment yurenjie 2010-5-26 01904 yurenjie 2010-5-26 20:41
VHDL设计多功能数字钟 biao520 2005-11-29 34870 刳净心空 2010-5-26 18:47
SOC design & test attachment  ...234 chipmaster 2006-8-30 355995 terry0724 2010-5-26 16:44
[求助] 关于snyplify中的attribute的问题 patriotiii 2010-5-26 01561 patriotiii 2010-5-26 15:53
状态机设计大礼包 attachment  ...2 shawkle 2007-11-2 162842 liutongqiang_jn 2010-5-26 14:16
状态机学习资料 attachment  ...2 oli 2008-6-27 123100 liutongqiang_jn 2010-5-26 14:13
ASICs... the course attachment justin0428 2007-10-25 42436 csfan007 2010-5-25 22:54
周立功Verilog黄金指南 attachment  ...23 lailee 2009-9-29 253919 sixi18 2010-5-25 22:28
Modelsim入门 attachment caowangyang 2009-2-10 14220 windhood911 2010-5-25 19:57
[资料] FPGA开发全攻略 attachment opcom 2010-5-21 33608 xiaopingtan 2010-5-25 19:41
[CRC2008] digital design and fabrication jrzhang 2008-9-30 51485 yuxiaoying 2010-5-25 18:41
数字锁相环(Verilog milano_h 2008-9-5 71433 chenqiang_1999 2010-5-25 17:48
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