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[资料] Fault Tolerant Architectures for Cryptography and Hardware Security @2018 attach_img  ...23456 2046 2022-10-24 567315 robotman 2024-9-15 12:42
[资料] On the Physical Security of Physically Unclonable Functions @2019 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-10-24 293835 robotman 2024-9-15 12:39
[资料] ncore attachment imzsg 2023-6-30 91648 totuwei 2024-9-14 17:30
[资料] 论坛首发:HDMI 2.0 specification 规范 attachment  ...23456..23 zhangyang768 2014-9-4 22144884 chenanzhi2000 2024-9-14 16:58
悬赏 [求助] 求ASSCC2023 session16的PPT - [悬赏 10 信元资产] 与海相若 2024-9-14 0336 与海相若 2024-9-14 16:43
[资料] 数字IC系统设计【PDF高清版】 经典的verilog中文教程 attachment  ...23456..52 Tnavy 2009-12-18 512110357 li_john 2024-9-14 14:51
[资料] FPGA工程师必读:VLSI数字信号处理(翻译版)--解释的非常详细~~~ attachment  ...23456..10 youfengwulei 2013-10-14 9528207 wufeng233 2024-9-14 11:11
[资料] Altera FPGA CPLD设计基础篇 attachment  ...23456..38 hjchen01 2010-2-12 37473510 DC339 2024-9-14 10:22
[资料] Icarus Verilog仿真器安装步骤及使用说明 attachment hachi.SK 2024-9-12 4751 janelea 2024-9-14 09:20
[资料] 《FPGA之道电子书》免费领取 attach_img  ...23456..7 shejidedao 2020-10-20 6953129 masterlee12120 2024-9-13 23:58
[资料] 华为海思采用的verilog编码规范 attachment  ...23456..80 knight0123 2013-3-14 797129874 masterlee12120 2024-9-13 23:45
悬赏 [求助] conformal eco sample dofiles - [已解决] attachment 消逝时光 2024-6-26 61564 igolaps 2024-9-13 23:45
分享一本算法级硬件好书《Computer Arithmetic - Algorithms and Hardware Designs 》 attachment  ...23456..55 xinqrs 2009-4-14 54070182 li_john 2024-9-13 16:18
[资料] 无线通信FPGA设计(清晰PDF) attachment  ...23456..17 a8997368 2015-4-8 16132206 chess2006 2024-9-13 15:47
悬赏 [资料] Segmenting Age Matrices - [已解决] attachment onearangel 2024-9-2 51130 lsh361 2024-9-13 15:40
[原创] fpga 资料 attachment tianhan123 2024-9-13 3423 ic886 2024-9-13 14:10
[资料] HDMI SPEC版本汇总 attachment  ...23456..15 danzaibin001 2015-10-9 14144549 yuanwolf2008 2024-9-13 11:19
[资料] Multi-Channel PCIe QDMA&RDMA控制器 attachment axpro 2023-1-18 81701 yuanwolf2008 2024-9-13 11:12
[原创] 《InfiniBand Network Architecture》 attachment  ...234 pwang7 2021-11-14 317315 yuanwolf2008 2024-9-13 11:08
[资料] Displayport 2.0协议 attach_img  ...234 juhuapaul 2021-6-16 3310635 yuanwolf2008 2024-9-13 11:03
[资料] IC资料大全,22G,忘了在哪里得到的了,分享给大家 新人帖 - [阅读权限 255]attach_img  ...23456..13 puerlike 2023-2-9 12715827 曜曜灵 2024-9-13 10:23
[资料] A53手册 attachment fengchuibuluo 2024-8-24 31198 潛龍勿用 2024-9-13 09:34
[资料] 最新版 Digital Design and Computer Architecture 最给力网盘下载 attachment  ...23456..7 qingshang209 2015-8-9 6925449 fanyang08 2024-9-13 09:06
[资料] SATA 3.0 协议文档 attachment bkhzw6 2024-9-12 0227 bkhzw6 2024-9-12 19:28
【好资料】SIMULINK MATLAB to VHDL Route for Full Custom FPGA attachment  ...23456..10 llxmars 2009-6-6 9918468 hclin 2024-9-12 19:03
[资料] 【好书】Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays(3rd_eng) attachment  ...23456..11 llxmars 2009-5-16 10424540 hclin 2024-9-12 19:01
[资料] RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for Simulation and Synthesis  ...23456..39 空白MAX 2020-11-27 38355694 CyberChangchang 2024-9-12 18:44
[资料] Digital Design With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL, and SystemVerilog attach_img  ...23456..28 空白MAX 2020-11-29 27642684 CyberChangchang 2024-9-12 18:41
【论文】收集到的关于数字filter的硕士论文 attachment  ...2345 llxmars 2009-7-8 427615 ricvadim 2024-9-12 18:25
【实例】xilinx基于分布式算法的FIR滤波器 【含代码文件】 attachment  ...23456..8 llxmars 2009-5-31 7214327 ricvadim 2024-9-12 17:50
[资料] 湾湾交通大学数字IC设计资料 attachment  ...23456..25 Jasonszm 2023-6-9 24513629 qiangfeng1900 2024-9-12 17:35
[资料] VLSI数字信号处理系统设计与实现 (Keshab K.Parhi) 中/英 attachment  ...2 KongDu 2022-9-24 184784 ricvadim 2024-9-12 17:05
[求助] 哪位有lattice的Radiant 2024可以用的许可文件? feitengyu 2024-9-8 3316 feitengyu 2024-9-11 23:13
[资料] Variation-Aware Advanced CMOS Devices and SRAM attachment  ...23 CWbrother 2021-12-23 264062 kevinwind11 2024-9-11 21:42
[资料] Hotchips2023论文PPT下载 attachment  ...2 固执的寻觅 2024-1-4 102286 igolaps 2024-9-11 21:20
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