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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 1 |主题: 3410|排名: 24 

CPU仿真后时序图怎样分析 kittyhy123456 2014-6-13 22391 ayamitek 2018-7-4 12:45
IBM打造AI專用POWER9處理器與伺服器 peterlin2010 2017-12-10 21636 ayamitek 2018-7-3 11:38
本人所作 MIT Computation Structures 课程设计 attachment kathywh 2018-6-11 21901 ayamitek 2018-7-3 11:31
linux kernel attachment swfswf 2018-6-29 21615 dcircuit 2018-6-29 20:22
[求助] 新人学习用FPGA写CPU,大神有没有推荐的书???谢谢了! FX_范 2018-6-27 01696 FX_范 2018-6-27 16:39
Intel IXP 42X 系列 网络处理器(networking processor)的资料 attachment  ...23 Frankie666 2009-2-25 255581 lxjucdos124 2018-6-27 11:12
要设计一个新的处理器结构需要些什么必备知识 dodoee 2018-1-19 42960 panqiang 2018-6-26 15:16
Intel 64 处理器硬体全部中招,软体修复漏洞最高导致 30% 效能下滑  ...2 andy2000a 2018-1-4 113230 panqiang 2018-6-26 15:14
Structured Computer Organization (4th Edition) attachment  ...234 ntthlman 2007-8-9 338408 Ryggeor 2018-6-26 14:11
驍龍 1000宣稱效能與英特爾 Core i5-7300 ?? peterlin2010 2018-6-25 11098 apteye 2018-6-26 09:18
OpenRISC开发平台v2 - orpsocv2 attachment williamseu1984 2018-5-30 62137 tu_yjq123 2018-6-25 23:19
微处理器设计 Digital Logic And Microprocessor Design With Vhdl attachment  ...23 wensai 2009-3-20 265065 fockerdevil 2018-6-25 18:00
Co-Verification of hardware and software for ARM SOC design 19010815 2007-12-16 34191 iNostory 2018-6-21 21:41
coware processor designer软件 attach_img  ...234 tyxuanyuanlx 2013-5-10 318048 dahaizhan 2018-6-13 22:46
[原创] 公司 jackychan2010 2018-6-12 01894 jackychan2010 2018-6-12 15:49
有个wishbone总线接入CPU的问题 吾要单片机 2018-6-10 11804 吾要单片机 2018-6-12 15:38
哪位有关于寄存器重命名的资料? attachment  ...2 thw 2006-11-25 145815 kathywh 2018-6-11 13:32
[转贴] 80186 compatible SystemVerilog attachment peterlin2010 2018-6-8 11689 student321 2018-6-10 17:45
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Including Electric Circuits 3Ed attachment  ...2 numenljm 2008-12-26 194194 kuan 2018-6-10 06:42
super Pi data attach_img andy2000a 2018-6-7 01570 andy2000a 2018-6-7 15:04
SystemC_Synthesizable attachment  ...234 cadence_1978 2009-4-16 386734 prabakaran_1234 2018-5-31 14:47
8051调用子程序后的返回地址放到哪里了 yuyunfei 2018-5-16 81650 iiop123 2018-5-29 10:28
寄存器重命名-对构架感兴趣的都应该看看 attachment  ...234 fireangel 2007-12-28 348044 huatiantian 2018-5-26 21:30
著名的LEON处理器出3.0版本啦  ...2 wolfzou 2009-10-30 157017 songhuicmd 2018-5-24 09:52
[ IP CoRE ] b16 Stack computer source RTL coding {Verilog} attachment tmd007 2008-8-19 53065 ayamitek 2018-5-24 09:41
人工智能及其应用 attachment  ...2 memory_yuan 2008-12-1 122846 nicholasgwy 2018-5-23 22:10
Intel PXA27x Processor Family Design Guide attachment  ...2 zzyjsjcom 2009-6-2 113006 eric_2017 2018-5-21 14:06
[ebook]Embedded Intel486 Processor Hardware Reference Manual attachment genghis 2008-7-1 62479 eric_2017 2018-5-21 14:04
[ebook]Intel386 Embedded MicroprocessorUser's Manual attachment genghis 2008-7-1 31821 eric_2017 2018-5-21 14:04
Implementation of the Intel 486 SX microprocessor verilog attach_img andy2000a 2014-9-29 92038 huatiantian 2018-5-17 22:32
Intel Larrabee CPU+GPU processor attachment  ...23456..9 jimxiao 2008-9-16 8214203 huatiantian 2018-5-17 22:29
See MIPS Run linux 第二版 20080707中文版 attachment  ...234 addmyin 2008-9-19 399571 huatiantian 2018-5-16 21:50
计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口(英文版)(第3版) (MIPS版) attach_img  ...23 fishlet 2012-5-12 218289 huatiantian 2018-5-16 21:46
A RISC Design: Synthesis of the MIPS Processor Core attachment  ...23456..22 mygod200 2009-1-13 21526628 yuanpin318 2018-5-15 21:03
arm微处理器结构 attachment  ...23456 wangqdoc 2008-12-12 549372 clslhy 2018-5-15 15:09
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