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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 17 |主题: 41039|排名: 1 

RF CIC measurement attachment  ...2 sunwenyu 2009-4-9 175421 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 16:25
[资料] CIC Verification Calibre attachment  ...2 wbf080827 2010-6-10 175110 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 16:18
[求助] analog integrated circuit design by simulation 新人帖 wls2021 2024-3-29 0769 wls2021 2024-3-29 15:22
[资料] 2024年芯片行业薪酬报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2024-3-29 0678 芯电图 2024-3-29 15:21
[求助] ADS如何做晶体管物理仿真? nulll 2010-8-11 22009 binnq 2024-3-29 14:52
scdma射频指标和方法介绍 attachment free_2008 2006-12-5 33055 binnq 2024-3-29 14:36
T.Lee about Miller split 解释 attachment  ...2 downloadbook 2009-12-9 164432 binnq 2024-3-29 14:08
CIC HSPICE 非常经典的教程 attachment  ...2 zhongcan 2008-9-25 165265 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 13:54
RF measurement_CIC講義 attachment  ...23 kevinwjs 2008-3-7 239127 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 13:53
[台灣CIC] IC layout教材 使用Dracula教學 attachment  ...2 hsinchu 2009-6-6 145943 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 13:50
[资料] 【RFIC2020】ALL Session paper 打包 attach_img  ...2 weifenfen516 2022-1-3 173323 zlhrsy 2024-3-29 13:48
CIC 的Hspice内部培训资料 attachment  ...23 romberg 2009-9-18 265211 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 13:48
射频CMOS设计流程-中国台湾CIC,对射频入门很有帮助 xhseu 2008-10-26 21877 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 12:48
你能找到的CIC最全的讲义! tim_yeh 2008-12-12 92730 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 12:46
Advanced Experimental Methods for Noise Research attachment  ...234 allen_yyq 2009-2-25 306024 im.leo 2024-3-29 12:18
MOS运放设计原理 李联 attachment  ...2 trasonqht 2009-6-30 144988 crist777 2024-3-29 10:55
免费:hsim6 windows 版 绿色版加license attachment  ...23456..9 xiaobenyi 2008-5-23 8525210 cwpeng 2024-3-29 10:48
[资料] Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE: From Schematic Designs to Finished Boards attachment 龚_利90 2019-7-14 61470 skahill 2024-3-29 10:43
[资料] 28Gbps SerDes 参考资料 attachment  ...2345 sumig 2016-5-3 4915016 binnq 2024-3-29 08:59
[转贴] 无线充电的一些论文 attachment  ...23 tommy_8353 2014-4-12 236411 zhangyingui8 2024-3-29 08:39
悬赏 [求助] 求論文: 高頻超聲系統接收端芯片關鍵模塊的研究與設計(復旦大學) - [悬赏 500 信元资产] attach_img sunjimmy 2024-3-10 1680 sunjimmy 2024-3-29 06:22
悬赏 [求助] 求論文: 醫療超聲系統中模擬前端收發電路關鍵模塊的研究與設計(復旦大學) - [悬赏 500 信元资产] attach_img sunjimmy 2024-3-10 1643 sunjimmy 2024-3-29 06:20
[资料] 应用于人体温度监测的温度传感器 attachment doubichen 2019-9-24 61484 鹅鹅ee 2024-3-28 23:51
[资料] CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit Design 1st edition Jacob Baker attachment  ...2 kingkyle11252 2020-9-15 133539 binnq 2024-3-28 18:00
悬赏 [求助] LIN Slave Node Position Detection via LIN Switch Method - [悬赏 100 信元资产] 闲fxh 2024-3-28 0684 闲fxh 2024-3-28 17:50
[资料] 拉扎维学生的博士论文Low-Power Wireline Transmitter Design attachment  ...23 squarewood 2020-7-20 223281 im.leo 2024-3-28 16:46
1_V_CMOS_current_reference_with_50_ppm_spl_deg_C_temperature_coefficient attachment  ...2 teradyne 2007-6-1 193936 newking1856 2024-3-28 14:10
1.5V CMOS current reference with extended temperature operating range attachment  ...23 squarewood 2008-7-4 238994 newking1856 2024-3-28 14:07
[其它] Monolithic Voltage and Current References: Theme and Variations ? attachment xaxay68 2013-10-25 85142 newking1856 2024-3-28 14:03
[转贴] 深入浅出电源管理电路设计教材 【完整版】 Troubleshooting Switching Power attachment  ...23456..7 taxus 2012-6-26 6019223 wangchenglong 2024-3-28 13:43
[资料] CRC 2016新书-Emerging Communication Technologies Based attachment  ...23 xinlianxin 2016-9-9 226647 RSTZYP 2024-3-28 13:27
[资料] bandgap reference 带隙基准 300+篇美国专利 attachment  ...23456..13 capazo 2013-1-12 12538790 newking1856 2024-3-28 12:13
[求助] 寻低噪放的这篇论文 attach_img xiangtop 2024-3-28 0562 xiangtop 2024-3-28 11:24
[资料] 运算放大器设计指导及仿真方法 attachment  ...234 MarioZ 2021-9-2 378543 haobx 2024-3-28 11:01
[原创] 成果分享------让EndNote显示文献的被引用次数 attachment noise7816 2018-9-12 66808 tangyuxiang 2024-3-28 10:48
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