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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 211 |主题: 41144|排名: 1 

3.4-to-6.8mW 85-to-66dB DR GSM bluetooth UMTS cascade DT ΔΣM in 90nm attachment  ...2 schwang 2009-6-9 108863 mrspuzhao 2015-2-15 21:18
[原创] ADC时钟输入,需要考虑啥?你清楚吗 feicat 2015-2-15 01693 feicat 2015-2-15 14:42
[原创] ADC时钟输入,需要考虑啥?你清楚吗 feicat 2015-2-15 01359 feicat 2015-2-15 14:38
[资料] TI LDO understanding系列 attachment  ...234 helianalog 2010-9-19 316085 suxiaoxin 2015-2-15 13:36
[资料] 非常好的VCO资料 attachment a104842708 2010-11-5 72803 nareshreddy 2015-2-14 02:25
vco 资料一网打尽 attachment  ...23456..15 jiaboss 2008-1-23 14119137 nareshreddy 2015-2-14 02:23
LC-VCO之三:宽带VCO设计 attachment  ...23456..12 skybridge 2007-12-1 11817915 nareshreddy 2015-2-14 02:08
[原创] IC Design2 attachment cloudgood123 2015-2-12 51713 smrecnik 2015-2-13 19:39
软件无线电接收机设计实例 attachment  ...2 liushangpiao 2007-5-15 107232 wisehawk 2015-2-10 22:29
Newnes出版的Digital Signal Processing, System Level Design Using LabVIEW attachment  ...2345 cyberkt 2008-8-2 407101 kyamane1234 2015-2-10 21:53
ebook: Classical Feedback Control: With MATLAB attachment  ...234 xyz10 2008-3-2 396512 yinanfigo 2015-2-10 13:25
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals 1st Robert F.Pierret-solution manuel attachment  ...23456..19 jingxin_xd 2008-8-29 18024838 woodnevsay 2015-2-10 11:32
[资料] E类射频功率放大器 attachment 瑜伽 2013-11-9 82113 lightdeng666 2015-2-10 10:23
[求助] HSPICE2013问题HSPICE.exe已停止工作 王学敏 2014-11-18 33081 hameln 2015-2-10 00:00
[讨论] Bandgap输出电压 macro_man 2015-2-7 32355 sc_filter_2014 2015-2-9 11:58
[转贴] ranxt_vD-2009.12-SP3 attachment mabas.masood 2013-5-19 21885 ra3d 2015-2-9 01:56
Spring新书放送: Baseband Analog Circuits for Software Defined Radio attachment  ...23 ix1982 2008-7-1 244847 bianji231 2015-2-8 04:22
[原创] HSPICE可以建Tabular W-element模型吗? Itach 2015-2-5 12622 sunbeam 2015-2-7 22:41
台湾PLL方向论文 attachment yixiubing 2009-6-13 42531 nareshreddy 2015-2-7 14:53
[原创] 模拟资料 attachment eleroger 2015-1-16 21568 eleroger 2015-2-7 11:55
[总有人需要]]低压CMOS运放设计IEEE论文 attachment  ...2 matlab11 2008-4-2 174750 macro_man 2015-2-7 09:34
2009年后开关电源IC的发展趋势 attachment  ...23456 wind2000sp3 2009-6-24 508055 chriswuyue 2015-2-6 15:17
[求助] 求书Richard.K.Ulrich的<Advanced Electonic Packaging>! cyl 2015-2-5 12096 cyl 2015-2-6 08:51
ARRL Radio Communication Handbook 2006 attachment  ...23 lixqing 2007-10-25 236536 greatvxin 2015-2-6 08:46
关于IEEE上低功耗CMOS著作集: Low-Power CMOS Design attachment  ...2345 moshushi0009 2009-10-16 418339 zrzf23 2015-2-5 20:24
悬赏 [求助] 求2篇论文 - [已解决] skysky 2015-1-10 54077 skysky 2015-2-4 22:47
A 2 GHz Highly Linear Downconversion Mixer in 0.18-um CMOS attachment kenny6886 2009-9-13 54133 vioryee 2015-2-4 18:09
[求助] calibre2008在Ubuntu 11.04的问题  ...2 winder9901 2012-6-26 156303 峰情万种 2015-2-4 12:59
transformer used in AC-DC attachment  ...2 xzhourui 2009-12-4 103604 arshad 2015-2-4 07:19
Power transformers for the 30MHz~80MHz attachment  ...2 笑含风 2004-8-15 106582 arshad 2015-2-4 07:19
[求助] ANSYS 中如何模拟三极管的热功耗? linqian2515 2015-2-1 22027 gjj293402 2015-2-3 16:42
Pll Stability Analysis attachment  ...23 bgsony 2007-7-18 204389 lupo 2015-2-3 15:46
On-Chip Inductance Extraction attachment ulsi123 2008-10-8 52294 nareshreddy 2015-2-3 02:25
【推荐08新书】Analog Circuits World Class IC Designs ( 非扫描 attachment  ...23456..17 Jason_ke 2009-4-16 16219206 chenxiaoming 2015-2-2 21:50
[资料] 差分阻抗 attachment klng1025 2014-4-23 41858 jackson_lee86 2015-2-2 19:32
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