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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 8 |主题: 40940|排名: 1 

isscc 2007 UWB papers attachment  ...23 pzhangosu 2007-7-12 266815 一袭红袖丹青 2023-7-4 09:01
[求助] 请帮助我找到ATIC43-G的数据表! nfhfymrf 2023-7-4 0954 nfhfymrf 2023-7-4 02:43
伯克利做ADC的博士毕业论文 attachment  ...23456..7 space 2009-3-31 6115042 一袭红袖丹青 2023-7-3 23:18
[原创] 做ACOT架构的BUCK看这个就够了。 attachment  ...23456..7 huangniuniu 2014-12-4 6122589 1782460264 2023-7-3 22:19
Indirect Feedback Compensation of CMOS Op-Amps attachment  ...2 zhxliving 2008-1-18 159099 john_123 2023-7-3 21:34
[资料] designer kit:關於為何使用finger,以及STI的缺陷 attach_img  ...2345 zhongbo1127 2010-8-30 4714323 zixin1hao 2023-7-3 19:44
CMOS two stage OPAMP simulation, netlist and hand calculation attachment  ...23456..11 hi_china59 2009-9-3 10821639 auch0311 2023-7-3 18:21
[求助] Help to share opamp book attachment  ...2 schwang 2021-10-9 193804 john_123 2023-7-3 16:46
Ebook: RF Measurements of Die and Packages attachment  ...23456..13 悦然 2009-12-3 12831199 yjck270001 2023-7-3 15:21
【Abidi,Gray和Meyer的合力之作】Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..39 lotusky 2009-1-13 38660278 yjck270001 2023-7-3 14:47
[求助] emx仿真变压器,Type怎么选取。 attach_img 萨村 2023-6-27 21596 胶地的游戏 2023-7-3 14:13
[求助] 2.5GLC VCO版图后仿,相位噪声恶化2到3个db 温柔一些 2023-6-30 41114 胶地的游戏 2023-7-3 14:11
Temes: Delta-Sigma Data Converters: Theory, Design, and Simulation高清晰版 attachment  ...23456..30 witten 2006-9-11 29653273 tanei 2023-7-3 14:05
悬赏 [原创] 求购一套smic14nm的工艺库,数模混合的。学习定制使用。 - [悬赏 100 信元资产] LEDs 2023-4-5 62113 蒋赵威 2023-7-3 13:56
[转贴] EE290D Lecture Notes Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Technology attachment andy2000a 2021-11-17 82194 john_123 2023-7-3 10:22
[资料] berkey 牛人的pipelineADC资料(详细是最大的特点) attach_img  ...23456..38 yxw8193 2008-4-14 37363111 Andy126 2023-7-3 09:26
HSPICE 计算功耗 attachment  ...23456..10 haihaikid 2008-9-23 9317787 john_123 2023-7-3 09:14
Deep Submicron CMOS Circuit Design Simulator In Hands attachment  ...23456..8 lotusky 2007-11-27 7117066 stanley22344987 2023-7-2 22:56
[原创] 求ADC IP包和反向数据 decide12 2023-5-26 11837 2023-7-2 19:49
[原创] virtuoso 电路设计软件视频教程 attachment a84275041a 2023-4-24 62209 huaashan 2023-7-2 14:47
[原创] Verified Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB and C attachment  ...2 osmanali 2022-10-29 163873 cdting 2023-7-2 12:05
[资料] [ebook]EDA for IC Implementation Circuit Design and Process Technology attachment  ...23456..8 xuleiwx 2012-8-14 7217486 tomedavid 2023-7-2 01:29
[资料] Mosfet Modeling For Circuit Analysis And Design attach_img  ...23 oponderz 2015-12-17 236074 stanley22344987 2023-7-2 00:25
A Review of MOS Device Physics(By Thomas Lee) attachment  ...23456..7 STMicro 2006-8-9 6215539 stanley22344987 2023-7-2 00:22
[资料] Analog Circuits and Systems for Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode Sensor Interfacing attachment  ...234 youngwx 2015-5-3 359672 stanley22344987 2023-7-1 23:54
[原创] 求书,CMOS Sigma-Delta Converters: Practical Design Guide (Wiley - IEEE) attachment  ...23456..7 haoyun 2013-5-3 6718516 badegg9 2023-7-1 21:35
[资料] 2022年全球智能手机品牌与用户调研报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2023-6-27 31124 john_123 2023-7-1 16:33
[资料] 模拟工程师必备!TI-Analog Engineer's Pocket Reference Guide attachment  ...234 旋转的地球 2023-3-23 346500 harbour123 2023-7-1 15:36
[资料] designcon 2022 keynote,introduction,track 1-6 attachment  ...23456 wi1176 2022-4-10 5113094 mars2022 2023-7-1 12:04
[资料] Mosfet Modeling for VLSI Simulation Theory And Practice attach_img  ...2345 oponderz 2015-12-18 4615507 stanley22344987 2023-7-1 00:23
[资料] (Springer 2022新书)High Efficiency Power Amplifier Design for 28 GHz 5G Transmitters attach_img  ...23 fenglingke 2022-2-24 255571 karaly 2023-6-30 23:14
我收集的6篇ADC国外博士论文大家分享  ...2 ccarrot 2008-7-8 104488 Andy126 2023-6-30 21:17
[资料] 最详尽的运放参数的详细解释和分析(TI内部人士撰写) attachment  ...23456..12 jjw 2013-10-10 11931449 duandaodream 2023-6-30 18:50
[原创] 分享三份HSPICE学习资料 attachment hua289 2019-6-18 32468 newking1856 2023-6-30 16:27
一个不错的HSPICE应用实例 attachment  ...234 meerobust 2008-5-12 358310 newking1856 2023-6-30 16:23
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