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[招聘] 【强烈推荐】嵌入式系统软硬件协同设计实战指南 attach_img  ...23456..23 suisuisi 2019-8-5 22055764 zhangyingui8 7 天前
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[资料] Xilinx FPGA开发实用教程(76MB超清版) attachment  ...23456..8 ywq930903 2021-3-27 7114150 沧溟之沚 2025-2-23 14:59
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[原创] Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits FPGA, ASIC, and Embedded Systems attachment  ...2 白无常 2024-12-4 13773 waveguides 2025-2-23 13:57
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[资料] Xilinx FPGA应用进阶 通用IP核详解和设计开发 attachment  ...23456..25 zjxing 2016-3-19 24654779 cmmjava 2025-2-23 01:44
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[资料] VC Formal Verification User Guide, 2021 attachment  ...234 flscut 2023-2-23 3310199 smrecnik 2025-2-22 02:42
[资料] Verilog典型电路设计_华为 attachment  ...23456..9 bobxx1234 2010-4-20 8114426 cmmjava 2025-2-22 02:05
[原创] 【系统芯片SoC的设计与测试】 潘中良 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..31 benemale 2011-3-26 30267697 yeap 2025-2-21 23:57
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[资料] 数字设计:原理与实践 第五版 最新版 attachment  ...23456 熊熊熊熊熊总 2022-12-18 539502 analog_ICerSL 2025-2-21 16:00
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[资料] PCI-e经典书籍《PCI Express System Architecture》完整版 attachment  ...23456..32 jxli99 2016-8-8 31380116 waxing 2025-2-21 15:41
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[资料] 最新DDR PHY Interface Specification (DFI5.1) attachment  ...23456..8 totuwei 2021-6-8 7317377 lansewanmei521 2025-2-20 19:59
[资料] Digital Logic Design Using Verilog: Coding and RTL Synthesis, 2nd Edition @2022 attach_img  ...23456..9 2046 2022-10-24 8312195 gujm 2025-2-20 18:18
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