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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 28 |主题: 41122|排名: 1 

[原创] 几个HSPICE实例 attachment fxfz 2012-2-22 31941 bingjunpeng 2013-3-23 04:56
A Handbook for Wireless and RF, EMC and High-Speed Electronics attachment  ...2345 chengyh 2007-5-29 426374 mchuang 2013-3-22 16:33
LDO 基礎概念 台灣IC廠商 attachment  ...23456 iyahsue 2007-12-28 596618 eejli 2013-3-22 11:09
[资料] MST理论的论文 attachment pop_mos 2010-3-6 33616 xinlianxin 2013-3-22 10:38
Analog VLSI decoding for digital communications ... attachment  ...2 castlerock 2007-12-21 112925 mscyc0909 2013-3-22 02:57
集成电路器件电子学(muller 3版)题解 attachment jinxx 2009-6-23 32405 a127867 2013-3-21 17:41
[求助] 谁有较新版的Cadence IC5.3 Layout培训资料啊? zhulx_wx 2013-3-21 01319 zhulx_wx 2013-3-21 13:39
Position Location Techniques and Applications ding0218 2009-7-6 12794 richyrichy 2013-3-21 13:01
[求助] 有了解丽恒光微的哥们吗(上海张江的)mems方向 martin21 2013-3-20 23756 martin21 2013-3-21 10:27
[资料] Roger射频教材 attachment rgwandj 2013-3-21 11552 john_123 2013-3-21 09:37
[资料] CMOS傳感器PPT attachment 火影忍者 2013-3-16 21812 hanyang 2013-3-20 22:15
cmos运放的性能进展 attachment haotf 2008-12-30 92596 sunshine7706 2013-3-20 20:44
[资料] high speed electrical interface attachment liumm 2011-1-26 83103 instantly 2013-3-20 20:29
[资料] 在亞微米CMOS圖像傳感器的噪聲 attachment 植被 2013-3-17 11093 demi81 2013-3-20 12:41
[资料] 射频模拟视频 attachment  ...2 tigerjade 2013-3-17 102591 john_123 2013-3-20 11:48
Analysis and Design of a CMOS Mixer attachment  ...234 kenny6886 2009-9-13 324766 cpcpcp4 2013-3-20 06:02
[原创] 中科院 李晓维的《VLSI 测试与可测试行设计》 attachment  ...23 lihaixi 2010-3-10 208695 feiyefeiye 2013-3-20 01:20
color stand cell layout overview (total 38pages) attachment  ...23 fanjx 2005-12-13 205111 zrzf23 2013-3-19 21:20
[资料] Smith 圆图 attachment witsman 2013-3-19 01292 witsman 2013-3-19 20:26
IC Layout 研習講義 attachment  ...23 angala 2009-5-6 234813 zrzf23 2013-3-19 20:13
A Dual-Path Three-Stage VCO with Wide Tuning Range attachment nicole528 2008-3-6 92589 lupo 2013-3-19 19:34
来几篇关于宽调制范围LC VCO的IEEE文章 attachment  ...2 dove888 2008-10-20 106872 lupo 2013-3-19 15:52
[资料] 电子负载在开关电源检测中的深入应用 attachment me19810624 2012-3-27 21683 abrahamcheng 2013-3-19 14:57
DOWNCONVERSION MIXERS 論文 attachment  ...234 digito77 2007-10-19 335068 niko911 2013-3-19 14:51
[求助] 可控硅在cadence的spetre中仿真,求助,谢谢! appleyuchi2 2013-3-15 42394 appleyuchi2 2013-3-18 16:31
资料:folding pipeline ADC 研究 attachment  ...23 ddrr 2008-1-18 233968 dutu 2013-3-18 15:04
书籍: Automatic Layout Modification attachment  ...234 teradyne 2006-7-9 346023 john_123 2013-3-18 13:13
[求助] 【求书】ieee standard dictionary of electrical and electronics terms sirricky 2013-3-18 01865 sirricky 2013-3-18 11:36
[资料] Cadence英文教程--绝对是你想要的--超好--超详细--顶! attachment  ...2 weiquan654321 2011-12-25 123012 jingmeng1503 2013-3-17 22:36
saber学习资料 attachment feish 2009-6-30 31497 yang_3214 2013-3-17 11:10
IC设计必备软件-saber2007--从系统到晶体管级完美仿真软件 attachment  ...2345 yzhfy 2009-6-22 408547 yang_3214 2013-3-17 10:55
[资料] Hspice 2011.09 feature updates attachment  ...2 fhchen2002 2012-5-16 123937 s113160713 2013-3-17 09:42
驻波保护电路 attachment lijunping 2009-9-2 32251 awen2012 2013-3-16 20:27
[原创] 天津大学微电子导师方向 attachment plz762127 2013-3-16 01570 plz762127 2013-3-16 14:46
[资料] DC Training1 attachment  ...23 rongshuxia888 2010-1-1 263185 kresit 2013-3-16 03:37
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