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[资料] 【资料共享】中文版CPRI协议 attachment  ...23 zyanyang1121 2012-5-1 2414732 digicomm 2024-3-3 10:29
[资料] 论文:Wireless coherent OFDM modem simulation attachment  ...2 niannian79 2013-3-14 114379 riven60797 2024-2-22 17:57
[讨论] 有人知道新基讯么?听说他们家5G电话打通了? 新人帖 attach_img rfbeginner 2024-2-4 41005 ysy722 2024-2-6 14:31
[资料] Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Systems attachment  ...23456..8 xiaohaolaoda 2019-1-2 7915107 fengyun01 2024-2-4 10:05
[资料] Multirate Signal Processing Concepts in Digital Communications attachment  ...23 chnmy 2011-5-5 297663 jiangpeng86 2024-1-22 23:08
[原创] 光通信系统设计软件OptiSystem7.0破解版下载  ...2345 zhxibawin 2013-3-5 4933468 leolf 2024-1-17 11:46
[资料] 射频常用的计算公式及解析 attachment  ...2 Billmtk 2023-1-19 192300 kahou 2024-1-15 11:11
[资料] 高通推出Snapdragon Satellite——全球首个基于卫星的解决方案能够为旗舰智能手机和其它类... attachment Billmtk 2023-1-6 1943 ufo1001 2023-11-29 08:57
[资料] 射频通信基础:三种接收机的介绍和比较 attachment Billmtk 2022-12-29 61136 sino_crane 2023-11-14 11:03
[资料] 3GPP协议最新,38101协议,终端射频天线指标要求 attachment 01357bnm 2023-10-20 1939 arklau 2023-10-20 22:27
[资料] SNR、EVM、Rho、Code_Domain之间的关系分析及应用 attachment  ...234 vikingg 2014-10-12 3512440 wonder308 2023-10-7 15:56
[资料] MIMO-OFDM wireless communication technology and MATLAB implementation attach_img  ...23 satish_acad 2021-12-27 212737 GodLoveGXB 2023-10-6 01:06
[求助] 求書:Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Systems attach_img Capricorn0115 2019-1-2 22510 sutaotao2001 2023-10-4 09:05
[资料] 杂散 attachment  ...2 simoncm 2010-2-22 145482 kuan 2023-10-3 19:53
[资料] V2X资料 attachment shawn104 2022-10-27 31411 kuan 2023-10-3 16:07
[资料] 信道均衡 attachment  ...2 wugh 2010-9-8 189390 icwqz 2023-10-3 14:44
[资料] nlint User Guide and Tutorial和Rule Category文档,nlint的第一参考资料 attachment  ...23456..9 mingqi 2012-12-18 8030082 orwell 2023-9-27 15:28
[资料] 3D Integration and Packaging of mmWave Circuits and Antennas attachment Billmtk 2022-12-29 7896 auch0311 2023-9-8 17:15
[资料] 国之重器出版工程 5G丛书 5G UDN(超密集网络)技术详解 杨立,黄河,袁弋非,鲁照华,... attachment lhxcyz 2022-12-2 41213 jw216 2023-8-21 21:02
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[资料] 《交换原理与技术》的课件,学通信的可以看看。。。 attachment  ...2 tq2011 2011-5-5 124353 StrayCat 2023-8-4 09:37
[资料] 三大类6G领域,进展、趋势 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-19 2944 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:32
[资料] GaN功率晶体管:器件、技术和可靠性 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-15 61075 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:29
[资料] 先进封装中的未知数和挑战 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-23 4918 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:13
[资料] 《工业和信息化部关于微波通信系统频率使用规划调整及无线电管理有关事项的通知》解读 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-7 1706 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:12
[资料] 高通骁龙卫星系统功能更强大,未来击败苹果卫星通讯不是梦! attachment Billmtk 2023-1-6 1839 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:11
[资料] SRS信号在4Tx天选中的作用 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-15 2878 amigo.change 2023-7-2 11:09
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[资料] 国之重器出版工程 5G丛书 5G时代的承载网 万芬,余蕾,况璟 等编著 2019年版 attachment lhxcyz 2022-12-2 4945 ahshima 2023-6-27 10:25
[资料] 国之重器出版工程 5G丛书 5G承载关键技术与规划设计 罗成,程思远,江巧捷,谢维信,... attachment lhxcyz 2022-12-2 41048 ahshima 2023-6-27 10:16
[资料] Introduction to MIMO Communications 2014版 attachment  ...23456..7 duozuo9966 2014-8-12 6214366 zlhrsy 2023-6-17 20:25
[资料] LTE-Advanced and Next Generation Wireless Networks attachment  ...2 newmsgnet 2014-2-20 124575 zzabc 2023-6-2 14:14
[资料] Wiley - 2006 - The Art of Error Correcting Coding, 2nsd Ed attachment  ...23 seuliu 2010-1-7 256397 zzabc 2023-6-2 13:38
[资料] 新年大礼 _ 5G演进:从Rel-15到Rel-18重点解读,建议收藏!(内含福利) attachment Billmtk 2023-1-5 91122 chinaing 2023-5-8 10:20
[原创] 【LTE-B3G/4G移动通信系统无线技术】张克平 著【中文清晰版】带书签目录 attachment  ...2345 benemale 2010-12-14 4311799 2004111 2023-4-29 16:50
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